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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Here are are pics of the stuff Bird brought in our house to murder us for sure !!! I think she's a terrible Bird to us...I mean what kinda bird brings this horrible scary stuff I to their flocks home????. H And the the scarest thing of all....!!!!!!! Except Nilah of course has claimed this as hers immediately!
  2. Yea...there's nothing wrong with old things....what's with the new things and why do they always wanna redecorate my room???????
  3. Come come come!!! I would love to have you fly here and scare Nilah!
  4. Well it is that time of year...Spring..even tho there is tons of snow outside, the calendar says otherwise...and so does Nilah!!!! She will be 6 years old in a few weeks, and I finally remember that springtime for her is her feisty time. She is wild and out of control .....I can no longer allow her out of her cage in the morning to share breakfast with me and my greys, cause she absolutely will NOT go back into her cage. So,instead of fighting in frustration with her as she flies all over the house yelling and screaming like I'm going to murder her, and me being hours late for work...I don't let her out. I finally remember that this is year 3 of this behavior. When she is out, she is yelling, singing, getting into everything that's a no no and just being a feisty girl. I don't mind when I'm home, but if I have to go out in the morning, she can't come out. I know it's harder on me for these 3 months than her....I hate this time of year having to walk away from her cage with the others on me and leaving her left out.. in the am. I hope one it goes by fast.. :(
  5. This is getting old. Enough said
  6. Yes, bird made it back and bought the scariest play stand I've ever seen !!!! I'll see if she will take a pic......but be for warned.....it might scare the feathers off of you!!!!!
  7. You will find rudeness and opinions everywhere you go. It's life, it's forum life, it's Facebook life etc,. We have been thru this same topic over and over again here on Greyfroums. And I'm not gonna do again for the hundredth time. It's in the archives if you care to go back and read the many many threads on this subject It all comes down to the same thing...interpretation of the black and white words we read. There is no emotion, no feelings, no tone of voice...so you read it, you put your own take on the meaning of it...some are okay, some see it with no harm intended, others get angry at the tone they decipher from it. Please rememebr that that how you decide to interpret it is all on you.....if you really knew the person, new there personality, your may see it quite differently. Pick your battles, but we are all here for the same reason....for our birds..it isn't a popularity contest....or who knows better than you....you read a post, and decide for yourself if you care to contribute or not, or care to take the advice..or discuss it. Your never gonna change the way others think or respond on a forum, so dont bother trying, it only flames the thread....and like it or not, I don't tolerate that here like other forums might.
  8. Bluedawg and Sterling , you really did over react. Dredging up the past is not a positive or becoming attribute. let's move on please or I will lock this thread. You had a suggestion, others and myself gave their opinions, and that's that. Don't take it so personally, thus a a forum and this is how it works ....suggestions, questions, opinions
  9. Bluedawg, I believe members thanked Dave, as he is absolutely correct . If people would read the stickies which were put in place to answer the most commonly asked questions,.then they would be well informed. Not just anyone can make a sticky, it is approved only by a moderator or admin. I can speak for long time members here when I say, that mods are all here volunteering our time, and when the same questions come up day after day it can get quite tiresome and we are answering the same questions over and over, thus the moderators have spent many hours writing stickies...why? To help answer with the best experience and knowledge they have. I hope that answers your testy question about Dave , who has my upmost respect, and I will not.allow anyone to disrespect him in any way.....just putting that out there for future info.
  10. Don't forget...this room is for BIRDS only.....you parronts....well.......you have to fly out of here......NOW!!!!!!!!! Love,Talon, Rikki & Nilah, the brat!
  11. I use photobucket, the img link
  12. Baileyspapa....OMG, he truly did die of a broken heart....how sad...
  13. I had 2 parakeets that my 2 sons got when they were younger. Of course they lost interest in them and they spent most of their lives in their flight cage, and I took care of them. They were very bonded. One past away last summer, and shortly after, the one left stopped talking or whistling. He was silent. I always tried to talk to him or whistle at him, but he had no interest. He was getting quite old looking and I knew he was failing the last couple of months. When I uncovered his cage on Tuesday morning, he was laying dead on the bottom of his cage. It was very sad, but I am glad he didn't suffer. It is winter here, I want to bury him next to his buddy ...I wrapped him in a towel and put him in a birdie tent I had and buried him in the snow outside for now....I'm hoping that as soon as the snow melts, I can dig a place for him.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am glad your were all there to comfort him as he flew to the Rainbow Bridge. My condolences
  15. My birds chew year round...boxes, phone books, paper wrapped foot toys in buckets...everything!
  16. They have over 50,000 toys...rooms and rooms of toys, play stands, cages, hanging stuff, food rooms....it's worth the trip.
  17. bird says she is gonna go to bird of paradise store a long way away for us she says......I don't know what that means except she goes every year or so. She doesn't let us out of our cages for breakfast and she leaves and we don't see her until bedtime. But whatever she does and wherever she goes she comes home with bags and bags of new chew toys. She puts them all over the dining room table and scares the heck out of us with all this new scary stuff. This year I hope she gets GOOD things and not the scary stuff she usually comes back with. Of course Nilah is a nosey pain in the butt and has to stick her beak into everything and put her germs in all of it. :mad: Rikki and I are the smart ones...we know those bags of things are gonna eat us in our sleep.....:rolleyes:. I stole this from Birds computer...this is where she's going...do any of your bird friends know if we should be scared or not?????? Oh, and she says she's going on Monday...what's a Monday ???? http://bird-paradise.biz/about-us/
  18. It isn't fighting, it looks more like they are trying to establish the pecking order, who the dominant one is. There's always an order in a flock.
  19. I think it is a great suggestion ...but I wouldn't want others taking someone's advice based on what just a member lists what they consider experience.....that could become a liability issue. We always state there are no vets here, so the advice given by any member is to be weeded through and the person seeking advice is solely responsible for deciding what they chose to believe, follow or dismiss....it's a case by case basis. The best thing is to read everything written and rifle through the information, and come to your own conclusions.
  20. Absolutely beautiful pics! Long overdue I might add.....more please.....
  21. Oh that is adorable! Would love to see that on video
  22. hey guys....love Febuary in our house! Rikki, Nilah and I have been around long enough to know what "birthdays " mean in our house........ WE HAVE 2 ....that's right 2 this month!!! Usually Bird puts us in our cages cause other people come over....so we miss out on the yummy stuff...but last night...Bird let us join in the birthday party....and we were so excited! Bird kept calling us vultures (whatever that is, guess it's good, cause she was laughing). We circled in around the table and marched on over to this: Nilah hates cold, so she refused to join in the ice cream cake.....told ya she was dumb!
  23. I was making toast.....turned around to get the new jar of peanut butter.....and this is what I find....... Can't imagine who did it............could this be the culprit??????............
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