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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I know what you mean about chasing a flying bird! I've had to do that on more than one occasion with Nilah, but they quickly think its a game, so I refuse to play it, so they give up quickly!
  2. I put this thread in the Training Room as our birds really do train us! THIS IS NOT A DEBATE ABOUT CLIPPED WINGS vs NOT CLIPPED WINGS! Any posts that lean towards that discussion in this thread will be deleted by me. For those of you that allow your birds to be free flighted in your home, have you noticed that your birds have YOU trained? Whenever I open the door to let my cat or dogs out, i am constantly listening for the sounds of flapping wings, if I hear them, I won't open a door until I know where that bird has landed. I have double door protection and only open one door at a time oly a few inches as my dogs are small, then it gets closed as quick as it opened. Also, I am trained to look up every time I close a door inside my house, closets, cupboards, etc., as I have closed a parrots foot on more than one occasion when they flew to the door while it was open and I wasn't there .
  3. Yes cedar is toxic. Good reminder!
  4. That's really interesting. Of course Nilah does enjoy climbing and she does love to walk or I should say RUN on the floor chasing the dogs or cats....but she does fly from place To place. I wonder if it's because I don't sit a lot, I'm always up doing things and she has to fly to keep up with me?
  5. Talon


    Oh yay! I am so excited! Can't wait to here more and see pictures!!
  6. Personally, I would not do that. You will find that most greys never go to the bottom of their cage. They prefer to be up high. And if you happen to have one of the few that would go to the bottom, you don't want him walking around his own poop, or inhaling any type of dust that may arise from the litter or shavings or whatever you use. I have found that the grate is very nice as it catches the dropped toys and they don't land in piles of poop that I would have to dig out. It is very easy to fold up the newspaper under the grate and replace quite quickly. My 3 birds can drop their favorite food and still won't go to the bottom to retrieve it. They never use the bottom half of their cages even tho there are perches and or toys lower down.
  7. Talon


    Wonderful! I wasnt looking for another grey either, but ended up with my second one Rikki after a new member joined here and posted a thread asking how to keep their new grey they took in as a rehome, QUIET!! I was so disgusted by them and their lack of knowledge and them trying to shut a grey up, that I made a reply that if they didnt want it, I would take it! well little did I know, they only lived 2 hours away from me..and asked me if I would take it..I did t really want another, but there was no way I was letti g this grey stay in home where people wanted it quiet! So they drove to my house, bird and cage in hand...and I became Rikki's 4th and forever home in her short year and a half! And she is a sweetheart, I love her to pieces!!
  8. To anyone here who had ever had the fun of an amazon in their life: Since Nilah is the only amazon I have ever been around, I am wondering if other amazons fly as "gracefully" as she does? Actually, she loves to fly, but she flies like a missile fired out of a rocket ship. When she sets up to fly, watch out, if you are in her line of flight, you better duck, or it's gonna hurt and hurt bad if she hits you! Im curious if others are as graceful in flight and can maneuver as easily as she can! LOL My greys of course are light, graceful and can twist and turn ever so easily and they land so softly, Nilah on the other hand, we she comes if or a landing, it hard and heavy in a clumsy sort of way. It's kind of like a thud!!
  9. Please keep us posted, we care very much about all our family of fids here..
  10. Yes, I would find another vet, she should be seen, as they hide their symptoms when they are sick, if you are seeing a problem, then something is not right. Don't wait, putting a bird in the shower for breathing problems isn't something that usually is suggested...that's for people. As for stressing him out , although he may be a bit scared, he will do justfine and foret all about it whenhe gets back home. Do what you have to to find out what's wrong, because clearly something is wrong. She is clearly very sick, sitting quietly and not along are big red flags. Whats worse, a little stess, or your bird getting so sick something terrible happens to him because you didn't take him in?
  11. Talon


    It is so early in Alex life with you, that introducing another this early wouldn't faze him in the leat as he doesn't yet have a set routine alone with you for wry long.
  12. Talon


    I would not hesitate to take in Rocco. I have 2 female greys, and althought they aren't buddies, (one is a tag, and one is a cag) they tolerate each others existence in my home. All 3 of my birds come out of their cages at the same time, and I have plenty of perches, play stands, brings so they always can find a place of their own. I also keep 3 different places of food and water for them so they have no reason to have to fight if they want a nibble or two. I was concerned that their would be jealousy, but they each get their own time on me and the other seems to understand that and they will do their own thing on a perch or hanging out on a boing. the best part of having more than one, is they do get that flock need met, although as I said, they don't interact much, they do look for the other and contact call a lot. They want to be together in the same area, especially when I'm not home, they seem happier having the others in the same room (while in their cages) I don't feel so bad working all day cause they aren't alone.
  13. I would say, that one of my most special memories is : .....................the wonderful memory, full of love and affection, that you just so eloquently illustrated for me in my mind of you and Cricket. That is not unlike the special time I spend with Nilah every night as I sit on the couch with my iPad and watching tv. All is right with the world when Nilah puts her head down while on my shoulder and rubs the top of her head against my cheek as she says, " hmmmmm, hmmmmm," over and over.
  14. What a cute video! Love his voice!
  15. each of my birds have one and it is a big hit!!
  16. If your vet is very familiar in working with birds, then I would be confident in using them. My 'bird vet' isn't avian certified, but has his own birds including an African grey at home and is the "go to" vet for birds in my area. I feel very confident in talking with him over the years regarding his bird knowledge. My nearest avian vet is hours away and I don't feel it necessary to put my birds thru that kind of a trip. SO if you feel confident, then I say don't worry about the "certification"
  17. Welcome to our family! We LOVE pictures when you get a chance, we would love to meet Levi.
  18. Well as I write this post, Nilah and I are together in HER Bird room. She was a bit cautious at first, but I kept her on my shoulder and we walked to the middle of the room and I stayed there while she looked around and I told her how everything was okay. And just like an amazon....she quickly forgot and went onto a perch to chew the wood frame of HER Room!
  19. Oh he's beautiful!! Thank you, I'm sure it is hard for you to look at, but I really wanted to see him as he's important to you.
  20. So this past week, after the birds & I have breakfast, I put Nilah in HER Outdoor Bird room so she can enjoy the morning sunshine for about a half hour before I go to work. Then when I get home around 5ish, I let her go back out there. She stays there for a very long time usually. Well, last night, she was out there for about an hour, then she flew frantically into the house and around everywhere and landed in her purple atom in my living room hiding. She was clearly frightened and upset, you could see it in her eyes and body language, she wouldn't even step up on me (very unusual)..So I let her be until she wanted out a while later. She spent most of the night glued to me. Obviously SOMETHING scared her outside. SO this morning, I went to let her out again, and she knew it cause I asked her if she wanted to go..I kept trying to get her to step up near the door and she lightly kept biting my finger to let me know, she wasn't going!! I wish I knew what frightened her, I checked and didn't see anything, it must have been a scary flying predator. Hopefully tonight will be okay for her as I will go out and sit with her.
  21. I would love to see him, if you feel up to posting a pic..
  22. Oh dear..I am so sorry...losing a cat isn't any different than any pet or child. I know how broken it feels. I am a big cat lover
  23. I know this will be a difficult day for you, having to say goodbye to your love. But know that we will be with you at that exact moment in your heart. Give Cricket a kiss for me & Nilah.....and as far as Cricket was concerned, you were PERFECT to her.
  24. Aww yes, Steve, the light beak rubbing is quite enjoyable, my birds love to have me pet it lightly on both sides as they rub it between my fingers.
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