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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome to our family! There's lots of info here, especially the Nursey Room. For the best info, look for the stickies in each room. I look forward to following your story!
  2. There are a few hacks I recently found on the home page & imbedded in the tabs..I have the tech dept working to clean all that up, but it's not done fully yet.
  3. I am very pleased to announce that Luvparrots has been promoted to Super Moderator! As most of you know, Luvparrots is on this forum more than many of us. It is nice to have an extra set of eyes as a lot of us mods work full time. A few years ago, I saddled her with a huge task of cleaning up the Grey Lounge. There were over 10 years of spam posts, and threads that needed to be moved into the appropriate rooms that we have since added. .It was a very time consuming and a lot of work. It would have taken me a month or more to do alone. She had it done in less than 2 weeks! So I know I can rely on her to keep this place as happy and supportive to our bird family as we all expect it to be when we come here to visit and share. I know you will all welcome Luvparrots as our newest Super Moderator! Congratulations, you deserve this!
  4. That is fantastic! I am so jealous. Love the idea of the clothes basket strung across like that!
  5. I almost spit my coffee out!! Thats so funny!! That's how my kids eat..with my 3. I just let them go at it on my plate.
  6. Talon turned 9 years old yesterday....She had a fun time playing in my birdie junk drawer...I will post a video soon, she is the oldest of the flock. Hard to believe shes been a part of my family for 9 years.
  7. Wow, congratulations! I'm so excited, can't wait to follow this story!
  8. Thanks! Yes, there are always hidden secrets here in this forum.....I don't know why..but there is a tutorial in the welco e room explaining it all just in case you ever get bored...
  9. I have 2 now, both different brands. I keep one in my bird room running in the winter, I had no problems. It was nice to keep them warmer, as I let my house go down to about 64 at night and after I leave for work, but they stay warmer as I set the thermostat to 70 on the infrared heater.
  10. Nancy, I know it is recommended not to blow dry your birds, to let the, dry naturally.
  11. Yes, I did report it the other day...hopefully it will get sorted out soon,
  12. Seeing as you have been told he doesn't like greys..be careful. Nilah is very jealous of my greys...she does understand that Rikki my cag is the highest in the flock..but I still belong to Nilah, she will be careful and watch Rikki when it comes to stealing food off my plate, but she has no problem being a bully to Talon...but they do play chase on occasion..Nilah seems to enjoy being a bully to Talon..I have to watch carefully...but that's easy because Nilah is attached to me most of the time she is out.
  13. OH how exciting! Welcome home Albert. He is an absolutely beautiful amazon with such a loving look in his eyes...I look forward to following Alberts life in his forever home. He is one LUCKY amazon!!
  14. Thanks guys, I never log in on the go e page, so didn't know there was a problem. I'll let the tech guys know.
  15. MEMBERS! Please remember to add Reputation points when a member posts something you like! I sent mine to Muse, I hope you do too! ​Muse, you are now Greyforums first Honorary Member!! Congrats! You earned it!!
  16. Muse, give a big hug to you and your husband. You are honorary members of Greyforums! Your hearts are full of love and compassion.
  17. Nilah has become very attached to me over the past 6 months or so. I am not allowed to go anywhere with out her, that includes the bathroom. While my greys would like to come in there with me, they will just throw everything on the floor or chew all the woodwork. .....so I try to sneak away without them. All I have to say, is "I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom"...my greys will wait, but Nilah will come out of no where like a rocket and land on my shoulder as I am walking...she will stay there and talk nonstop, until we leave. When I sneak outside on my back deck in the morning, she flies to whatever window is closest and watch me, then when I sneak around thru the garage to the front of the house.....BOOM! She's landing on the front window, watching me water the flowers. She spends most of her time at night sitting on me as I watch tv, but I MUST always hold her foot...sometimes she wants me to rub it for what seems like forever. (she LOVES her foot massages) but mostly I just have to hold it..... Question to other amazon owners....is this normal? Foot holding and foot rubbing? Lol
  18. I don't know that prior to, but Nilah has taught me that!
  19. I use natural cleaners instead of harmful chemicals. It's not good for our birds or us. And yes I have 2 male teenagers whose bathroom needs a good cleaning weekly as well!
  20. My son went thru the axe spray faze...trust me it doesn't last....... I kept his door closed and opened the windows downstairs where my birds are. Everyone was fine, but I wouldn't allow them upstairs until the coast was clear.....
  21. Inara....all I can say, is WOW! What a beautiful story and quick synopsis of such a beautiful bond you had. Bless your heart for understanding this precious soul and giving it the best life possible. You never gave up,and I am in awe...
  22. Yes, prayers and thank you for thinking of others who need our prayers.
  23. Okay, I LOVE that you had the courage Ray to start this thread. I feel it is a very important one. And yes there are many misconceptions when it comes to amazons, much like there is when it comes to greys. People think that greys are the smartest parrot out there, they expect it to talk and to perform tricks, and then sit there pretty on their perch when expected to. As us experienced grey owners know, that's not even close to how a grey behaves. Back to amazons...Luvparrots, I u understand your post, but you must know that you are still in the very early stages with your newest amazon. It can take a couple of years before they show their true colors in my opinion. You also have a very calm demeanor as a person, a quiet household, and your birds feed off of that. They feel your calm energy and it keeps them calm. I wholeheartedly believer thats why your 4 parrots are so calm. I on the other hand, have a calm laid back demeanor, am very patient, but my household has a lot of activity in it, sometimes pure chaois, I work full time , have 2 hyper small dogs who get very excited over any activity, 3 indoor cats, and 2-3 teenagers and friends and family who appear whenever. I have a busy lifestyle even tho I devote most of my free time to letting my parrots out as soon as I am home. I know that Nilah feeds off of all of that activity, cause she let's me know vocally. She loves to show off, she will become possessive of me if anyone comes to the house to the point of biting and of attacking a new person she sees as a threat to me. She spends most of her free time attached to me more times than not. She is sweet, gentle, loving and loves to rub against my cheek as she coos and hums to me. I adore her sweet gentle side, something she only shows to me. But she does have a difficult side to her. I can read it in her expressive eyes, so I handle her accordingly. I think what Ray talks about is mostly the norm. Luvparrots, you are the exception, and I think as you read the Craigslist adds, the rescues, the pet for sale adds, you see many amazons as people think they are so pretty, they love to show off, sing and it is proven, the smartest parrot out there as far as mimicking you and teaching tricks quickly. but they do have a dark side, but if you go into understanding that, learn to read them, and allow them to be a true amazon as much as we can in keeping them contained in our homes, then they will be the sweetest, most devoted, loving parrot you could ever want. But YOU have to do your homework and not have expectations of them. As we say many times, there is nothing else in this world like the love and bond an amazon can give you, and until you've experienced it, you can't imagine it. As trying, and you all know how Nilah can be a handful , as she is, I can't imagine my life without her in it. P.S. as I type this with one finger on my ipad, because Nilah is crawling from hand to hand nibbling on my fingers...
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