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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Heather & Harrison, Thank-you so much! I love it!! You guys are so good with this photo stuff. I'm feeling very special, but a little dumb. Thanks for the great birthday wish, and Happy Mothers Day to you! {Feel-good-000200A2}
  2. :huh: hmmm for mine when you right click it is the usual stuff that comes up, I have to open it in the program... Melissa
  3. Thank-you, your a sweetheart!!
  5. Talon

    nite time

    I agree with Caspersmun. do what works best for you & your grey.
  6. I didn't know egg shells were ok for them. Boy, you're always learning somethin here!! :cheer:
  7. Talon

    new baby

    Tquila is so sweet!! I'm glad your taking him to a vet today, so you'll know all that you can to giving him a great start. Please keep us posted. And keep those cute picture coming!
  8. No, not like that, but Talon does love to pick at your teeth. Human saliva has bacteria in it that can be very harmful to birds. So I would be careful about that.
  9. Wondering what your birds favorite cereal is? Warm or cold. Talon only seems to like the milk, which isn't good for her. An "expert" recommended using water instead, but Talon will only eat out of my bowl, and I don't like my cereal with water. Any other ideas? Oh, and Talon likes cream of wheat.
  10. You're right, Idon't think I've ever heard of a tag that weighed more than a cag. Nice to see you here also.
  11. Wow! I never thought it would be the opposite. You poor thing, my heart goes out to your son, and I know how you feel when that happens.
  12. I have a hard enough time with my 8 year old son! I can't imagine a 2 yr old. The biggest problem I have is my 8 year old tends to startle Talon with loud noises or quick movements. I'm constantly reminding him to be careful and not to yell so loud. Maybe you could have some time each day when the three of you interact together and play. That might help build the relationship between the two. I definately wouldn't leave the 2 of them alone. That's all I can think of right now, I'm sure others have better & more helpful advice.
  13. LOL! Talon loves to sharpen her nails, just wait!
  14. Oh boy, that's right make us all jealous with your hawaii pictures. B) Aren't you also going to Las Vegas as well? Maybe you'll strike it rich there and will buy us all new top of the line cameras?! :woohoo:
  15. OOOH! Right on!! That is so true.
  16. Talon

    new baby

    Zoesdad, I agree with your advice. It is very scarey and risky if you are inexperienced with hand-feeding. I hope Karla takes your advice. Karla, keep us posted on what you decide to do and how things are going. :dry:
  17. Talon

    nite time

    We put alon to bed around 9-9:15. We also cover the cage as she sleeps in my son's room and he's up all hours using his computer. Talon will not sleep if there is any noise, sh'e a very light sleeper. (My son uses headphones at night) She also sleeps in a fleece hut. She climbs in when we tell her it's time for nite-nites and rests her head on the side and sleeps most the nite. She doesn't seem to eat or drink or play at nite. We uncover her cage at 9 in the am. She rarely takes a nap. Did when she was younger, but not now.
  18. I usually weigh in the afternoon. Talon won't stay still in the am and I can't get an accurate weight at that time.
  19. Talon

    new baby

    They are all different. We got Talon at 9 weeks old. And she was fully weaned. They are all different, but at 4 weeks, I'd definately get as much info as possible and definately get advice asap from an avian vet. You have to be careful not to get too much food in their crop.
  20. Talon

    new baby

    Congratulations! Wow, 4 weeks is young. Have you ever hand fed before? did the breeder give you any advice? And do you have a thermometer to test the temp. of the food. You have to be very careful so it's not too hot.
  21. I rarely see Talon drink from her water bowl either. Since she is out most the day, I offer her little drinks of water or watered down juice. She also learned about 6 months ago to say "Thirsty Bird "when she is thirsty. Si that helps if I forget to offer her a drink when she's hanging out with me in my office.
  22. She's still a cute baby!!! Wait till she starts flying and lands on your head!!!! Talk about wanting to clip nails.:side:
  23. here are the latest http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2822.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2824.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2826.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s98/talon1013/IMG_2819.jpg yay!! Now I can take pictures without flash...:laugh: Thank you!!! Melissa
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