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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hello & Welcome to our family! B)
  2. Hello & Welcome to our family! B)
  3. Hello & Welcome to our family! B)
  4. I have 2 different ones. I put them on maybe once a week if that. They run continually. My birds really love them, but I don't want to encourage too many bird whistles, I prefer them talking, so I limit them, but they are great!! B)
  5. Welcome to our family! B)
  6. Oh Tracy, thank you, you are a dear!!!! Your like a walking encyclopedia for Greyforums.net! :laugh: :laugh:
  7. Talon

    Rikki is Home!!

    Yes, I can't wait to hear EVERYTHING!!:woohoo:
  8. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing it with us. B)
  9. I am very pleased to announce our newest moderator of the Training Room, Siobhan! Siobhan will be replacing Briansmum who is unable to continue as moderator. I have found Siobhan to be a very loyal,knowledgeable member who offers great advice and friendship to all! Her experience with her 2 greys, and her other birds will be a great help as well when we need it. Please join me in Congratulating her on her new job!! CONGRATULATIONS SIOBHAN!! :cheer: :cheer: {Communicate-000200D5}
  10. Please remember to vote! Karma for all that do, and let me know here. :woohoo:
  11. You need to replace it with spacing of 5/8 to 7/8. My cage has 5/8. I would be very careful. If she gets her head stuck while your not home, or at night, it would be tragic.
  12. Looks like he's eyeing your necklace. Nice picture!!
  13. Congrats! I'm very excited for you. can't wait to see pictures! :woohoo:
  14. Awww. How adorable! Especially the one with his eyes closed.
  15. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing that with us!
  16. He occasionally comes back to visit. But like many others, stay on for a while and then go Poof! He had yet to get a grey, but did have another bird.
  17. Tracy gives very good advice! I personally allow both my greys on my shoulder. Sometimes one on each shoulder at the same time. But it is very important they step up when asked, if mine get stubborn (and they do) I lean over to the back of the couch and tell them to step down, which they know means "Get Off!!" Which sometimes I have to do when they start deciding to get feisty and try and nip.
  18. Click here to vote for your favorite photo for the Topsy-Turvy Bird Contest: http://www.polldaddy.com/p/847361/'>http://www.polldaddy.com/p/847361/ Here are the entries: #1-jimmycoop2005 #2-Dave007 #3-Kibibi #4-Makena #5-birdgranna #6-Talonsis #7-siobha9 #8-Lyric #9-lovemyGreys #10-slmclean #11-Tycos_mom #12-HeatherStrella #13-danmcq To vote: http://www.polldaddy.com/p/847361/ VOTING ENDS TUESDAY AUGUST 19th at MIDNIGHT. Get your votes in before it's too late! Good luck everyone! {Feel-good-000200BB}<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/08/10 18:34
  19. What exactly is a loo roll????? :blink:
  20. Well Dan, thanks to the fact that I was sleeping....you managed to sneak in before I awoke! IT'S OFFICIALLY CLOSED!! I will get the voting set up, and then the fun begins!!
  21. That is more info than I think we need Dan.......{Feel-bad-00020072}<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/08/10 15:54
  22. Sorry..........:laugh: See, the real plan is to keep ALL our members here waiting, that way they never leave!! :laugh: :laugh:
  23. I love the name you have picked out for a girl! I hope this one is a keeper. Please be sure you will keep her no matter what. :huh: I have 2 girls, and love them both! Girls are great! BUt then again, I've never had a boy..<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/08/10 00:01
  24. Hi Lyn, MY notion is #2. He or she is too young to want to nest. My tag has a birdie bunk that she LOVES. She has slept in it for the past 2 1/2 years. I don't think that's the problem. Perhaps watching her or he will give you the answer you are looking for. Try to rule out the others. I'm sure others have netter advice than I. :blink:
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