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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Bahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  2. Does TeFal cookware contain Teflon? Finding mixed reviews online. Wondering if that are safe for my parrots
  3. I agree with Greywings and Timbersmom.....my Amazon has taken to screaming at the window, NO NO NO and whatever else I can't understand in the mornings....it is quite annoying a, but when she does it and it lasts about 15 minutes . I immediately stop talking and ignore her completely.....its been months, but I refuse to acknowledge her behavior. Just something that comes with owning a parrot. You can't control their behavior as much as you wish!
  4. There are multiple stickies with very pertinent information in many of our rooms. As we are not vets, and behavior specialists, we welcome the advice from our experienced members in our stickies. The reason being, there is no set way to interact with birds as far as diet, training, etc. what works for one personality, won't work for another when it comes to parrots.....so the more advice we have the better choices and options you have to try. IN OWNING A PARROT, YOU HAVE TO HAVE AN OPEN MIND or YOU WILL HAVE PROBLEMS IN YOUR INTERACTIONS.....Just my opinion. And I do have the final say regarding stickies...:cool: But appreciate any and all suggestions and opinions.
  5. Great thread! I have some reservations about posting signs I have birds....it's also an invitation to break in and steal them...so it's a personal decision.
  6. Oh I'm so sorry...what happened? They do hide their illnesses from us very well..
  7. Put her cage outside, continue talking to her, and don't let her out of your site. Constant talking and treats . Hurry
  8. Omg! My heart is pounding! You are so lucky! Phew!!,
  9. That's is hysterical! You definitely need some more meds!! Lol
  10. Thank you Inara, very thought provoking and helpful.
  11. That's interesting, not something my birds have ever done so I can't offer any explanations. One of my guys does "beak" my finger, but not swallow it. It's an affectionate thing she does to me as she coos and rubs her head on my hand.
  12. Welcoming to our family! I love the pics and look forward to hearing more about Spy and your family.
  13. 2 of my three parrots like juice. It's my tag , Talon's bedtime ritual, she says "thirsty bird", and that's my order to get her her nighttime juice she drinks out of a glass I hold for her, when she's done, she pushes the glass away with her beak, wipes her beak on her swirly perch, then steps up and I put her to bed!
  14. I have a tag and a cag. They are not head shakers either!
  15. Love the video! Definitely gives us all ideas!
  16. Inara, You our completely wrote my feelings. Thank you for understanding.....
  17. Great thread ! Can't wait to read the suggestions!
  18. Welcome to out greyt family! What a wonderful introduction! I look forward to hearing me, seeing pictures and all you contribute to our family!
  19. Very happy and very excited for you. This was meant to be.....
  20. That is a nice cage, but be sure to disinfect it and everything it comes with. Do not use bleach or ammonia to do so.
  21. Yes, we do not have a sticky about cage size, as it can cause some issues. We all have our own beliefs. Personally, the bigger the better. In my opinion. I have 2 greys and an Amazon. They have macaw size dome cages. Once you fill them with toys and perches Eric. They become quite small. I love the cage you posted. Keep in mind, greys like to be up high, so the bottom half will rarely be used
  22. My heart is just overflowig with the love and compassion from the posts on this thread. It is a difficult subject, no doubt. But it shows the deep bond and love we have for our birds that no one else could ever understand. I LOVE the idea of having a family here to turn to in the event one of our family flock member needs a home. We here know each other's parrots better than anyone, we know each other's struggles, frustrations, and all the happy times, treats, tricks and just the love that is shared with our precious babies.
  23. EXACTLY!! Great input into this subject from everyone. There are anyother options. And since I am 55 and my grandmother is 103 in great health, and my great and great great grandmothers all lived to be 100.....I expect my birds will be with me well into their 40's.....so it may not be as big of an issue as I think...
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