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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, I've had it for 8 years and play it on Wed of every week for them. I think they enjoy it and then know that after that day, there's only 2 more of mama working! RAY, my birds already have their own flat screen!! Lol
  2. Wow, that's great to know! Sounds like my Nilah as she loves to fly!
  3. I have 5 birds. All are covered at night by a dark sheet that only covers the top half. I have a busy household and it let's them no its bedtime and also gives them privacy from any goings on, even tho they all have their own room.
  4. Talon

    Greyt news!!!!

    Congrats! Great news!
  5. Hey great idea! Child locks!!! I have have hanging spray bottles on every kitchen cabinet...can the doors be opened a tiny bit? I wonder if my birds would keep chewing the tops I'm trying to get in. I would love to get rid of the spray bottles every time I open a door to get a dish!
  6. Talon

    Photo Contest

    Done! Got my vote!
  7. Talon my tag will go in happily! Nilah my amazon needs assistance in me pushing her head down lightly and putting her in while she's on my hand. Rikki my cag on the other hand has to be stuffed in and the door slammed shut super fast!!! Once she's in, she's fine, but won't have anything to do with going in willingly...sometimes you do what you have to do!
  8. You can delete posts only, and thats how it's always been.
  9. Only mods and Admins can delete threads.
  10. My birds were not chosen for their personalities, they came to me as is. I have a AG, cag and amazon. They are alwaysost at the same time. They know the pecking order and respect it for the most part. They tolerate each other, my cag has no use for my amazon and she know it and respects it. My amazon and tag aren't friends, but tease and joke and sometimes play chase with each other, but my tag is much smaller and keeps her distance mostly.
  11. Yes, that is exactly how Nilah responds. In hindsight, it is very clear to see.
  12. My parrots are a lot lot Luvparrots flock. They do go and eat food in each others cages but only when the owner is out and to watching! I let them. They also have a pecking order. They do not share at all, but will patiently wait their turn for treats ect.
  13. I thought it would be interesting to hear what types of things you leave for your parrots to keep them company while you are at work. Other than the usual toys and snacks in their cages..... I have Nick Jr. on the tv 3 days a week. On day I leave on the Parrot Sitter DVD, and the other day is the computer with a playlist I made special for Nilah with a lot of singing as she LOVES to sing!
  14. Yes, I love their smell! But I especially love the smell of my amazon, especially when she gets excited and releases her special scent!!
  15. Nilah my amazon loves makeup brushes, and toothbrushes, I buy them at the dollar store for her to destroy!! Rikki prefers mail and phone books to rip into shreds. Talon loves q-tips!
  16. RAY...our amazon expert...are all Amazon obsessive in their behavior to their bonded human?? Or do you think it's just Nilah's personality?
  17. I just want reiterate. I AM SO EXCITED YOU TOOK THIS AMAZON IN!! She seems like a perfect fit to your flock family! A QUIET Zon...I can only dream..I have an obsessive one..
  18. Hi Pam ! Welcome to our family! I moved your post into the Grey Lounge...so not to worry..it's easy to get confused here with so many rooms!! Cant wait to see pics & hear more!
  19. I couldn't agree more with the boyfriend..it makes me mad that I have to keep,her in her cage .....grrr...
  20. Late last night I picked my daughter up at the airport. By the time we got home it was 1 in the morning and the birds were asleep. This am, I got them up and they were waiting in the kitchen for breakfast. Talon was hiding in her house on top of the cupboard not paying attention to when my daughter walked into the kitchen. all of a sudden she realized....she turned her head sideways and stared for the longest time at my daughter, you could see she didn't believe what she was seeing......it was such a look of disbelief. My daughter asked her to step up and she did and wouldn't leave her hand. Then Rikki realized she was home and kept shaking with her wings out anxiously waiting her turn....it was adorable! They missed her so much and were so happy to see her. They were very clear with their happiness, no is mistaking how excited they are to have her home! Nilah on the other hand had to say in her cage as Nilah boyfriend was over (my daughters friend) , she is quite obsessive with him and attacks my daughter when she was one and he was around....I hope he goes home soon so Nilah can stay out of her cage....
  21. Talon


    Good grief. Idiots!!
  22. Talon

    In Flight

    Wow! That is so cool! What a gorgeous picture!!
  23. Talon


    Don't ever take him out without a cage or harness. He is going thru the terrible twos, and the best thing you can do, is let him....don't force him to do anything he fights you about or you will have long lasting problems. My suggestion is to ET a travel cage and take him out that way. Most birds don't accept a harness in my opinion. Only a few
  24. Hello and welcome to our family! She is a beautiful grey. I wouldn't worry a out the feathers, there is no such thing as a grey with perfect feathers, only a grey who is perfect, and we all have one! I am curious..is that her cage you show in the pic? It seems very small, and I don't see any toys or perches other than wood ones..
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