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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What a pretty Girl!! Thanks for posting the photos. :-)
  2. Congratulations on finding "Ziggy"!!! Looking forward to updates and the photos. :-)
  3. Well, besides being good keyboard recyclers. Which I solved by removing all the keys and just giving Dayo a box with all of the keys in it and purchasing a new one. This took all the fun out for him. ;-) He is a very good "Tailor". What I mean by this, is if your into the Grunge fashion, he can perforate and fray your shirts and pants turning them into "One of a kind", "Designer" clothing. I am taking bids for these fashionable clothes now. So PM your bids to me. OH, he is also good at turning the water off, right in the middle of trying to rinse my soapy hands off. Then wants to bite when I try to turn it back on without paying a ransom of a yummy Almond. :blink:
  4. As Char said, it is better safe than sorry. Only a vet can tell if your Grey has more damage than just a "Sprain". You can not see internal joint and bone structure. Also, if he is in pain, your vet will give some meds that will ease it and also he or she would probably advise to keep him caged and quiet to let it mend for a few days.
  5. "I was going to take my camera so I could provide some pictures of Ziva that Judy requested I post here. I'll try to take a few photos of Steve's facilities at Hartman Aviary." That would be wonderful. Looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing how the visit went. :-)
  6. Awwww, they are adorable. Macaws are so cute and funny when that young. They sure do grow fast. The size increase is amazing from week to week. Thanks for sharing these photos. It would be nice if you posted weekly updates so others can see the drastic changes that take place in just 7 days. :-)
  7. Jay - I am the one sorry. I spoke too soon, not knowing it was a young Cherry head and thus "Assumed" it was a Mitred. The red cap will indeed become full with a little more aging. We all know what happens when one assumes...... It is indeed a Cherry head and a stinker at that!! :-)
  8. Jay - That is a Mitred Conure, not a Cherry Head Conure. A Cherry Head, has a complete red capped head. :-)
  9. Yoshi sounds like he is doing GreYt for his first 24 hours home. Rest up and let eveyone get used to each other. :-) Thanks for the update.
  10. Awww, I love Mitreds and Indian Ringnecks. Thanks for sharing the photos of these guys. :-)
  11. Congratulations on your new babies landing!!! :-)
  12. I would imagine their activity level as they age will largely be determined by how they are kept active by their owners. A caged animal or critter of any kind, after years of being caged becomes in many cases almost comatose compared to their wild counter parts or well kept and mentally stimulated captive ones that remain active until death. If your bird is flighted and is allowed plenty of time to keep their cardio vascular system and has lots of out of cage time and toys to play with, they will be active for decades. It will become less than a young kid grey under 5 years, but they will still enjoy bashing and chewing toys and good flights in and out doors.
  13. tabbytai - It's GreYt to hear you have reconsidered this. It will not take long at all for your Grey to learn to maneuver, bank, hover and how to slow down or stop. They are very intelligent, as I'm sure you already know and thus she is more reluctant to just take off without thinking a flight plan through first. :-) I am looking forward to hearing how her continued flights progress. :-)
  14. Welcome LuvThoseGreys and Flock!! It sounds like you have a lot of experience and it's always GreYt to hear of someone that is doing the breeding for the love of them. It is also good to hear of breeders that look for responsible, good homes for their babies. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos and videos when you get a chance.
  15. Welcome Harmonicaman and Zive!! It's GreYt having you here and thanks for the wonderful introduction. :-) Ziva sounds like a wonderful Grey and with your plans of continued socialization and trips with you to work and other places will get her used to change. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  16. Welcome Becky and Red!! It's GreYt having you and Red here. :-) The noise you are hearing is probably a growl, which Greys will do when afraid. The camera is probably something new to him and of course, so are you. ;-). It will take a week or two, maybe even more, for red to settle in to his new home and surroundings including the new flock he has joined. Time and patience will bring out the real red in there. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  17. Welcome Johann!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  18. Welcome Phred!! Truthfully, you cannot trust a Dog around your bird without up-close and personal supervision. I have Dobermans and for the most part they are used to my Grey. However, when he flies, they get excited, like most dogs do, because they are sight oriented and that wing flapping and air beating down on them gets them very excited. Letting you bird bit your dog is a VERY BAD thing to try. My dogs would bite back instantly in retaliation, as would a German shepherd. I have my dogs and birds out at the same time, but I watch them like a hawk and truthfully, there have been 2 very scary incidents in the last 2 years. I know that only 2 days out of 730, but that 2 too many. Just introduce them at a distance and let them become used to each other. After that, all you can do is see how the relationship develops. I need to add, my Grey is now flighted so he can stay away from the dogs safely. When we first got him he was clipped and could not escape if he tried to flap down somewhere. Others will have other opinions. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/20 22:31
  19. Great video of Mocha. Thanks for sharing with us so often. It is wonderful watching Mocha grow so rapidly. :-)
  20. Medic3709 wrote: Are you getting a side salad and cooked veggies as well? Congratulations, can't wait to hear the update and see photos. :-)
  21. Judy is spot on. Enjoy your new baby and don't sweat decisions you won't need to make for many months. You'll get to know your Greys personality as it matures a little and have plenty of time to chat with the many of us that chose to let our birds be flighted. :-)
  22. YaY!! Looking forward to seeing photos after your all settled in and baby is safe and comfy. :-)
  23. Very nice soundtracks. Thanks for sharing this!! :-)
  24. Looks like Koko is really enjoying those outings and flying. The videos were wonderful to watch. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  25. You have probably done nothing wrong. Your Grey is at and age it is realizing and learning that it has some control over what it wants and if it wants to step up or not for example. They use their beak to tell you this. :pinch: Your baby is growing up and becoming independent. The most important thing to learn is a Parrots body language and eyes pinning. You can know a bite is coming before it happens and just stop moving your hand towards them. Why don't you introduce yourself in the introduction room so others will know we have a new member? :-)
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