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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Annie Get your Guns!! Frank you and all of us have every right to be mad as hell!! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/24 17:11
  2. Stunning imagery!!!! Thanks for posting this Heather!! :-)
  3. danmcq


    What an entertaining "Bath Time" video!! :-) I also watched your "Ozzie Love" video. Don't you just love that "I want to be close to you" panting. Very good videos you have there! Karma to you.
  4. What cute photos of those babies. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  5. caitb2007 wrote: Right on Caitlin. As Dave, Char and many others have so rightly said, no reaction of a hard bite is NOT going to get the message across that it is not proper social behaviour. In the wild they learn very quickly as chicks that the beak can inflict pain and if they use it do do so, they receive a NEGATIVE reaction by the other bird letting it know that is not socially acceptable. I could never believe when reading those "Don't React" statements in books or thread on the Internet that promulgate it!! If they receive no corrective reaction, they think it's perfectly fine. Only a moron would sit and let a bird bite hard and keep clamping down until the tendons, blood veins or whatever else is going to get seriously damaged. Would they let a Dog bite them and not react? I think NOT! Does anyone let their child bite with no reaction, I think NOT! Enough said on that. The others have all given Greyt advice and comments on things to try. Every Grey is different and thus will accordingly respond to different techniques. As you work through these you've been given, you'll find the ones that work best with your Grey. One thing to keep in mind, Ecko knows proper etiquette as evidenced by how he interacts with your husband. You are on a different level of personal relationship with him, just as I am with dayo. Always know this and approach and request things according to that level. Yes, I force Dayo to do things he doesn't want to do for me, but if I see he's gonna bite, I make a fist in go in with skin drawn tight on the back of the hand and he has learned that resistance is futile because the hand keeps on coming and he has no choice other than to step up or fly away. He is not getting me to back down or walk away in pain. For the most part after MUCH TIME, he has really gotten to where he just goes ahead and steps up now, but no lovey dovey stuff, just get the trip over. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/24 16:26
  6. What a GreYT story of how Rita was found. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  7. Hahahahahahahaha, very entertaining story. Thanks for the visual!! :-)
  8. Char gave good advice on listening to the Suns common scream. :-) I thought I wanted one until listening to them for a while. :pinch: A Jardine would be a wonderful choice.
  9. Welcome Larry, Christina and Keagan!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) It's always wonderful to hear of someone choosing to rescue and provide a good and loving home for them. Looking forward to hearing how that goes. :-)
  10. And thrashing Jakes cage.....while Jake just sits behind the camera with me and eats an almond and watches.... not paying any attention to Dayo calling him. ;-)
  11. The personality stages were written in a generic average sense. Every bird is different just like people. I had a 12 week old Grey fly across the room and bite my hand severely when visiting our breeders. That grey was evidently upset with me for some unknown reason or just didn't like the way I looked. That was one out of 8 Greys from 2 clutches all around 12 weeks old. I personally called it the "Grey from Hell". However, I understand the present owners have experienced nothing but a "love muffin". I would not be too concerned. Your Grey is more outgoing, bolder and more expressive of his desires than some. Just watch his body language and learn to NOT present a situation that you know will invoke a bite. Your Grey is very young and you have lots of time to establish a great relationship with him. :-)
  12. GREYT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to hearing the whole scoop. :-)
  13. GreYt answer Dave. Now, where did I put my swatter...there's gonna be a lot going on here shortly ;-) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/23 20:52
  14. caitb2007 wrote: Yes, Dayo will step-up and interact with me on a very personal level when my wife is not home or is not in the same room. Once she is in direct presence, Dayo has nothing on his mind except Mommy!! He will bite me much harder than her. He gives her more of just a strong warning pressure bite when he doesn't want to comply. Me, he'll bite the crap out of. But, if it's non negotiable, I persist until he steps up. He is now 2yrs 3mts old and has mellowed for the most part. When he was 6 mo to 1.5 yrs, he was definitely testing his boundaries and most the time it was on me. He would still normally comply with his love muffin mommy.
  15. I know how you feel caitlin. Dayo was MY Grey. :-) But, he took to my wife and it has remained that way from 6 weeks old. he did go through a spell from 6 months onward where he would bite me and draw blood if I didn't pay close attention to his body language. He has never dive bombed me though. The Only thing you can do is keep loving him and doing as you are. Only time will resolve this as long as you remain the consistent person you are and just accept that he likes your BF as the #1 favored person.
  16. Pulling out the Karnak Hat, it says "Male".
  17. Is it not possible to get your deposit back and find another apartment since the "Rules" changed AFTER you placed the deposit? You were very cautious in insuring the apartment you found and placed the deposit on did allow pets and parrots.
  18. This is a sad and good thing all in one. Sad for you and good for Riley's first owner and Riley too. Perhaps this will give you the opportunity of getting a just weaned Grey and experiencing your Grey from it's beginning life's journey. :-)
  19. Happy Birthday Janet. It sounds like you had a truly wonderful day. :-) I would love to see that photo!!
  20. Wow, what a Harem you have there Spock. Thanks for having your servant post these photos and give us the supper run down.
  21. Dayo is on our shoulders almost constantly. If you wear earrings, lose them before your birdy get's on your shoulder.... It like Judy's "nutshell" concept as Dave pointed out.
  22. Welcome Charliesmom and Charlie!! It's GreYt having you here. Charlie sounds like a hoot with a large personality. Looking forward to hearing more, seeing more photos and videos when you get a chance. :-)
  23. Welcome Claire and Louie!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) It's like you have a lot of experience and Louie is quite a character. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos and videos.
  24. Thats not a bad chirp at all from my perspective. It is normal for them to chirp, whistle, call etc. if your around and they know it. It appears he is plucking also, which either indicates he is very frustrated or could be a health issue also that you may want to think about getting checked out by a vet. Two hours is not really much out of cage time. The best medicine is to ignore them, but I'm telling you that chirp is nothing abnormal to hear when your present and your bird wishes to be with you. :-)
  25. Congratulations on gettign another Grey!! :-) Looking forward to seeing photos. :-)
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