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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Alright you guys, lets all get going here. I WANT WEEKLY CHECK-INS!!! :evil: :evil: From this day on, I will give karma to each member that gives a weekly report on how many days you exercised during the week. One karma per day! :woohoo:
  2. Yup! I have had many cats over the years, and yes, they follow you everywhere!! :cheer:
  3. Awww, he's beautiful!! :cheer:
  4. That would have been great, but she's away with one of her horses at camp! I can't believe the work I have to do while she's gone...... I sure do miss her, and so does Talon & Rikki, they have no one to hang out with when I'm gone!
  5. That's what we had for dinner tonight. I let Rikki chow down on the chicken carcass while it was still on the counter. She LOVES it. Poor Talon just got a wing. They both love the bones, and do very well with them. B)
  6. Yes, a vet is in order. Don't wait!
  7. Hello & Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more. B)
  8. Hi & Welcome to our family! What a sweet bird!! :cheer:
  9. Welcome Scott. I am proud that you are rescuing a grey. Congrat! I look forward to hearing more from you. B)
  10. Thanks Trust! I have noticed you are a fan of it...:lol:
  11. Nice Tari, I have the perfect picture!! :woohoo:
  12. Rikki cost $1400 at 12 weeks from a pet store in MA in the US. I got her for a bargain also..:whistle:
  13. Adorable!! :cheer:
  14. Yes, Heather, she was in a cat carrier, so you could see her in there, and was labled: LIVE ANIMAL! :angry:
  15. Trustdace wrote: The head appears to be smaller, I think the males have a larger head...just my uneducated opinion. There is no way to be sure with out a DNA test.
  16. I had my grey shipped 1500 miles to me when she was 9 weeks old. I had to pick her up at the cargo part of the airport. The attendants tend to terrorize the animals. They sometimes like to put a cat carrier up against a bird just for fun, which is what happened to my bird. Left there for about 45 minutes. As far a physiological affects, There really is no way to know when first getting a grey. You would probably have a better idea if it was your grey to start with, and you shipped it and was there to pick it up. Temperature is very important when shipping a bird. It can't be too hot, or too cold.
  17. I allow my greys on my shoulder, but in the beginning it was for a very limited amount of time. It is their favorite place to be, and they will get dominate if you allow it all the time. As the bond and trust develops, you will find that you will be able to allow it when you want. But as the others stated, YOU must be able to train them to step up, or down on command. One of my greys will step up all the time when asked, (I've taught her that since she was 10 weeks old) my other one doesn't know the command as well, gets confused when I ask her to step up off of my shoulder, and will only get off after I say step down. She is learning very quickly tho. There will always be the risk of a bite, moving to quickly, they may startle. Getting too excited, feeling that they are more dominate over you. All things to consider and be careful of. I would be extremely careful of your 7 year old and having your bird on their shoulder. They are louder, display more energy, and greys are easily frightened:evil: by those things which could lead to a bite!
  18. I have both a Tag & Cag. I have had my TAG for almost 3 years. Her vocabulary is amazing. She picks words and phrases up in just a couple of days. She learned her phone number in 3 days! :cheer: I find that she speaks as clear as we do. And she talks way more than most. She will talk all day, and rarely whistles. But then again, I rarely whistle back, only use words to communicate with her. So, there is a difference in how they are raised, and their personalities to take into consideration. I find that she is much less neurotic, and more laid back, but extremely active! I can't help with a breeder, but I live in Massachusetts, and had her shipped from FL.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/07/17 04:16
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