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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Celebrating my youngest sons Birthday today, he's 16...yesterday my next to youngest son turned 20.....where did the years go....
  2. Dave....did you fall off your perch and bump your head ...again???? In all seriouslness.....that's what I call "a thought provoking post". :rolleyes:
  3. Good ideas. It has been such a long time, I wouldn't know we're to begin. She does slit of chewing on paper, cardboard and wood, as well as a lot of beak rubbing after eating.
  4. I haven't taken her to the vet since I noticed it.
  5. I have been trying to get some good pictures of this. Rikki has had redness, the pics look like it's swelling, but it's mostly wrinkled skin..( I assume from rubbing her beak) on the sides of her beak, it has been there for almost 2 years now. I have not taken her to the vet for this as this is the only thing I am curious about. The vet visits stress her out so badly, she get flushed, stressed, bloody tears,and I prefer not to put her thru a vet visit unless absolutely necessary. Her behavior and eating habits has never changed. Any thoughts on this? I have researched alot on the internet and cant find any other cag with this. Please excuse the peanut butter, it was breakfast time.
  6. Sounds like blood tears. My cag gets them when she is stressed from the vet. They do stop on there own once we are home. If they don't contact your vet asap
  7. Wonderful thread!! Nilah LOVES to be cuddled and loved. She sits on my shoulder and rubs her head back and forth against my cheek and coos...sometimes I rub her head back and forth with my cheek as we both coo together, other times I bury my lips into her feathers as she's rubbing her head as I kiss her non stop into her neck , lots of little kisses and kissing sounds. She loves it. Those happy moments are the best feeling ever!
  8. Yup, we are looking at 3 feet....my generator wouldn't start, so its at the shop, hopefully going to get fixed and running by tonight.. We are all stocked up...the last time we got hit like this we had no power, no heat, no water, (well) for 6 days, 6 birds, 3 cats, 2 horses, 2 dogs and me & my 3 kids...if that wasn't a challenge....with no generator..so of course I had one installed after that nightmare! Very hard to keep my birds warm. we had layers of blankets over their cages and moved them all into my living room where we had a small fireplace we could use during the day. I am not looking forward to this storm....
  9. Here is a video of my nightly cuddle time with Rikki....She's so sweet... I love her!!
  10. Here is a short video of Nilah using that typical amazon body language to let Talon know she is NOT allowed on the very top of HER cabinet...Talon is hiding in the wooden hutch on the right.
  11. Yes, there is always at least one parrot on my fridge.. my liners are chewed...
  12. Yea, the ice r wam compresses would never happen with my birds. I hope all is well, please let us know.
  13. I agree! There putrid smelling .
  14. I expected nothing less from you Ray. There is an amazon out there that needs you to show them that not all human beings are cruel. When that day comes into your life, I look forward to being here to follow that new chapter.
  15. Update: I have notified the tech dept. They seem to have the same problem on their end as well. They are looking into this ongoing problem you seem to have , said thank you for the screen shots, but they are at a loss and told you to buy a new computer....or a new Playstand........?????
  16. Can you show me an example?
  17. Talon


    Jeez...I never thought about that....
  18. Talon


    MY birds all love car rides..but only when they are allowed to perch on my shoulder. (they only go for short rides) I too, would be worried about making sure your truck was locked at all times so there is no chance it will be stolen or fly out if the door was opened. However..just today on Facebook, someone listed in Parrot911, they got into a car accident and their cockatiel that was with them got loose and was lost..it is in GA. That would be one of my biggest fears. One time I got pulled over for speeding when Talon was on my shoulder.. the cop came over to the car and I had to tell him (thru the closed window) to wait until I put her back in her travel cage, he did and was ok about it.
  19. yes, we are aware of this and the tech dept is working on things on their end. We are in the process of revamping the home page so this issue doesn't keep occurring. So look for new changes on the Home page in the near future!
  20. Done, but very generic questions as each situation is different
  21. Talon


    Nice post Dave....
  22. Aww. I am so sorry for your loss..
  23. Steve 2, please don't put marbles or pebbles in a capped bottle. They are able to chew thru them and it would e tragic if they ingested one. Use nuts instead.
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