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Everything posted by Talon

  1. WOW! What great advice Dave! Thanks you. Karma for you....:cheer:
  2. Talon

    New Moderators!

    I am pleased to announce our newest moderators! Heatherstrella is the new moderator of the Training Room! I have known Heather for going on 2 years from another bird forum. She is a wonderful person, who has a lot to offer us as a moderator. Her photography skills are an asset here as well. Congratulations Heather!! Dave007 is the new moderator of the Health Room! I don't have to tell you how knowledgeable he is in this field. His expertise has helped all of us here at one time or another. Congratulations Dave! I am also happy to announce that we have expanded Dan as a moderator in all the rooms to help us as needed. The time he spends here, the posts he replies to, and the expertise and research he does in all the fields has been a tremendous asset to us. Congratulations Dan! I look forward to working with all our new moderators, and continuing our ongoing work at keeping this the best Grey Forum on the internet! Penny<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/22 20:30
  3. Let me post this link here for any questions that members may have regarding this thread: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/newsroom/100541-announcement-from-talon.html
  4. Let me post this link here to answer any of the questions stated in this thread: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/newsroom/100541-announcement-from-talon.html
  5. Talon

    Rope Hoop

    I have one for Talon. She LOVES it! It's the best investment I ever made for her! I hang toys from it, she climbs all over it, and loves to hang upside down and play! BUY IT!! :woohoo:
  6. Due to the recent leaving of 2 of our moderators, Tracy & Siobhan. I understand there are some questions as to WHY.......before I explain, I have a few things I would like to say. I have the ultimate respect for them both, as friends, and as experienced grey owners. No one has helped me as much with the transition of my getting a second grey more than Tracy. She has gone over and above the role as moderator here. She has researched information, written articles, welcomed all new members, and is always here ready and happily willing to help with any questions or issues. I am deeply sad that she has chosen to leave us. I do hope that over time, she will have a change of heart and come back to us. Siobhan has always been here to help in any way she could, with words of encouragement, advice, whatever the case may be. Although new to being a moderator, I know she was passionate about her room. I hope Siobhan too, will have a change of heart over time and come back. I will miss them both, as I know you all will. We have had many experienced members in the past come and go, and life in the grey world continues on as more and more members join us and offer their expertise as well. I wish them both the best, and hope they find happiness in where ever they decide to go. I will not get into details about why they are leaving, but I all I will tell you, is this, their reasons for leaving are because I have made a few decisions lately as admin that they disagree with. I am locking this thread, as I feel it needs no response. If anyone would like to discuss this with me further, you can PM me. Sincerely, Penny<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/21 19:20
  7. Frank, these photo's are stunning! Absolutely gorgeous photography. But I expect nothing less from you. B) Thank you for sharing them with all of us. You are such a talented photographer. I miss seeing your photos here.
  8. Ceasar looks so beautiful! He's so handsome and strong looking, just like.........well, can't say that here.........this is a Family Forum.......... :P As usual, and as I expected Frank, your photo's are better than ever. B) :kiss:
  9. Please everyone, we would like you to offer your suggestions as to your plan of escape for your birds in the horrible event of a FIRE. When a fire starts, everything happens so quickly, and our feathered friends so quickly succumb to smoke, that we all need to be prepared as to how we will handle that situation if need be. PLEASE HELP US AND LIST YOUR PLAN OF ESCAPE BELOW, so that we all may benefit from your ideas and save our birds lives.
  10. Yes, if you go to your profile, click on Update Profile, forum settings. Put whatever you would like in the signature line. B)
  11. I am pleased to announce that we now have a moderator o for the RESCUE ROOM. Please join me in Congratulating Carolyn!! She has some great ideas to make this room successful in helping us with many issues regarding Lost birds/ rescues/ resources etc. I look forward to working with her on this! CONGRATULATIONS CAROLYN!!! Welcome to our great team of moderators and admins! {Nature-0002008E}
  12. Talon


    OMG! How terribly scary this is for all of us to imagine. I am so sorry for you, but am happy you were able to contain and put the fire out before the smoke affected your birds. I am so happy you all are safe. What a reminder that we should have a ready escape/rescue plan for our birds. Perhaps everyone here should think about this, plan and offer suggestions. WE WILL START A NEW TOPIC IN THE RESCUE ROOM AND MAKE IT A STICKY IMMEDIATELY!
  13. WOW! I am glad you found this before something terrible happened. Thank you for the warning. You have to always check for hazards, don't trust the people making these toys to think about what COULD happen.... :huh:
  14. I have read stories about things lie this. I regularly inspect Talon's hut for anything that may hurt her, or cause her to get tangles. I think if you are very cautious and careful, then it can be safe if they like it.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/10/19 04:17
  15. Well said Dan! I completely and totally agree with you. Karma for you!! Where I am from, it is very difficult to find a breeder in this state. Most of us have to go out of state to find a bird. They are rare here. No rescues, no breeders. :huh:
  16. Good bye for now. But I expect to see you back here asap! I hope all goes well. You will be missed. Please keep in touch when you can. Best wishes, Talon B)
  17. I use a Happy hut for Talon, she loves to sleep in it in the winter, and sleep on top of it in the summer. Rikki likes to sleep on a perch, not in a hut, but I might try again with her after I get her a new and bigger cage.
  18. OMG!!!!.......................Does it ever end??????
  19. Tracy, that is adorable! Thanks everyone for your wishes for a Happy Hatchday!! And Siobhan, what can I say.......gee.....thanks for reminding me........:pinch: :P
  20. Thanks guys! I will relay this to Talon!! :cheer: :cheer:
  21. Just wanted to wish Talon a Happy Bird-day! She turned 3 years old today!!!! I can't wait until the terrible two's stop........ {Nature-000200C9}<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/10/13 14:38
  22. Yea, well I only catch the morning one, the rest go where ever they BOTH decide to go......:angry: :pinch:
  23. Thank you Judy! Your words mean a lot to me. :kiss: Luvparrots, Thank you too!!
  24. Guess What? After 2 1/2 months, I have Rikki potty trained just like Talon!! She now knows that after being taken out of her cage, she has to wait until I get her into the kitchen and onto her "potty basket" before she can go!! No more cleaning up that morning bomb from the floor!!!!! :woohoo: I am so proud of her! They just amaze me with their intelligence! :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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