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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon


    Jeez..I wish it was a tad closer!
  2. Just to clarify...This is the first time that Nilah has gone after anyone other than my oldwst son, if she had before, I never would have let her out of her cage. I was suprised and that's why I was wondering the "why"... My niece is very sweet and quiet, so I don't think it was anything she did as she was just standing there.. So, now I am concerned as my daughter who has been away for the past 5 months is coming home tomorrow night for 1 week visit..I'm not sure how Nilah will be....I really hope I don't have to keep her in her cage for the entire week..
  3. Lulu is a beautiful amazon! I ask you, is it any different having one that old vs young?
  4. So the other day, my grand niece came over to stay for 2 days. She is from AZ and I haven't seen her in 8 years. I warned her about Nilah as he tends to give any houseguest one binge just to see how they react. My niece is 16 yrs old, and as soon as Niiah who had been in her cage all day while I was at work came out, she flew to her shoulder and did the bite. My niece was great and didn't flinch or say anything. But then Nilah bit her ear really hard and then flew onto her hand and latched on, she was attacking her. I shooed her off, scooped her up and put her in her cage and walked away. I have seen this behaviour wi her before on certain people. I can't pinpoint it. I wish I could understand what sets her off to do this on some people. Needless to say, she had to stay in her cage for the next 2 days because of this. So when I did finally let her out for breakfast when things were back to normal, she sat on my shoulder as I made breakfast, we shared toast and a bowl of oatmeal. She was walking on the table eating, then she marched over to me out of the blue, leaned into my forearm and bit me hard! She then flew off onto her freestanding and kept her distance to me and I did the same to her. Ugh! Amazons!!! She let me know....she was not very happy with me!!!
  5. I am so looking forward to the adventures!!! I am going to live thru you!
  6. Oh, they are both so beautiful!! I am so jealous. I wish Nilah had another amazon as she seems to get quite excited when she sees them on tv, but I think I have my hands full with her. Thanks for the pics!
  7. Oh my! I disappear for a few days, amd look what happens!! I am so excited for you!!!! And good for you for taking this sweetie in. I am off to find pics! Can't wait to hear the adventures of 2 amazons in your home. I'm so excited!
  8. You need to get her back to the vet ASAP! It is an emergency...she is very sick.
  9. Awww Ray, they say when it rains, it pours...I hope July brings you lots of happiness
  10. Talon

    Mini Cones

    Yes, be sure and get the mini cones, they are very tiny, perfect for them. inchest think they are even 2 inches. I can put just under a tbls of yogurt or sweet potatoe their favorite in it and sprinkle granola. The hard part is keeping them upright in the bowls as I put them into the cages. I usually add more snacks around them to help them stand up.
  11. Thats hysterical! But oh so very true, thank you for being Talons voice!! Day 2 and I walked out there and found Talon had beat me to it!! She was already their munching on a snack in the bird room!
  12. Talon

    Mini Cones

    I have been buying mini cones that are used for ice cream. I put yogurt or baby food (veggies) and sprinkle with granola inside them and give 2 to each bird in their snack bowl about once a week. They absolutely love them. They are very tiny, about 2 inches high if that. It's been a big hit!
  13. I just got home from work, after being inside in an office all day, I grabbed my iPad and went out into the bird room with Nilah. I open the living room window so she can fly in and out as she pleases. All of a sudden I hear wings flapping and the boing bell Ring. I look up and Talon flew out here on her own! Yay!!!!!!
  14. Just curious, is the cage on the floor? I have a sleep cage for my tag, and on occasion she has been stubborn about coming out...I have had to walk away and leave her and come back several times until she realized she had to step up to come out and not bite...
  15. YOU are doing a good job in trying to figure this all out, and kudos to your wife for handling it as she is and being a good sport. It is great you aren't giving up as this is probably just a testing stage, mine have done it. If I were your wife and I got bit as I tried to take her out of her cage, I would take my hand out, quietly close the door, turn my back on her and walk away out of the room. If your bird wants to come out and this becomes the routine every time your wife tries to get her out, she will eventually stop I imagine...? But don't reward her by YOU coming to her rescue to take her out, this is something your wife and your bird have to work thru.
  16. My favorite !!! Hope you get babies ad we get pictures!
  17. Gee, there is the occassional poop soup at my house, but never food dippers....of course, it could be because the water bowl is on the opposite side of the food and snack bowls?
  18. I really like the pillow case idea, then I could stuff them into their travel cages that I keep next to their cages easily. Also a box on hand is a good idea. I think we should all rethink and add to our plan.
  19. Yes, Ray, you said it wonderfully. Sometimes reading grey body language is difficult, but an amazon has no problem communicating. I find that with Nilah, she has learned that she needs to comply as much as she is able to, which isn't a lot, but I have to be smarter than her and LET her think that what I want her to do is HER idea.....
  20. I have 3 parrots, and they very much enjoy having a small flock to be with when they are in their cages and I am at work. I see it gives them comfort, as if one is in their cage they get upset if a bird or two is missing. That being said, they were ot brought up as babies together, and although they enjoy not being alone when I'm gone, they in no way are buddies. My amazon and tag do play chase thru the house, seeing who can fly faster etc. but none of my parrots really enjoy each other as far as playing and preening. They have learned TO tolerate each other and to co exist together. They do have a pecking order and they know it. Although they climb in each others cages to sneak things when the cages are left open and empty, I would NEVER EVER even under my supervision allow them in a cage together. They would for sure kill each other. A cage is their domain and they are the kings and queens of their cages. It is the only "safe" place that is completely theirs. Unless you have2 greys related and raised as babies together, you can not put or ever expect them to share a cage if you can't afford or find space for a new cage for a new bird, then don't get one. It is very important they have and continue to keep their own space. Many parrots are extremely protective per their cages and some don't allow your hand in the cage , but love you to pieces when they are out. My amazon will bite you and bite you hard if you put your hand or finger anywhere near her cage when she's in it, even me who she is very lovingly bonded too. On occasion, i have had 2 bicker over a favorite place, bigger parrot trying to chase the smaller one off, they have started fighting a few times, and yelling doesn't stop it. The only way to get them apart is to spray them with a spray bottle....which I always have on hand just in case.. I am VERY happy I don't have one parrot, I see it would be too lonely in my situation.
  21. Yes, I too use office matts under my cages, but I like the boot tray idea for smaller places
  22. Oh aren't you just a riot!!!! lol But actually, that's not a bad idea...let's see how THEY like me eating their food!!!!!!
  23. Ok Ray, I hear ya......but when is it my turn to spend money on ME??? ..................................oh yea, I forgot......I have parrots........so NEVER!!!!!!
  24. I'm not so sure about gender & behavior in greys, but there definitely is in Amazons.
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