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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    new toy

    Yep, as the others said, they destory toys fairly quickly if wood is involved. Perhaps you may want to get a little larger toy, if this happened to be a smaller conure sized one. :-)
  2. GreYt photos of Kookie, what a character!! Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  3. Hi Robin. It's great your are monitoring her weight closely. As long as she is maintaining her weight your doing things correctly. The best way to try and get higher Pellet consumption. Is to only leave the mash, veggies or fruit etc. in the cage for a short time, say 30 minutes. Then take them out on only leave the pellets for 3 or 4 hours, then offer veggies or bean mix etc. for 30 etc. Then back to the same scenario. Trying different pellets is a very good idea. Sephora may just end up liking one of them. I do know they all like HOT spicy things. So hopefully Harrison's and others will provide samples of the Hot and Spicy pellets. Good luck in getting her on the diet you prefer. :-)
  4. Aly~ wrote: Indeed!! Your discription of her correctly applying the shooting sounds is hilarious. What a character!! :laugh:
  5. Welcome back Hannah!!! It's GreYt hearing from you again. :-) It sounds like your life has become very abundant and full of wonderful things you and hubby have done. Looking forward tho having you here agian and hearing updates on all!!
  6. I must say, this is a well written document on the housing and conditions of that pet store. I sounds fairly similar to the Petsmart I use to purchase items for all my critters. I do feel the same as you in regards, the "Bird Mills" they come from. The problem with pet store birds in a franchised large chain. Is they are there to make money. To do this, they must put the least effort by law and dictated by corporate policies on how much time each bird gets. Believe me, the time is not sufficient to social or train these young birds at all. Then to top things off, they are in those cubes getting poked at by kids, plastic knocked on etc. This produces a bird that views people as a threat and something they learn to hate if left in those conditions long enough. I always stop by the caged Parrots and just smile, talk in a high voice and SLOWLY move my hand up to see if they have any desire whatsoever to interact a little. Most display obvious body language of fear and they back away. However, some have come to recognize me over time and actually run up to the front of the cage and we interact for a while. I wish I could purchase them all, but of course thats impossible and I leave feeling sad for them. I know how you feel and and applaud your concern. It will be interesting to see the photos and hear of any outcome or feedback you will receive from the authorities you contact. Thanks for posting this and karma to you.
  7. #13 The depth of love, responsibility and fretting as you would over one of your own children. I nor my Wife, have never felt this deeply and intensely over any other pet, that you know you will out live, can actually have a conversation with and must plan for a future owner upon your death perhaps decades later.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/17 15:15
  8. A few things you should know. The week long honeymoon is over. Your new Grey is in what some call the the "Terrible Two's", yes just like a human child. :-) Testing all the boundaries and going bonkers at times. Your Grey has come to you with baggage from the previous home. They reacted to bites by yelling OUCH and NO. This got a BIG FUN reaction out of the Grey and it continues doing it for the reaction. You need to ensure you do not continue this reaction. You are probably getting familiar with his body language, eyes pinning and the best indicator of whether their going to step up or not is lifting and placing their foot forward BEFORE you ever get your hand that close. Note I said hand. Do not have one finger sticking out that they can easily bite severely. Use your hand balled up tight and go towards him with the back of your hand and tell him step up as your hand goes in the cage. If he lifts his foot, keep going, if not say step up a few more times and continue slowly with your fisted hand. he may try to bite the back of it, but can not due to it being drawn tight. Push your hand through under him so he MUST step up. Praise him with lots of high pitched happy excited GOOD BOY's. It may take a few times, but he will learn You are not the old person and that he needs to start learning new ground rules of YOUR flock. :-) Do not use the stick-perch. he obviously does not like that. Good luck and keep us posted. I'm sure Dave and others will come in with very good suggestions also.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/16 20:50
  9. JillyBeanz wrote: Oh Cool, I can't wait to have KIM (My Wife) try it out. I'm emailing her this right away!!
  10. Congratulations on Lucy's homecoming!! She is beautiful. :-)
  11. 1. Dayo is Grey 2. He has a white face 3. His eyes are now silver, with a hint of yellow he has a Red Tail. 4. He has two Talons. 5. His under belly is basic white. 6. His beak is Black 7. He has 8 total toes. 8. His Primary feathers are Black. 9. He has a Vent. 10.Stuff comes out of #9.:ohmy: Should I be concerned? :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
  12. Emma and other videos were GreYt! Thanks to all posting them and I love the photo of HeatherStrella. Parrots are all such acrobats and fun to watch. :-)
  13. Good comments from everyone. :-) Our Grey did not come home until 16 weeks and still required a hand feeding at night, probably just because he liked it. The only reason we were able to bring him home, is we were good friends with the breeders, only lived 5 minutes away and took him back to visit at least 2x a week, which he enjoyed. The other Greys in the 2 clutches did not leave until 19 weeks.
  14. Enjoy the 2 day visit this weekend. Please get TONS of photos and post them. :-)
  15. Welcome kyddvicous13 and Lulu!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. Oh how beautiful, look at all those eggs and momma hovering over them. I want egg # 4. Please let me know when he or she is weaned. :-) Please gently mark it.
  17. Tears for that touching moment. Thanks for sharing it.
  18. What a beauty Rose is and a fitting name. :-) Thanks for posting these wonderful photos.
  19. Bravo Dave!!! Very touching Poem. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  20. Wow, how exciting!! Thanks for the update and love watching them on the webcam. They are such good parents!! :-)
  21. GreYt update on Jax. :-) Thanks for posting it and hoping to hear from you more often.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/15 20:31
  22. danmcq

    MAX Has Gone

    Mark - I am glad your daughter stumbled upon Max. Regarding your personal verbal garbage spoiled the good news. I don't know where you got any price tag on finding a Grey, but I have never stated a limit. If you want to perform verbal assaults on me, do as you did before by PM, not public where some of our younger viewers read you foul mouthed comments. Please just go back to the hole you were in. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  23. Very disturbing news. I am sorry to hear of Macet's passing. You have my heart felt condolences and prayers.
  24. That is sad Pat. I do hope he is found so you and he have some closure. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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