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Everything posted by Talon

  1. WELL, WELL, WELL! I first would like to thank BMustee, Toni, Danmcq, and Kaedyn for their replies. You have all offered wonderful advice. And seeing as this forum was built to help those who ask, and offer advice and share our experiences, I am happy that they were here to help. It is all in the safety of every precious bird out there. We all know they are extremely delicate, especially as babies. Many of us older members with YEARS of experience in African Greys, wouldn't dare try and breed without lots and lots of previous experience. It is so easy to accidentally and unintentionally have a baby die from lack of practice in hand feeding. The time to gain experience and practice is not from a fresh clutch left solely in your care, or from reading a book and researching on the internet. It is from working with experienced breeders who can TEACH you how to properly feed and care for them under their careful watch. A lack of experience in not knowing what to look for in health issues that can arise will kill them. RyannsGreys: You came to this forum looking for help, did you not? Your post says: BREEDING MY GREYS HELP Well, your getting advice, and you are taking it and using it as personal attacks on the members here who HAVE the knowledge to help you. Take their advice. They know what they are talking about. I will be watching this thread very closely, and if I see any more attacks on the members here by anyone, I will LOCK this thread. Becoming a member here requires that everyone be treated with dignity and respect. I am seeing you get defensive and making personal attacks on others who are only trying to give you the advice you asked for. They have not insulted you, or disrespected you in any way shape or form. When you ask for advice, you take it, you can pick and choose as you wish, but you don't come back at them by verbually trying to pick a fight because you don't like the advice they give. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated. If it continues, YOU WILL BE BANNED. Sincerely, Penny/aka Talon SALLAS: Thank you for your reply and getting my attention on my Blackberry in Starbucks! Karma for you!! B)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/09/10 19:55
  2. Oh Judy, I'm so sorry to hear of this very sad news. I too enjoyed her many posts here. She will be deeply missed by us all. She was a contributing member that will always be remembered by her friends here. I hope she has found peace at the Rainbow Bridge with our feathered friends that have passed on. Her family, her four legged family members and her feathered family will be in my prayers.
  3. WOW! Thanks for the links everyone! B)
  4. I'd love it, but too far away from my family as well.
  5. Thanks everyone for the advice. I have always given Talon a treat when I put her in her cage. It's not working anymore... And I can get her to step up and move her anywhere else in the house. I do spend time with her on my lap at night. And I have gone out of my way to spend extra time with her hoping this will help. It's not like she's afraid of going in her cage, Melissa can put her there anytime and with no problems. I have tried gripping her feet, but she bites and flaps and always manages to squirm her way out. :pinch:
  6. We need to come up with a time, and day, and a plan of what we would like to discuss. Perhaps just an informal one to start where we could all meet and giggle at all the different accents. Then we could come up with a topic for our 2nd podcast discussion.
  7. Okay, here's my story..........One day as I was bent over putting laundry in the dryer, a bird flew on my back, I wasn't surprised as Rikki has been doing this since she came to us. As I stood up, she climbed up onto my shoulder. I then walked into the kitchen where I saw my other bird eating grapes on the counter. I then said, "Hi Talon" then I went to put Rikki in her cage as I was getting ready to leave for work. As I reached up onto my shoulder and told her to step up, she did, and I proceeded to put her in her cage on her favorite perch. (she always goes in very nicely) Well, she started fighting me, and I of course was in a hurry. I kept telling her to "step down", which she knows, and "what's the matter?" but she kept fluttering her wings and trying to climb up my arm. She was getting frantic! I couldn't understand what happened to my well behaved sweet bird. It was then, I REALLY looked at her, and saw it was TALON!! :pinch: I was trying to put her into Rikki's cage, and she was not happy about it! NO WAY! NO HOW! Was she going to have any part of going in that cage!! :evil: :evil: I felt soooooo bad! I thought it was Rikki on my shoulder, and Talon in the kitchen, but it was Talon on my shoulder, and Rikki in the kitchen! Well, you can probably guess by now, that I can't get Talon to go in her cage anymore, Every time I pick her up and take her to her cage, she flies away! The other day, I spent 30 minutes chasing her all over the house trying to catch her and get her in her cage. I finally had to towel her and fight with her to go in, My daughter has no problems putting her in her cage at any time!! But here's the interesting part. I can put her in her sleep cage to bed, just not her play cage! Any suggestions? It's a real problem now that my daughter is in school and can't put Talon in her cage for me when I have to leave. I have to chase her around the house, she knows I get mad, so its not a game to her. She tires herself out, but not enough to let me catch her. I'm ready to buy a net!! :unsure:
  8. I can't wait!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  9. One more thing, we have such a difference in time zones, we need to find a happy medium, so our long distant moderators can participate instead of sleeping....:lol:
  10. I LOVE the idea! I'm up for it! :woohoo:
  11. Judy, download skype, it's free. Then you will need a headset/microphone.
  12. I would never collar my greys for plucking. It's not worth upsetting them so much, so she's naked, I'm sure it doesn't bother her half as much as it bothers you. :unsure: There are other solutions, and efforts. Don't give up, you'll find something that works.
  13. What happened to the course of medication you have her on that is to last 45 days, and the psittacosis diagnose? Isn't this the cause of psittacosis er illness?
  14. I'm sorry to hear this. Have you been to an Avian vet? It would seem to me that they would be able to find out something. Have they done thorough blood work on her? Please keep feeding her and keeping her alive. I hope she is not suffering.
  15. Well guys.......lets throw out some more organizing and see if we can get this idea off the ground. Perhaps figuring out some specific times to get started?
  16. Very impressive! I love the boing hanging above the playstand. I personally would leave it up, he will surprise you how quickly he can use it. He will grip on with his claws. :cheer:
  17. Heatherstella, This was investigated, and it DID in fact turn out to be a scam. As I previously stated, I purposely left this thread up for members to see, and to use as an example to hopefully Save some new unsuspecting member hoping to get a grey for free, or or very little money.
  18. Talon


    I have one of these, and I found they were very expensive when it came to having to buy new filters that need to be changed every few years. They cost almost as much as a new machine.
  19. Talon


    Ionizers are bad to use around birds. My son has asthma, and I have the Bird air cleaners you see advertised in Bird Talk Magazine. I LOVE them, and my son is never bothered by the 4 birds we have.
  20. My new cag does this also. I will be interested to hear what the others say about this behavior. I have a tag also, and she rarely will do this.
  21. WOW! What a story, you must have been so scared for your baby. I am really glad you shared this story with us. It is a good wake up call for all of us to be prepared in the event we have to leave our homes quickly. Karma for you! Thank you!!! :cheer:
  22. What's going on here? Perhaps a pm to me would shed some light on things...
  23. I Love it! He's not even home, and he's already spoiled! What a lucky bird, and he has no idea how much heeeee's loved yet.:cheer:
  24. Those are excellent! Thanks for the ideas. You are very clever!! :cheer:
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