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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yup, I have the same issues with certain interactions between my birds and certain people. They can sense the negative energy, and thus react accordingly. Many times they bite the (negative for lack of a better) word person to make them go away as their way of protecting their chosen flock member (you)
  2. He is talking up a storm alone in his cage when no one is around..quite the closet talker! I will get to see him 4 days a week as I work downstairs from his room..I do try to stay away...Oli needs to bond to my son..his owner was a woman, so I don't want to get to close for that reason.
  3. I almost spit my coffee out! Thanks for making my day...that visual was hilarious!!
  4. Well, an update...I just got to work..my son lives with his father, (I work there for the ex's business). I just saw Oli. Poor thing is shell-shocked...He won't come out of his cage...he is very quiet. It's very hard to see. I am so sad for his (Oli) little feelings...my son is talking to him, sitting by his cage, and offering him his usual treat when he is used to it. He is eating, but not interested in anything new.
  5. Well, I am happy to announce..I just got home after going with my son to get his grey, Oli!! Oli climbed outof his travel cage and up into his cage and looked relieved. He is very quiet of course and just looking around taking everything in. I will see him again on Monday....being 11 years old, I am sure it will take some time for him to adjust, and my son understands that as well. I know he will be very patient with him and let Oli take the lead. My son is very good with his pets, so I am sure all will go well in time.
  6. Nancy, you are too kind. It means a lot to me that you took the time to say Thank you. It's nice to know when someone appreciates the little things! Happy Holidays to you and your family!
  7. Beautiful pics! All the birds are gorgeous , love the one of your son!
  8. Happy Birthday Corky! I know you are the love of that house, bring it on!! After all, it is your special day, Mom & Dad will just have to deal with it!!! Or, and EXTRA yummy treats!
  9. Can you just keep her in her cage locked until you are home, and then maybe some out of cage time in a separate room with doors shut tight?
  10. Thanks Dave, I was hoping you would chime in...she does chew a lot of wood from wooden boxes. It makes sense now, she loves her beak rubbed by me so I know it's not sore. I feel better now..Thanks!!
  11. Rikki my cag has a little bit of pink/ sort of redness around the corners of her beak. I noticed it over 6 months ago..it never gets better or worse. She acts perfectly fine otherwise., appetite same, behavior, etc. I can't get it to show up on any pics I take due to the lighting. Could it be from rubbing her beak? Or could it be a deficiency of some sort? I haven't taken her to the vet as she gets so stressed out there, I don't want to put her thru that unless absolutely necessary. Any suggestions? I have googled it several times, but don't see it anywhere in pics or questions..
  12. Happy Birthday Dorian, may it be a very special dy of spoiling for you!!! I know it will.
  13. Oh, she doesn't wait....she comes when she wants, but there are times I call her if I can't find her..she comes sailing clumsily thru the air!
  14. I believe that anything that is so powerful as to make my eyes water in fumes is bad for my birds. They don't need to breath in the fumes every time my trash cupboard is opened and closed
  15. So, the supermarket that I buy my groceries at...Stop & Shop..no longer sells trash bags that are plain...they all, every brand has fragrance in them..it's disgusting and completely UNSAFE for my birds...I'm going to have to find others elswhere..How do they think people with allergies are going to do with these?!?!?!?
  16. I got Talon a dark green plain fleece tent when she was a baby. She always slept in it at night. When she got bigger & older, she decided perched on top of it was now the chosen bedtime spot.. I have tried several itmes to replace it with another...but it must be dark green and this exact one! She refuses any other..so it is now 9 years old...
  17. Congrats!! I am so happy for you! Thank you for the update and I look forward to following her life.. She is adorable!!
  18. For those with Amazons & Greys in their home. Don't you just love it when you call your grey cause you can't find them...they refuse to come to you ever, no matter how much you try & coax them?? I will get a whistle or a contact call, but it then becomes a game of hide & seek, fid me if you can!! But when you call your amazon..they come flying at you like a rocket on high speed and crash land onto your shoulder, or you have to duck cause they will hit you in the face head on??? They come at you with such a loud announcement..'HERE I AM!!!" " YOUU WERE LOOKING FOR ME?????"
  19. GREAT NEWS!!!!! My son hadn't heard from them, so I said email and ask them...so he did. And he got the word..he was the chosen one to get Oli. I hope he will come here to the rescue room for any support he may need. He was told Oli is very bonded to his owner and being 11 years old...it may take him a while to come around.
  20. I have one and have lots of boings twisted and hung all over it. I am hoping to get another one in the near future to put in my outdoor bird room....hoping to find a Craigslist one cheaper!
  21. MY heart goes out to you...I had to put our longtime family sweet cat down 2 days ago..My house feels so empty even tho I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and my flock. He was 20 yrs plus, completely blind, and in kidney failure, but the sweetest cat ever!! ...HE required a lot of extra care...I still look down when I walk so I wont step on him cause he couldn't see..that's a hard habit to break..
  22. Oh how sweet! . Where did she come from?
  23. That is hysterical!! You are so clever to allow Sophie her own bills & check register...All I see is shredded paper all over the place as they tear it up and fly off scattering the confetti everywhere!! You are much more patient!
  24. Sounds like your going to ha e to get creative in the toy dept, old phones books work wonders in my house, cardboard boxes to tear up. Junk mail, toy buckets, hiding treats in cupcake wrappers tied in different places in their cages, maybe some new bird music or videos of other birds?
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