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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Makes me think.....I have a loud mouth Nilah at times......one day I would like to sell my big house with the huge upkeep and buy a small place with very little upkeep, but I don't know how, the neighbors would throw me out with all the noise...its a dilemma I'm looking down the road at. I'm guessing condos are out.
  2. I keep my travel cages right next to my birds cages all the time.
  3. What a heartbreaking story. http://www.wfla.com/story/29309061/christiansburg-13-year-old-escapes-fire-returns-to-save-family-birds
  4. Professor Cricket, Nilah has taught me at a very young age that same lesson. I am glad you reminded everyone here that respect is earned , not expected. An Amazon will be your best friend forever if you treat them with the upmost sensitivity and respect just because....
  5. Talon

    Any Ideas?

    You could start with egg cartons, cardboard and little pieces if thin wood . Wrap them up in paper and put them in a toy bucket
  6. It seems to me that you can only have out of cafe time separately for now. Your baby needs to be able to grow and learn to fly. It will take time for them to adjust to each other , lots of time. You can't force it or expect they will even bond. I have 2 greys, and they won't ever bond, they tolerate each other but that's it.
  7. I use Rikki my grey to open boxes that come from UPS & to preen my wet hair. Nilah my Amazon to destroy anything I'm interested in keeping and eating any leftover food. And Talon to be the tattletale on all misbehavior going on in my house.
  8. I would love to hear what your home sounds like with 13 birds. It must be a blast!!
  9. I love it of it is!!! Wow fantastic, you are great parronts!
  10. Oh Ray, I am at a loss for words. I feel your pain as Nilah is very nice like Cricket, although minus the baggage and hurdles you helped Cricket overcome to be the best loving companion possible. You two had a bond like Nilah and I, even more so. Your post really hits home and is quite emotional for me. My heart breaks for your pain, as I know from the bond I have with Nilah, it will never stop hurting. I just hope one day Cricket, as she looks down on you, will let you know if another Amazon ever cross your path that is belongs with you. Love to you and Crickets memory, xoxoxoxox <3
  11. Oh yes!! I yell many times when they are doing the forbidden and they know it!! They do listen and usually stop what they are doing. Of course Nilah has picked it up...."NO NO NO NO, STOOPPP IT!!!! But I do enjoy it when they yell at the dog or each other when the other is doing something wrong.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. I am a firm believer in allowing our birds out of cage times as much as I am home & free flight all the time. I don't think there is anything more you could have done. YOU did the best you could & gave him the best life ever.
  13. He is a recent addition? It can take a year or more for them to settle in....
  14. I have the video with sound from their end. I cant talk to them, can only listen & observe. I have access thru my any computer & my cell phone. I KNOW my birds would freak out and want me NOW if they ever heard my voice, so I would never want to frustrate them like that.
  15. Wow! That"s an amazon for you.....He is the chosen one.. Lucky for you!!! A word of warning tho......he may turn to biting you or flying at you to keep you away from his new best friend...my amazon does that to my daughter. ( Pancho I mean...not the boyfriend....LOL)
  16. Talon

    Birds Rights

  17. Nice, I would put the perch as high as possible. That's what greys seem to prefer. Also, I would wrap the chains in vet wrap, my greys have been known to get their claws stuck in them.
  18. There are no words........ She is who she is....& I wouldn't have it any other way!! :cool:
  19. I was leaving for work this am, & went into the bird room to say goodbye & blow daily kisses to my flock..I couldn't' resist taking a video of Talon, who already dug into her snack bowl to get the mini cone filled with cherry yogurt & topped off with granola. Wanted to share! Again...my phone wasn't recording well.....
  20. Here is a small video of Rikki before I left for work today. She doesn't do much on camera, but I wanted her to feel like a star today!! My apologies for it being so choppy..not sure what happened there.. Also, please excuse the LOUD MOUTH in the background.. :rolleyes:
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