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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Wow very nice. Yes, shock is how my greys were...of course, Nilah is scared of nothing. But they are ,uh better, talon goes out there, and rikki now perches on the window I pull down so they can come and go as they please.
  2. How tragic. My heart dropped to the floor reading this. I am so sorry this happened .
  3. That reminds me, if Nilah, my amazon is getting into something she shouldn't, she starts humming, that's how we know to go check on her.
  4. LOL! THat is so cute! But what truth in that. When I am watching tv in the early evening, with my 3 if I hear quiet...then I get my butt up off the couch and take a head count...cause most likely the are chewing something or into something that's a no no...
  5. Luvparrots, it is a rare occasion in my house if there is not a parrot on my shoulder. I have to tie my hair up when I come home from work, ash their talons get tangled in it and the left side of my hair (they always want the left one) is damaged. Nilah mostly lives there..but if I am cooking, its Rikki's place...Talon gets it when I vacume!!
  6. She's a grey..you can't train them not to chew holes, buttons, zippers off.. You can not train them as you would a dog. They are not Pets, they are wild beautiful creatures that will always have that wild instinct. They desire to be with you at all times, you are their flock and will never stay put as you desire, it has to be their choice. Make sure you have lots of playstands, perches around, toys for their entertainment, things to keep them busy. They will still desire to fly to wherever and whatever you are doing and "help".
  7. Aww.. love them in the sunshine! Birdhouse, what part of NE are you in? I am in western ma
  8. Toby...Rikki here.....my bird used to do that with Nilah and me both. We are really good fliers now cause when Bird first did it to us in the beginning, she would allow us to crash land into this soft cushy thing Bird calls 'couch'
  9. Acappella, Just do as Nilah does...(shes such a clutz) just crash land into "bird"!! it makes her get aggravated and say..."Nilah!! Really???" It's funny for me & rikki to watch cause we are as graceful as they come...of course it took Rikki along time to land properly..Bird says its because her wings were clipped (whatever that means, but it sounds HORRIBLE!) for her first 2 years before she came to MY home!!
  10. I second exactly what Ray said. The pic isn't a good enough one to tell. Regardless of age or anything, if this bird needs a forever home..age wouldn't matter to me..
  11. This is worthy of your time to read, (although many of us here already know all of this info) and really gives you food for thought. https://www.thedodo.com/community/suzannesteinert/parrots-are-not-pets-8-things--656454753.html
  12. Oh, sooo exciting! I know how long you have wanted one of theses. Can't wait to see how it ends up!!
  13. Nice pics!!! Thanks for teaching us yet another great fact about amazons!
  14. I have 3 females. And 3 kids. Right now I am the only one arou d, so they have no choice. Out of the 3, Nilah my amazon is very bonded to me , but I can see she really likes my daughters boyfriends thru ur the years. Talon says in the background due to her place in the flock, she is third on the perch. When y daughter is home, rikki prefers her. Talon does love men, she just doesn't have any in her life at this time. She isn't interested in my sons...prefers my ex husband.....why???? Ill never understand!
  15. Wow! I had no idea....pics?
  16. Talon


    Well can't even start it as question one only let's you pick one species, I have both, and I think there is no canned difference between the two, it all boils down to personally of the bird and how the personality and ways in which it is raised by its parront family interacts with them.
  17. I have one, my birds all hate it, so it's in the unused toy box collecting dust
  18. Oh thank god! My eyes are filled with happy tears for you. I know you've been thru a difficult year, and this is the last thing you needed..another loss. I am thrilled!! Now NO MORE SCREENS!
  19. Omg...prayers for a happy ending..I'm so sorry...
  20. My two dogs Are micro chipped, but I would not put my parrots thru the procedure...it is easy for dog, but not for a bird as I understand, you have to put them under anesthesia , too risky for me and that just my own opinion.
  21. Here is a short video of Nilah lettig Talon kmow that the top of her cupboard was her domain today. Nilah does this alot, she is quiet, but telling Talon with her body language. I thought it would be interesting to show and see if other amazons here do this, or is this just Nilah as we all know she's got her own way of doing things
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