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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, we are having technical issues and they are working on things little by little..
  2. Yes, my birds are fearless when it comes to destroying things in my house. there's nothing they won't go after. They are used to the sound of the expresso machine as one of them is usually on my shoulder and another on top of the machine when I make my morning coffee to take to work.
  3. Me too! What state are you located in?
  4. I don't believe in trimming either. Just my opinion. I see o need for it
  5. My Rikki went thru the same thing, always trying to fly and crashing onto the floor, this breaking her newly growing flight feather. Yes, it is hard to watch, but I believe that nature is always the way to go....not medical procedures unless life threatening. Given the right amou t of time, all will be okay with patience. I finally, after crash after crash breaking my heart, would keep her in my sight as much as I could, if I saw her getting ready to fly, I would run to her and have her step up and be her wings for her until she had her own. I had to protect her newly growing feathers until they were ready. She is an incredible flyer now!
  6. Saw this on Facebook today and wanted to share!
  7. Nilah is very hormonal during the springtime, even tho she is only 5 years old. This is a nightly event, I wanted to video her 'Mating call' as I am curious if anyone here has an amazon that makes the same sound.
  8. Talon decided that the dreaded paper towels were to be no longer!! Please excuse the expresso machine noise in the background.
  9. When my Rikki came to me clipped and I was allowing her to grow her feathers so she could free fly, it took several years as she kept breaking her flight feathers on one side as well. But eventually the others caught up enough to protect the flight feathers and all is well. I personally wouldnt put her thru anything unless medically necessary.
  10. Hi zoomommy, I remember you from the other forum. Preston has since died, Jane kept it up and last I knew it was still running. But we are glad you are here with us and joining our family! Many older members here come from there as well. I look forward to seeing pics and hereing more!
  11. Very interesting thread! Equal time in my house goes like this: since Talon came first and she is the only one with a sleep cage which has always been in my bedroom, she is always first out in the am, then downstairs to get Rikki next as she was next in the flock, then Nilah immediately after. The same routine at night. Afer work and on days off, all 3 are always let out. They are allowed to perch all over me when they want until bedtime.
  12. Yes, that is the wire I used. In fact I have 700 feet left over!
  13. The tech dept is working on fixing the editing issues we are having. The Home page will be down for some time due to other issues ,
  14. Talon


    Testing.,,test ​test
  15. Yes, we are having some tech problems...off to the tech dept I go once again!
  16. Just got word back...It is not relevant to us as we off SSL.
  17. OMG! I have refused to read this thread since you posted, as I can't read any sad stories of a parrot who has been lost or crossed over to the rainbow bridge. Those stories upset me as if that bird was my own. I cant take those emotions, those stories break my heart...but I finally got the nerve to read this today....I LOVED IT. It is sooo true, and your friend is to be commended. I have read of a sad preventable death from everything he stated more times than I can count. I am making this a sticky, I want everyone to read it and realize how quickly an accident can happen, I am a true believer in most accidents can be prevented if we are diligent enough.
  18. Welcome back, and of course we remember you! Can't wait to hear and perhaps see a video of the homecoming. There is no question Maggie will remember you!
  19. Hmm.. Nilah's favorite spot is HER BIRD ROOM!! But is she doesn't have access to that..it's me!!
  20. Oh Greywings, it isn't always bliss in my house with 3 flighted birds. There are times they are chasing each other off of things, and fighting over a chosen spot above the kitchen cabinets. But I do cherish the "fun" moments we have. As for keeping them from chewing the woodwork....after a year or so, I had to give up...my windows, doors and door frames are all chewed. There is NO way to keep them from chewing, it is a natural instinct...my amazon is the worst...she is chewing her new bird room to pieces!!
  21. Without getting it to a debate, I just wanted to share my morning experience this morning. Put quite simply, this is the reason I believe so strongly in allowing my birds free flight in my house. I was sitting on the couch, catching up on my iPad and having my coffee. Now first off, the pecking order in my house is Rikki, Nilah, then Talon. They live together, and tolerate each others existence, and that's it. As I was relaxing, Talon and Nilah were playing the only game they ever play together, Chase Me If You Can! They race each other from my living room thru into the bird room to see who gets to the top of the curtain rod first, then back again. This went on for about 15 minutes or so. It is so enjoyable to see them race thru the house having such fun . It's the only time they seem to enjoy each other. Just wanted to shared warm moment for me. :cool:
  22. Aww..she's beautiful with or without feathers! She's just going to flourish in your care!
  23. Will let you know soon as I hear from the tech dept.
  24. Talon

    This Group

    Thank you Muse for such a kind thread. We, being the admins and mods, work very hard to keep this a respected, caring family with a mission to help, nurture and encourage every member to feel welcome. You can't help but fall in love and feel very attached to every fid and or pet that crosses our path here. We are a very lucky group. We have had our share of flame wars and personal attacks on a few of our mods, members and myself included, but that is in the past and we don't tolerate that at all here. I am grateful for each and every reply that members post here. We are always learning and fostering friendships!
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