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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hahahahahahaha, no truer words spoken! Enough said, well put!! :-) Thanks for sharing the video.
  2. Welcome Teaka!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) They do it, I believe simply because they enjoy the sound. They love bashing bells, throwing anything they can that will clang and bang when it hits the floor etc.... BIG FUN. :-) When you get a chance, why don't you go to the welcome room and introduce yourself so others will know we have a new member.
  3. Thats wonderful news. Thanks for the update. Those under the breath speech calibrations are exciting! :-) Thanks for the update.
  4. danmcq


    Nice photos of Ben. Thanks for sharing them. :-) I think we all know the feeling of leaving our Greys. Our Grey runs back and forth, whistles, baby peeps, climbing like mad man all over his cage when we leave. He simply does not believe there is any excuse for those times we do not take him with us. ;-) I swear they are just like little human children at times. :-)
  5. I have no idea what may be wrong with your Grey. It's surprising the vet had no clue, but seems you have another vet you are taking her to. I hope all works out well and quickly. y thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted.
  6. I get Rss newsfeeds and of course the headline got my attention due to my prude nature. Please be careful with your "Butt". ;-) http://blogs.abcnews.com/campuschatter/2009/09/dial-m-for-mistake.html
  7. jessdecutie18 wrote: I whistled return calls to Dayo from the moment he started contact calling (not the little peeps when they want you). Dayos contact call, which comes naturally to them is basically a "Wolf Whistle". They will learn whistles of all types, including songs, imitate microwave beeps, alarms, phone etc. way before they start talking normally. Dayo never said a word until a year old. He was also a very "quite" baby until about 6 months old. Then he realised he had a brain and desires of his own.....LOL You can tell I did a GreYt job of nipping his own personality coming out in the bud. So whistle to your hearts content. The only caution I have is be prepared to listen to them sometimes at HIGH VOLUME. :-)
  8. Judy gave GreYt advice. One thing to consider also, if your gone to work all day and return home. Consider your Grey like a child. They have missed you dearly all day and it is a VERY exciting event after all day to see you home. They have an intense desire to be with you. The same scenario exists at our home. If we don't want our birds to fly at us the minute we walk in the door. We say hi, leave them in the cages and go change, open the mail etc. Then we let them and just know know they will be permanently clinging to one or the other of us for atleast an hour. Then they will go off and play, forage chase each other etc. Then around 7pm, is when the cuddle time urge kicks in and they remain that way until it's their night-night time. :-) Do not expect your bird to just go sit on a perch after you have been gone all day and just let him out of the cage. I can guarantee you that is not going to happen. Just leave him in the cage until your ready for him with your undivided attention. :-)
  9. OK - We are switching the forum to Carrier Pigeon. http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=24093&tag=nl.e539
  10. GreYt photos!! Koko seems to not only be protecting himself, but Mocha also. :-) I noticed in one sot he is looking down at Mocha, I presume to ensure his little buddy is doing ok. :-) Thanks for sharing these!
  11. Pearlyn - Love all those photos of Alfie out on his Harness!! Thanks for posting the link to the album. :-)
  12. Oh how adorable. Thanks for sharing this photo. :-) Gonzo is a good Father! ;-)
  13. I agree with them others regarding people trying to focus on amplifying mutions. It causes health issues in the long run. The mutations of course, are always interesting to see. :-)
  14. Oh Jan, Tobie is definitely showing the little stinker of a 2 year old. Dayo does not do any slick "Kung Foo" moves. He just acts like everything fine, then nails you!! Well, me most the time and only Kim if she "Agitates" him by stopping him from doing something. To tell you just how much of a Brat Dayo has become in the last few Months and POSSESIVE. This is just one of many incidents: Dayo flies over to the "Important" paper and stuff counter, which is OFF LIMITS and he gets removed IMMEDIATELY everytime. Well, he flew over, ran to the back of the counter, plucked a pair of nail trimmers out of a holding bowl, then flew straight up to his favorite perch. I of course am not letting him keep them so I reach up to take away. He runs, ducks weaves etc. But, I take them and turn around to place them back in the bowl. He flies to the middle of my back, pinches the hell out of the back of my neck then flies off.:pinch: Add another few "Human" attributes to a Grey as they mature.... Anger, Possessiveness and Retaliation!!
  15. I just noticed, that when I posted this yesterday. I was in such a hurry to do so from here at work, that I posted the same thing kim wrote in the first email 2x. I have edited it to show the 2nd email explaing what Dayo did specifically and his reaction to being in "LockDown". Sorry I made that initial mistake.
  16. Welcome Mike and Daisy!! It's GreYt having yo here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  17. Welcome Bphillips03 and BB!!! It sounds like you have a very well socialized 7 year old grey there that is a little nervous in the new and letting letting you know she is friendly and just wants to join the flock. Just reassure BB and let her get used to the new home, surroundings and people. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  18. My wife is at home, looking for work...laid off 4 weeks ago in 2nd rounds. She may be Dayo's "Cuddle Muffin", but just so you others know what a 2 year old can be like: Kim- " Ok............Dayo in cage now. Being very BAD 2 year old! Wants HIS way.............biting, flying into my hair, etc. Bad bird - BAD!" My reply Email Reply- "What did he do?" Kim - He can take the faucet off now & chew the rubber hose. 4 times I went to get him. After the 4th time, I put him in the cage. I don't want the faucet torn up!!! Now he's saying "OK, good boy!" "I'm sorry!" Until he gets out of his cage.........then he'll be ornery again! UGH! I hate it when he gets in these moods. My Email Reply - "LOL! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/09/10 15:21
  19. Those sound like pin feathers that your Conure can not preen. If it will allow you, you can remove the sheeth surrounding the feather inside.
  20. Congratulations of the eggs!!! Please keep photos and information updated. A link to the webcam would be cool. :-)
  21. No need to explain why you have a Grey. Everyone in captivity needs a loving home. You REALLY need to get to a vet to have your Grey checked out. Any treatment recommendations at this point would be just guessing and that is dangerous. Each minute you delay could be the difference between life and death to your Grey. Even if is a days drive, each minute counts.
  22. LOL - Just wait until Harvey hits his twos.....:evil: Hell on wheels on day :whistle: whered the Devil go the next:evil: You just never know which one it is :whistle: :laugh:
  23. Only Andraya can overcome her fear. I am sure with the efforts Adaya is putting forth to show love that it's just a matter of time. :-)
  24. Awwwww, what a sweetheart and intelligent Grey Jenna is. Thats so comforting. :-) Thanksfor sharing this! Karma to you.
  25. Thanks all!! :-) To those who asked about Dayo saying "I'm Sorry". If you noticed, he does so with the context of either chasing Jake off and remorseful afterwards (Yeah, like a wife beater) or he will also say it to us after being a BAD Birdy. The Dobies were barking due to a neighbor having may people over, cars arriving, going etc. But, I'm positive Dayo "knew" this, of course, in all his wisdom and thus was assuring the Dobies that all was "Ok".
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