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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Nice pictures! Thanks! The video is currently on hold, but will get done in the future! Sorry about the HUGE delay! B)
  2. Hello & Welcome to our family! I'm happy you are here, and I LOVE the pictures!! Echo is adorable! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing more from you. Sounds like you are off to a great start in all the research you are doing. B)
  3. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? {Feel-bad-00020072}
  4. Well, Dan said it was in the memo, although I never received one. He was kind enough to post it a few pages back....check it out!! :blink:
  5. I'm on it Dan....................Wait until you see how all this working out and running has improved my physique! I'm very proud of how I look in a swimsuit now. :woohoo:
  6. Cute & Clever!! I love the paper attached to make moving it simple. Could you add a toy to it?
  7. I can crochet, and knit!! :woohoo: Back to topic....I voted! B)
  8. Sorry to hear you were sick Kitty. I'm proud of your weight increase for your arms! Keep up the good work. Karma coming your way!! :cheer: JUDY.........what's wrong with TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:
  9. Aww, that just doesn't seem right, or healthy. I agree, I wonder how long their life span is. Don't mess with nature is how I believe.....
  10. Tari, where is the other entry? There was 4 originally. Perhaps you made a mistake? Siobhan's photo is missing......:huh:
  11. Well, 2 days ago, my daughter stubbed her toe in the kitchen as Rikki was on the counter. SHe hopped around saying, "OW~OW!OW!OW!OW!OW!OW!" Well all day yesterday, I heard Rikki yelling, "OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! I thought it was my daughter! Talon yells, "Oh My God!", It's very cute!
  12. I have tried asking the question, and then saying the answer. This seems to work when I ask her what a chicken says.....she will then say, Bak Bak Bak! :laugh:
  13. THIS CONTEST WILL OFFICIALLY, AND FINALLY END ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 9,2008 AT MIDNIGHT EST. Thanks everyone for being so patient in the absence of our moderator. Karma will be given to every one who entered this contest for your continued loyalty to this contest! :cheer:
  14. YES!!! I was right!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  15. Yes, many sites have them as table top ones.
  16. My tag speaks in all of our families different voices. Male and female.
  17. Hello & Welcome! There is lots of info here. Just read up as much as you can, and feel free to ask questions! B)
  18. Hello & Welcome! Something must have changed that he can sense. It could be very slight, but he will pick up on it.
  19. Hi Meg, and Welcome to our family! I'm happy you joined. I look forward to hearing more!! B)
  20. Elozano, Welcome to our family! I enjoyed your pictures. Pretty scary seeing him outside tho, even though his wings are clipped.B)
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