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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, Could you refresh me with ideas. Talon still fights me on this issue.
  2. Monique, how old is your tag?
  3. Heather, where did you get that great toy box? I'd love something like that for Talon. Very nice pictures, I enjoyed that handsome bird!
  4. yup I was trying to use the natural light...but it didnt really work lol. :lol: Melissa
  5. Here are some pictures of Talon, open for critique. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2772.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2759.jpg this one was taken without flash, but it was too dark. so I tried to save it cause I liked the look of it, by lightening it and making it black and white. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2768.jpg grr it uploaded weird. All for now! Melissa
  6. Hi, I'm new here after 740 posts since Dec. 2006 from another grey forum. Having been insulted one too many times and not feeling very welcome there anymore. This forum comes highly recommended from a friend. Hoping to have many friends here that will help with our grey Talon. Talon is 19 months old, a girl tag and talks up a storm! Just learning the ropes here, so sorry if I posted this under the wrong topic. Looking forward to hearing and sharing stories.
  7. What other forum is that???????? hey, any other friends follow you here? Talon sometimes wines like a dog, and our dog died 1 year ago! (Having some trouble navigating, but I'll figure it out.) Guess who? that's right... the dumb one in the family!
  8. haha thats a good one! One day I thought I heard Talon meowing just like our cat, but then of course a minute later the cat walks in the room. :laugh: Melissa
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