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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Then Smokie it is. :-) Thanks for the update and photos.
  2. Relax and enjoy your Grey as Jooles said. :-) Hey, your Grey is only 16 weeks old (4mos) give the baby a break. :-) He will soon be entertaining you with many new whistles and sounds he learns from those he hears in your home. He will also be listening and watching your very carefully. They learn from seeing items and actions your doing. If you are describing what you are giving him or what you are doing consistently, he will know exactly what those words mean in terms of items and actions. The first step in talking, is you will hear sometimes what sounds like low level sounds the you think may be mumbling, it is and they are calibrating before they ever announce that word to the world. You've got a ways to go in time, so enjoy your grey, gets lots of photos and videos so we can enjoy them too. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/05 15:46
  3. Loved the additional videos Robin. Dixie is really a good talker and a character in combining words and using them for different items. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them all. :-)
  4. Pfccamp wrote: As the others have said, you have a very mature Grey that has been rehomed and needs time to adjust to the new environment and people. Patience, patience, patience and love is the key. You Grey is pulling a move on you that they learn very early in childhood with humans. It is BIG FUN to do the fake "I wanna scratch" or "Yeah, offer me that treat" and BAM gotcha!! "Hahahahahahahaha", you can hear that Grey belly laughing to himself. My cuddle muffin Grey does the same thing. Your Grey is not an aggressive mean bird. An aggressive mean bird would not try that game, it would just straight up attack you biting several times inflicting very deep and severe wounds. It would Growl at you with feathers fluffed everytime you even looked at the cage from a near distance. This truly sounds like a good grey that simply needs time and for you to learn to read his body language and if in doubt, do not even try, thus eliminating the slightest opportunity to receive a bite. Just sit next to his cage and talk to him, read by him, watch tv by him etc. He will know quickly that you are a friend, not a foe. :-)
  5. GreYt video of Dixie swinging and chattering away. Loved it!! Thanks for posting it. karma to you. :-)
  6. No, you said they heard him "Whistling" from the roof top, not growling. I meant he was contact calling from the roof top when the shop owner heard him and coaxed him down. :-)
  7. Awwww, he was contact calling to the flock (you and family) but the food got to his empty stomach. What a story!!!
  8. Wonderful news and what a story. if it not been for messengers 1 and 2, you woul dhave never found Chikki do to those people already being attached to him. Did they say hwo long they had him? I'm so excited for you and know you feeling well. :-) Congratulations!!! :-):woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  9. It sounds more like She was frightened by something or possibly just knowing she was home alone and flapped around inside her cage to me and damaged all the feathers you mentioned.
  10. Ah Ha!!! Thats why He's eating Sooooooo much. The better to "Gurge" you with my dear.
  11. All he wants. they will not over feed like a Dog and Barf. He may well have not been getting enough food at his last home. So he his getting his weight back upto the ~ 2 pounds or so it should be at or he just likes the menu at your place. Who knows, the bottom line is he's happy!!! :-)
  12. Awwww, what a touching mental picture this bedtime story brings. Thanks for sharing this Pat. I think Harvey believes he is in Heaven and you are an Angel. :-) Karma to you.
  13. Best of luck and prayers for you Arun. Does the description of the flower pot and area, buildings close by seem familiar to you or have you searched for ones like described? God Bless - Dan
  14. tigerlover wrote: Yes, just relax (You control you emotions) and let your new Grey be himself and come to you when he feels comfortable with it. Visible shaking means he is fearful and you certainly do not want to get within his comfort space. He will come around to you on his on terms and time. If you just let that intense desire go, you will relax and he will relax. They are VERY intuitive and can sense your emotions. Judy gave you EXCELLENT advice. :-) Looking forward to those photos.
  15. The others all gave good advice and comments. Just leave the cage door open and let him explore and learn the lay-out of your home, good perching places, bad perching places (like lamps that will fall over) and how to gain good fight control and coordination. He will get over the crashing and also the distrust of you soon. Babies are very resilient and adaptive. Relax and enjoy you new Grey! :-)
  16. Thanks for the new photos of showering and outtings. They are GreYt!!!! :-)
  17. I go with Chimays suggestion of tossing that stuff and doing a thorough dienfecting of that cage. In regards the cage, unless it was HUGE for a conure, you should purchase a larger cage for your Grey.
  18. Holy Cow, thats one BIG BALL!! I've purchased smaller ones and stuffed items inside it. But yours looks like BIG FUN!! :-) Thanks for psoting the photo.
  19. I would recommend keeping the sleep hours the same for Zzero and your hours of interaction with him are what changes depending on which shift your on. My wife's schedule changes at times like that and I leave to work in san jose for 3 to five days at a time at 230 in the morning. What I do as I am passing the cage at "O dark thirty" is just tell dayo "Bye, I love you Dayo". I forgot to do that about 2 weeks ago and Kim said Dayo was upset and acting different that day. Maybe he thought I was upset with him for some reason and didn't say my normal goodbye. Anyway, your birds sleep is what needs to stay constant and not change different days of the week when your schedule does. Atleast thats my thoughts on this. :-)
  20. Welcome Gao and congratulations on the baby Grey soon to come home! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  21. Welcome Tracie and congratulations on getting a baby Grey!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. GreYt story, photos and love the "Skull Crunch" technique Jim is using on Spock.
  23. GreYt photos, thanks for sharing them. Dayo has had a basket for 8 months, so far it is a no-go. Don't know why, I know he would love shredding it to bits once he got started. :-)
  24. Another out of the Ball Park hit by davey!! :-)
  25. Welcome Pugman, Sophie and Captain Jack!! It's GreYt having you here. It is always good to hear of someone taking in an older Grey and giving it a good loving home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
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