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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, all seems to be working well now! Even my phone no longer has a warning like it has for the past Few months! Kudos and a big Thanks to our tech guys!!!
  2. Here's the latest update, my son said they seemed to like him, but they had two other people they were meeting with, one was a 'bird trainer' coming to see the bird. They really wanted a companion for the bird, not a trainer...so they are going to get back to him, they were concerned because my son has an indoor/outdoor cat....Time will tell....
  3. I am sitting here waiting to hear....my son was meeting them at 5. I am afraid to call him and ask, cause I know he had his hopes up,and I'm afraid to hear any disappointment in his voice......so no word yet.....
  4. Dave.....you are too much!!! If it were only that easy.... Lol
  5. I don't actually think the woman will change her mind once the bird is gone. That's not my concern. I was just thinking, what if it turns out she's a nut case and calls the police with some made up story. I just want my son to be protected if ever she tried to prove her ownership. This is a permanent situation, not a "keep my bird for a while to see if things work out'.... I like the idea of printing out the email correspondence so there is prrof she was looking to rehome the bird. That's what he said he would do..Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. WOW! That is fantastic! Thank you for sharing and teaching us something new!
  7. I have experienced this with all my flock at different times of the year. I just let them be and it will eventually stop on its own........tis the season..........I will stop touching them and sometimes try and walk away to discourage it...but it is just a stage, and it will pass.
  8. My oldest son who was originally Talon's owner.....is hopefully, if all goes well will be adopting a 15 yr old CAG from a seemingly very loving and devoted owner. The reason she is letting him go is her fiancé has developed a long term respatory illness and the bird makes it much worse. She is of course quite concerned and picky as to who her bird will go to. She if letting the cage, food, tons of toys, a playstand and everything this bird loves to go with it. She has been very detailed as to the routine, likes and dislikes about the bird etc. We will know more on Friday when she meets my son, then IF she approves of him, he will meet her bird. MY question is...what kind of paperwork should we ask for so my son has proof of ownership so she can't come back and say differently down the road...or is this something I shouldn't worry about. I never got an adoption paperwork when I adopted Rikki, but I do have her original paperwork when she was purchased from a pet store earlier in her life.
  9. I am posting this on behalf of one of our newest members. Please post any advice you may have. I have fixed her membership, so she will be able to post. Hi Talon, I'm hoping you might be able to give me some insight, I recently brought home two 28 year old amazons, my understanding is that the original owner passed away, husband presumably neglected birds, then gave them away, not sure how many hands they went through before me, my question is there Any other plausible reason for 1 of the birds to have baldness, significant damage to one of the wings. they are currently in 2 separate cages, the lady I got them from had them in 2 separate cages, prior to her is anyone's guess. You can pm me or email me at jolin1711@comcast.net Yes, I registered here but for whatever reason I am unable to post, slayv4petz is my username. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sincerely, Linda
  10. I would never give a tranquilizer to a bird for plucking...just my feelings. My vet once told me a story of a bird who started plucking out of the blue and there was No medical reasons or changes in his lifestyle. the owner started to take his bird out for a car ride every day as advised by his vet for a changed of scenery....the bird stopped plucking, so every day it became a routine that he went for a car ride with his owner. Just a thought you might try. I know my tag loves car rides!!
  11. I have had these type of episodes with Nilah. I have found that if you get upset, adjiyative , aggravated, frustrated, mad, or Anything other than staying calm, it only increases their behaviour. The only thing that worked for me is to ignore her behaviour , sometimes leaving the room, putting on some soothing music and allowing her the time she needs to calm herself and realize I really don't care if she pulls a stunt like this..my life goes on without her......when things are quiet..I go back into the room, with a forbidden object she wants and I don't pay any attention to her..I pretend to the object or take great interest in it and turning part way away from her...she usually after some time wants to see what's got my attention, and she will fly to my shoulder to get a look....I continue to ignore her presence. Then I will act suprised in a sweet voice that she is their by saying hi to her....after she sees how much I like that object...she tries to get it as I hang onto it dearly as we quickly walk to her cage where I bend down inside her door way for her to step,onto a perch as she is still playing tug a war with the object....it's usually A pencil...I allow her to have it.....
  12. Dave, as always, your jokes crack me up!
  13. Very nice! Wish we could see more pics?
  14. NINE???? I had no idea...and I can't even imagine what that is like! I had 6 at one time, but only 3 were large parrots.
  15. I agree.. This is a temporary home until I find a more appropriate way to organize these rooms..which I am in the process of.
  16. Letss hope she logs on and finds out soon...lol!
  17. I am pleased to announce (without her permission) that Acappella is the Moderator of our new sister room here! It was her idea that sparked this room...so like it or not .....that makes her the moderator!!! I know you will all be as happy with this new room! I know she will keep a close eye on it as needed. Welcome to our team!
  18. ​Acappella is to be Congratulated! She came up with such a wonderful thread asking us to write what we would say to our birds. Her idea of writing to our birds sparked this room ! After writing my letters to my birds and telling them what I wished they could understand in English. I also read everyone's letters and thought, what a wonderful diary and history we are leaving for our birds, should they ever need care by someone else. It is an insight into their personalities and our relationships we have with them. It is also a room we can come to to vent our frustrations regarding their most trying moments as we speak to them here. Mostly, I see this as a legacy we are leaving for our precious flock members and sharing with others makes it even more special. I love seeing the different relationships we each have with our birds. We can learn so much from each other. Please feel free to write anything you care to on a regular basis here, good or bad. And may I suggest we all start a thread just for each of our birds that we can add to. It would be nice to have a place to follow each of our birds in a seperate thread, just an idea, not a must. I look forward to seeing what this room will bring.....
  19. I would tell Talon...I am sorry you are not the only bird in my house. I see now that you prefer it that way, and I am sorry you are lowest in the flock & sometimes get chased off my shoulder or the table at meal times by the other bigger birds. I am sorry you have very little one on one time with me as the others don't allow it....but I love your antics and you are such a comedian....your determination to go exactly where you want to IN my cupboards to get your bird dander all over my clean dishes & glasses...I love when I pick you up from a forbidden cupboard or ask you what you are doing how you say.."what?". You are very precious to me & I love you ..I do wonder why when you do want a cuddle, you allow me 2 pats on the head then you squeak and bite me!! I often wonder if you would be more happy with my oldest son who had you first..but I don't trust him to give you the best care you can get...so you are stuck with me and my 2 bully birds....sorry...but I can't give you up ever! To Rikki....you had a rough start in your life going from home to home 4 times in such a short time. I used to get mad at you.....destroying my doors & woodwork in my new house...but I now realize it was your frustration in not understanding this was your forever home. I wish I had know that then, instead of getting mad and so frustrated I considered trimming your wings....but it took so long for you to finally grow them and to learn to fly at my house that I never had the heart.... even tho it took you 2 1/2 years to settle in....you have turned into the sweetest grey ever! I had no idea you would be so precious...you were a handful in the beginning for sure! NO ONE TRIED MY PATIENCE LIKE YOU DID! But You are so well behaved now, and so sweet. You never give me a hard time....except when you do manage to get into the bathroom and pull the draws on the vanity open and manage to empty every one, 1 object at a time onto the floor...it usually takes about 3 draws before I hear you and catch you in the act! Guess you like your décor better than mine! Oh and I apologize that you despise the pattern on my plates & dishes and you feel the need to throw them onto the floor every chance you get to get rid of them....and I DO get that you see no need for silverware as I am not allowed to use it anytime you are stealing food off my plate, I see you prefer those to be on the floor as a rug perhaps as well. I enjoy our nighttime cuddles and how I can put you to sleep just by lightly rubbing your head and back until you doze off.....you are a wonderful member of my flock and I love & adore you. To Nilah....wow...you are something extra special...you have given me a love that I never thought possible with any bird...what a bond we have! You sure have given me a battle of wills at times in the past...you are as headstrong as any amazon out there.....but seeing as I hung in there and never gave up...we seem to have come to an understanding....the more I allow you to be with me and just be on my shoulder as I go about things, the happier and closer we have become....we are in separable. I see how content it makes you just to be hanging out with me. You have shown me that a bond with an amazon is so different than any bond I have with any of my pets, cats, dogs, horses, birds...it is something that I can never find the right words for to make anyone understand...you just have to have an amazon to experience what it's like...I can't see my life without you ever. I hope when the day comes as I am waiting for you at the rainbow bridge...you will find another bond like we share here, until the day I will see you again. You are full of personality and there is never a dull moment in our house. I DO wish you would behave when others come into our house so I can let you out like I can with Talon & Rikki..but you feel the need to either attack my visitors or claim them as YOURS and attack me if I tried to take you off of them...please work on that behavior my precious one...I love you for who you are in spite of yourself.
  20. What an enjoyable video that was! They really love it out there. It is so open and I am amazed they aren't scared to be in the open like that. My greys are still too scared to like my aviary..but since it's cold here now..I will try again next spring! Besides..Nilah thinks it's all hers!
  21. Ray is so right! Amazons MUST see confidence in anyone they interact with. I have seen that fact tons of times as my kids bring their friends into my home. She Loves those that aren't afraid and dont seem to mind if she hangs with them. Those that are a little apprehensive...she will attack them.
  22. The flock mentality in my house is we eat as the happy flock we are.. I don't believe in excluding my parrots from the dinner table. They are always welcome to eat off of my plate...mostly they grab what they want and take it elsewhere as there are 3 little beaks in the way as well as a fork! But Nilah...she rarely leaves my plate. IN fact, she has taught ME manners...I am allowed to share the plate with HER!
  23. Oh wow! That was quie a scare. Glad he seems to be ok. I would have freaked at the sight of blood all over the cage.
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