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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The others are spot on regarding Crow behaviour. Their intelligence is well known and documented. They exhibit a cooperative defense behavior where they will often gang-up on or “mob” an enemy until it leaves the area. It is possible your Grey appears very much as a Red Tailed Hawk to them and thus, the "Mobbing" you experienced. You may want to check before you take your Grey out for crows in the area. They can call one another and amass a mob very quickly.
  2. Wow, I'll bet your daughter was shocked at having a Grey Parrot fly into her Arms. :-) It's wonderful that you are trying to find the owner so diligently! You may also want to check Craigs List http://atlanta.craigslist.org/search/pet?query=parrot&catAbbreviation=pet , Parrotalert911: http://www.911parrotalert.com/SearchDatabase.html in your area for reports of lost African Greys. You can also post the parrot as "Found" on them. There should be food in the Grey's cage at all times. It will either have been on a seed or pellet diet. Buy some medium size parrot pellets at the pet store such as Zupreem fruity blend, also buy a bag of seed mix for medium size parrot like Kaytee Fiesta blend. Try the pellets first and see if the bird eats them. If not, then place the seed mix in the cage as well. I'll bet that Grey is hungry!! Please update us on the status of this Grey. We are a very caring community of Parrot lovers and will help all we can as you find the need to seek it. :-)
  3. Welcome Raysan!! Sorry to hear of the loss of your previous Grey, but congratulations on finding another. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  4. Welcome Wolfspirit and Max!! It's GreYt having you here. The photos show a good looking TAG and no feather plucking visibly evident. It's good to hear he has settled right in and is enjoying his new home and family. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/04 14:01
  5. JohnNJ wrote: Actually, I live in the San Joaquin Valley. Summer highs hit 112 and winter lows go down into the teens.
  6. LOL - GreYt conversations Ziva!! Rudy's Mom - I love the morning wake-up conversation involving the whole flock!!
  7. Thanks, that video is always good to watch again. :-) Alex and Dr. Pepperburg certainly turned the world upside down in terms of Parrot intelligence.
  8. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, thanks for the morning laugh!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :lol: :lol:
  9. Most birds like many noises and actually enjoy them. Thus a bird throwing stainless bowls, dishes, cup, toys etc. to hear the crash, ding, clang etc. Noises that irritate them ,just irritate and piss them off, from what I've seen in my grey. I tried growlng at my Grey a few times to see if he would naturally recognize that what he was doing was not acceptable.... He just fluffed up and growled back...... so I dropped that theory. :whistle:
  10. Yep, every evening about 7, our grey wants scratches, cuddles then he just wants to sit there on one foot and nod in and out of consciousness. Then he goes to bed between 8 and 830.
  11. We keep our home 68 at night and 76 day during the winter months. Summer months the house is 83 day and 76 night. We also roll them outside in the summer mid-morning and once the temperature hits around 90, you can see the birds are starting to overheat due to wings held out a little and beak open for deeper breathing. We take them in before they reach that point of course. We also run a humidifier and keep the room at 45 percent.
  12. KiwiandSally wrote: Hahahahahahahaha, that is hilarious. Your Grey is literally "Falling" for you. Of course, you do deserve a Raspberry for not responding. {Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}
  13. How Heart Wrenching. At least he and you had the opportunity to give and feel love to each other. Cherish those times, as your video shows. You have my sincere heartfelt condolences.
  14. How sad. Please pass on my condolences to her.
  15. danmcq

    Link for Tv

    What a wonderful interview and information that was. You have obvioulsy found a great clininc and program that treats individuals and has wonderful results, as you are such a good example of. Congratulations Carol!! :-)
  16. Hahahahahahah Jan! Love that Tobie and all the videos. :-)
  17. GreYt photos of Mocha fledging!! It looks like your Grey is having some fun giving chase as well. Thanks for the wonderful photos.
  18. I just want to say something about "Negative" responses. All birds understand them and use them to communicate to one another and also to us. A bite or threat there of, is a "Negative" communication coming our way to let us know it's not acceptable or they do not want to comply. I do not buy into the "Birds don't understand punishment" theory. Of course, I do not view giving negative feedback such as stopping the activity, returning the bird to the cage or getting the "Stick" for step-up, as punishment, but rather as a "Negative" indicator to them, which they DO understand. Positive rewards for doing something like a trick or command of course work wonders with lots of high fives, treat etc. as has already been stated here. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/02 15:19
  19. I have never considered a flight suit, primarily because I did not want to add more "Stuff" to put on Dayo other than the harness. Pooping in various places is not an issue with me and places we go. If it happens to be a friends house, they already know to get some towles out. :-) We rarely take him to any house, other than our Breeders to visit and have good times.......they are used to the poop. ;-)
  20. Welcome Jingles, Flock and Pack!! GreYt photos, thanks for sharing them and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  21. Welcome snakeopus and Bismark!! It's GreYt having you here. He sounds like quite the character. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  22. Welcome Leda and Rodney!! It sounds like you have had quite the adventure in moving. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and time progresses and Rodney comes around.
  23. There they are, oh look, the Angel and the Devil in the same house. Thanks for posting these!! :-)
  24. They are very hard to find and are in fact a VERY endangered species in the wild. Here is a videos of them in the wild: http://www.arkive.org/blue-throated-macaw/ara-glaucogularis/video-09.html For Sale: http://www.birdfarm.com/sale/blue-throated-macaw-for-sale.asp http://www.avianadventuresaviary.com/blue-throated-macaws.html Forum: http://www.macawforum.com/ Enjoy!! :-)
  25. Darius is doing so wonderful under your loving care Pat. He is just gorgeous!!! :-)
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