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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. I agree with the others comments. A one year old Grey is still a baby and VERY adaptable, pliable and not set too much in their ways like a 5+ year old fully adult bird. They are just learning that they have a will of their own and start trying to use it. All owners go through this whether they have had the bird from 16 weeks old or not. It is a natural growing process of how they are to deal with the world and people around them, just like human children mature. Go and see which Grey picks you at the breeders. Watch all their personalities, check out all their physical attributes, like having all toes, good feathers, nares clear etc.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/31 16:15
  2. No bird is comfortable around a fast moving unpredictable object, like a kid running, hopping, flapping their arms and just acting crazy like a kid does. My Grey has been around children that age from 4yrs to 13 years old, since the day we brought him home. He is used to them, however he has learned those under 7 or so are untrustworthy and views them cautiously keeping his distance and keeping on eye on where they are. We started from day one teaching the kids NOT to move fast or quickly place items they have in their hands straight in the birds face. It always results in a loud scream, fluffed feathers and a Grandpa screaming louder than the Grey. :angry: Your Grey reacted as any would. So it is not a sentence to every child your Grey may encounter, but is a warning to you, that you must control the atmosphere when people are over and teach them good bird etiquette. Otherwise, the birds need to be caged when young ones are over and that area is "Off Limits" because kids will tease them.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/31 16:08
  3. KHAN wrote: Uh Oh, an enemy of the Federation has retuned Jim. You better watch it out there. Khan is no joke!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/31 15:56
  4. What a terrible accident. I am so glad to hear this turned out ok. Thanks for posting this. It definitely brings up a good point of how dangerous these toys and their connectors can be to our much loved Parrots.
  5. Welcome Diana and Johan!!! It's GreYt having you hear. It's always good to hear how someone has been researching long in advance of making the final decision to go get a Grey. :-) It's sound like you have already already made preparations and important decisions a head of time. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. Ah Ha! Thanks for the video link. Now I am going to find the entire song with words and Rice.
  7. JillyBeanz wrote: Does it shoot rice all over the house??? ;-) Dayo whistles Andy Griffith and God knows what else he has invented and picked up..... I keep waiting for him to "Whistle" the song "Highway to Hell", cause thats where he's going for all the death and destruction he has caused since his arrival on his Harley....with a bunch of hooligan his friends wearing Red Tails.... :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/30 21:19
  8. Dayo finds they are too heavy to air-lift..... therefore he sees no use or fun in them.
  9. LOL Jim - Remember, it is against Federation Law to interfere with the natural evolution of those on other Worlds...... Data out ..... end of Transmission... B)
  10. Mums the word here ..... B)
  11. JillyBeanz wrote: I just take the 5th on that question either way you wish it to be taken. Ok, Jilly, you get one more night in fantasyland. But, don't blame me if you wake up and it's still the "Other" Grey. :-)
  12. So, Harvey has finally decided that the wooing and Honeymoon is over. You are now seeing the REAL Harvey, all that "Best Behaviour", Manners and extra grooming that it took to get you to fall head over heels in love with him is Done, finished and forgotten. Now, it is time to turn the place into His place, oh and the toilet seat will be left UP from now on....
  13. GreYt photos and thread. Guess I'll need to find some old photos of Dayo on the Wine Rack that is now his play area. :-)
  14. Absolutely gorgeous!! They are so precious in those very early weeks. :-) Thanks for posting these photos of Harley.
  15. danmcq


    Ice Cubes are BIG FUN!! Dayo loves trying to eat and play with them as well. :-)
  16. Poppy wrote: I know xanax and shots of 151 rum works pretty well. Seriously though, it sounds like your grey is going to be in very good hands and a very nice environment. Your pain and nervousness will probably be greater than your greys. :-)
  17. Thanks for the update Maxx. It sounds like you and Gizmo are both much happier, other than the administration of the meds. :-)
  18. Wow, what a Greyt poem you have written for our resident guru of guru's, Dave007!!! Good job Davey!! :-)
  19. All the others have given GreYt input on the safe transport of your new baby and Davey as always hit a home run with your new babies special poem. :-) Looking forward to the homecoming update and photos!! :-)
  20. Welcome Lindsey and flock, herd, cats and fishes!! It's GreYt having you here. Thanks for posting such a nice introduction. It's wonderful that you can go visit our baby Grey everyday. That makes the coming home day much more tolerable. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  21. Welcome katana600 and ever growing flock!! It's GreYt to have you here. :-) What a wonderful introduction and story. It's always wonderful to hear of people rescuing a Parrot from a bad environment as you and your husband did. The Alaskan trip may be off, but you will have nothing but joy from those two Parrots for the rest of your life. :-) Congratulations on Juno being a Boy and the name fits perfectly. The photo shows a beautiful healthy baby CAG. It's always GreYt when you can visit while they are at the Breeders and the BIG PLUS is he picked you!! :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  22. danmcq


    Yes, let his wings grow out. He will for the most part fly on his own, since it pretty much comes naturally. :-) When you get him home in his own cage, you will probably not experience the need for a towel, as is evidently necessary where you are visiting at. Just enjoy your visits with him and let him kick around at his own pace and do what he wants. he obviously truly enjoys the time spent with you. :-)
  23. What a beautiful girl you have there! Looking forward to hearing of the homecoming!! :-)
  24. Words can not describe my sympathy for you. That is almost unbearable heartache to deal with. Only you can decide if you want to try again with a different breeder. I wish you the best in making your decision. :-)
  25. Great things you keep doing jayd in rescuing!! :-) Looks like anothe rbeautiful flock addition. Looking forward to hearing updates on him.
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