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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Then I wouldn't be too concerned. I notice my birds smells after they had pizza the night before. There is a web site showing the proper color and consistency that you should see. I will look and see if I can find it. It is very helpful and was for me when I first got my grey.
  2. It's allergy season here, and Talon sneezes continuously like I do. :S
  3. Talon

    Help Please!

    One word...................SPOILED!!!! :laugh: :laugh: But then again, so are mine!! :lol:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/08/24 01:31
  4. I tend to disagree with the others. When I first get my 2 up in the am, bring them to their "potty baskets," and then they have that morning bomb, it sometimes does smell depending on their previous day of eating. I wouldn't worry about the occasional odor, but if it continued all day long and was every day, then, Yes, I would take your bird to the vet for a check up for that concern.
  5. I am pleased to announce that the longest running contest ever in the history of greyforums finally has come to an end! :laugh: The winners of the Topsy Turvy Bird Contest are: 1ST PLACE....................Heatherstella 2ND PLACE....................Danmcq 3RD PLACE....................Talonsis As promised, the First place winner would receive 10 karma and a "mystery surprise". I am happy to tell you that the mystery surprise will be, Heather's photo displayed on our front page! (It will take a few days for our software man to get it done, so please be patient!) Second Place: 7 Karma Third Place: 5 Karma Congratulations to all the winners, and to everyone that entered. It was a tough competition, all the entries were fabulous!! :woohoo:
  6. Kitty: That is wonderful! Thanks for the check in, and 2 karma for 2 days!! :cheer: :cheer: Keep up the good work!! :cheer: Laurie: You have been doing very well! And you are right, you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat! So, you go girl! :cheer:
  7. What a wonderful update! Please keep us posted. She's a beauty! :cheer:
  8. This contest is closed! Thank you!
  9. All I can say, is good luck to you! Listen to your instinct and the good reasons you have listed. You know in your heart. Convincing her otherwise.....might be a harder task! :P Keep looking, you will find the right fit for her. A cockatoo can be very demanding.
  10. I think your right Dan. Maybe my photo of my great new body is intimidating............:laugh: {Feel-good-0002006E}
  11. YEA!! :woohoo: Come on everyone! Be brave, I did it, you can too!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  12. Well.........I haven't heard from anyone!!! WHERE ARE OUR WEEKLY CHECK-INS?! I have been a bad girl these last 2 days, I HAVE to get to the gym tomorrow, first thing! :unsure:
  13. Suzzique. Please no that our greys can not have Onions, too much raw garlic as in cloves,apple seeds, and raw potatoes. These are very toxic as well as the 4 you mentioned.
  14. Suzzique, I love them! IS the second one on a table? It looks like its up so high. I too would like to know more about the net. I bought one for greys, and it's huge! I have yet to use it, it's outside on my deck. I have no where to put it... Dan's right, it does look like Parrot Disneyland!! :woohoo:
  15. Welcome to our family! I love the pictures!! :cheer:
  16. I use the packets, and cook only half of it. I use the other half the next day. I also use water, sometimes maybe a little milk. But no sugar. They love it! I don't feed it every day. But every day they get 12 grain bread with peanut butter on it cut up into small squares that they can hold and eat. I also use cream of wheat, they like that too!
  17. I love that name for such a sweet bird!! :cheer:
  18. Thanks guy! Karma for everyone who voted so far! :cheer:
  19. Yes, we are having trouble with the video here. Only one admin has the password and knows how to do it, and he is away for the time being.
  20. Yuk!! Spiders!!!!! {Feel-bad-00020063}
  21. Just thought I revive this.......just in case there are any lurkers here! {Characters-0002005D}
  22. HOw cute! And what a wonderful gift you have given this little girl! You've opened up her whole world into being a bird owner!1 Karma for you! :cheer:
  23. Have you tried spraying her with aloe vera juice? It is very good for their skin problems, and irritaion from picking at themselves. I would try everything you can before going to drastic measures as a collar. She won't be happy. <br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/08/14 03:09
  24. What wonderful stories! It's nice to know you can travel with your bird if necessary.
  25. Great advice from everyone here. She should be seen by an avian vet. Please keep us posted on her. We care.
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