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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. HI Matt, Both sexes will display this behavior. We gave my male Grey an couple of plastic Easter Eggs back during that period and He treated them like a real egg, very gently. He also exhibited the same nesting, scratching behaviour you've described. It's really cute to watch, isn't it? :-)
  2. LOL - He may very well be jealous. He's a baby himself and thinks he should have 100 percent of your attention. The other possibility is, He thought "What!!.. Don't you know these things can kill you?" as he walks away in total disbelief you didn't know that...
  3. Hahahahahahahaha, it is obviously BIG FUN for Thorn. Wait until Thorn picks up a Dog bark and sends your cat a running!! Thanks for sharing this.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/15 15:06
  4. Holy cow, I think your in competition with the toy store. I do believe you have more Toys on display than they do. Now I know where to go to find a good toy! :-) Of course, I know I would probably have to wrestle a toy out of Harvey's dead Talon. Very cool photo and nice setup. :-)
  5. What a good looking pair of birds. :-) It sounds like Yoshi may grow up to be a drummer, the way he or she is attracted to the drum and cymbal sounds. Thanks for sharing your visit and the photo.
  6. Emma is like a kid in Disneyland..... So many things to do....which first? Hmmmmmm....This one......or......this one.....or this one.....or..... Video cute video of Emma, she is a real doll. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, what a smart birdy...."I'll be right back"..... Whisper is becoming a real smarty pants!!!! :-) Thanks for the morning laugh!! Karma to you.
  8. Nice photos of your flock. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  9. Congratulations on Darwins first words and sentence!! It's GreYt to hear from you again and that all is going so well for you. :-) Thanks for tposting this and all the photos, Darwin is beautiful.
  10. I've seen this before and would like to do some beheading myself..... of those whom do this.....
  11. "Which brings me to my first question. Here in Florida, the mosquito's are terrible. Are they going to bother the bird when she has outside time with us?" You bet the Mosquitoes can cause a problem. They carry very dangerous diseases that can kill your grey or other birds. A Mosquito net is a must if their outside. Scratches on their beak is normal. It's GreYt to hear she is doing so well and your very fortunate she just gives little warning nips. She truly sounds like a very sweet Grey. :-)
  12. GreYt news that Chikki is doing well!! Thanks for the update and hoping you'll hear a "Firdt Word" soon. :-)
  13. danmcq

    Sony-My Cat

    Oh, that is Great news Marie !!! Prayers and good thoughts going your way for a speedy and successful outcome of this ordeal.
  14. GO!! Enjoy!!! Lyric won't have too many parties while your gone. ;-) :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgjxnHMF0zs <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/13 20:57
  15. Yep, low and slow for the first week or two. They will climb all over their cage. It's just incase they fall, that the towels are needed to cushion the landing.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/13 20:51
  16. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.................never had that happen before. :whistle: :laugh:
  17. GreYt photo of gorgeous Harvey having a seed stick. Our Grey destroys them also, big fun. Thanks for sharing this photo.
  18. Sallas wrote: LOL!! I was.... errr.... a wee lad of 6 when the programming instructor covered COBOL...just for Historical purposes. As was our hardware class on Transistor theory, back when it was still a can with 3 legs....:whistle:
  19. Congratulations!!! How exciting is that?? :-) I loved the video of Ecko saying his name and calibrating it in various tones and pitchs. Thanks for sharing this and Karma to you!!
  20. Pat, RPO would certainly help. Macaws in the wild eat tons of Palm fruit including the nut inside. As you have already described, I would just keep all the food in front of him you have. You know he won't over eat. It takes time to put weight on. I don't remember if you have taken Harley to a vet yet or not. But, since you mention supplements, I would take him in for a full blood Panel. Starvation can cause several serious health issues that only your vet could diagnose and recommend the best treatment to get him back on track quickly.
  21. Oh No Zandische. How terrible. :ohmy: I know your feelings very well and you having endured them for a month now is really wearing on your both physically and mentally I'm sure. Please know that we're here for you anytime, even PM me or anyone else if you just want to chat about it. I pray that Athena is already in a safe place and that it's just a matter of you finding them or them finding you.
  22. As Judy said, ignoring and not responding at all to those screams is the best way to stop them. If a different and more agreeable sound is made, respond to it. They learn behavior based up responses. Only respond to things you like, such as a more tolerable chirp as a contact call.
  23. It took took 1.6 years for all of Dayos flights to molt out. He had 5 on each side "long clipped, meaning he could still fly, but not gain altitude. The time is variable depending on several different factors from bird to bird. An example of this would be if your bird damages a flight feather. This would result in that feather molting out and being replaced sooner.
  24. Well, congratulations on taking in a Grey in need of a new loving home!! Madison sounds like a wonderful Grey just needs to time to adjust and get her bearings. She evidently prefers males and thus latched onto your husband as a "Familiar" and perhaps preferred human sex. Your doing all the right things and even as number two banana, the more distant relationship will hopefully become closer or more time. :-) Karma to you for taking in Madison.
  25. LOL!! Whisper IS a smart little Stinker and knows it!! :-) Thanks for sharing that.
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