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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome Ian! I'm happy you joined our family. I look forward to hearing more. B)
  2. Welcome! Boy you have your hands full, but sounds like your doing your homework. B)
  3. I hadn't given this much thought. However, I adopted a 2 1/2 year old CAG named Rikki. She is a girl. She knows her name. I hadn't planned on changing it because she is so sweet and knows her name, but you guys have me thinking about it. I wanted things to be as smoothly as possible for her, so changing her name would bring on a whole new change, and I didn't think that one more bit of stress would be good for her. SO, I guess I just decided into not changing her name....
  4. Yes, as long as you treat for it, things will be fine. Don't forget to retest just to be on the safe side.
  5. THANK YOU DAN! I knew you would come here and set everyone straight. My message just didn't cut it. They need YOUR scientific information, and I am SO glad you are here to provide it. You saved another bird! Way to go!! :woohoo: Karma for you.....:kiss:
  6. It is a test that my vet does regularly on Talon. It tells them how much bad bacteria they have in their system. Usually they treat it if the numbers are too high, and then retest after 2 months. They will always have some bacteria, but when it gets too high, they treat it as I believe it can lead to other things. I know this isn't a very good explanation, so I am sure others will research it and give us better answers! Talon has been treated for this once when we first got her, and 3 other times. Usually after some stress or exposure to cold drafts. I think she has a tendency for this, as others I know have never had a problem. There are no symptoms usually. Here is a couple of articles for further info! http://www.cockatiels.org/articles/Diseases/bacterial.html http://www.parrottalk.com/gram-stain.htm<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/07/11 16:03
  7. I just weighed Rikki. She is 2 1/2 years old. A CAG, and she weighed 381.
  8. I just ordered a tree stand for my 2 greys. I searched the forum here, and no where is there a thread stating the best size for perches in diameter. So I thought we should all have some input as to what works best for your birds, not necessarily the recommended sizes that suppliers suggest. I now have a small cag, and a tag. I ordered a tree with 3/4 -1 1/4 in diameter for the perches.
  9. All I can say......is WOW! B)
  10. Try cooking oil. That is much safer for them.
  11. Talon

    back again!

    Beccy, I am so happy to have you both back! We sure have missed you here. And stop that business about taking up space in the room! There is always room for you girl!! :cheer: :cheer:
  12. Talon

    Rikki is Home!!

    Thanks, both girls are safely tucked away in bed for the night. B) I am going to a concert tomorrow and have to put them in their cages around 3 pm until the next morning..... :( of course I don't want to leave them for that long....:ohmy:
  13. Talon

    Rikki is Home!!

    Hi Everyone, Rikki is laying next to me on the couch. All she wants to do is cuddle and nap with me. My youngest has patted her to sleep twice! Talon doesn't seem fazed at all by her. Rikki and Talon both ate dinner with us. She is much bigger than Talon, although I haven't weighed her yet. Se is on the small side for a cag I believe. I'm letting her settle in a bit first. I am amazed at how well Talon is doing with her. She doesn't seem to mind all the attention she is getting. Soon it will be Talon's turn for cuddles, although he doesn't like too many of those. Rikki doesn't seem to bite compared to Talon, I hope it stays that way. Thanks for everyones excitement, as I am excited too, and it's fun to share it with you all. :)
  14. Talon

    Rikki is Home!!

    Hello Everyone! Rikki is home! She came about an hour ago, and she finally came out of her carrier when I opened her food bin, she crawled onto my arm where she stayed for a while, then she stepped up and i put her on my shoulder. She's been there for about a half hour, and keeps putting her head down for scratches! hHe is a real sweetheart, and Talon seems to enjoy looking at her. They are whistling back and forth. Rikki is most scared of my dog, but that's because she's never seen one before. I'll keep you posted on how the rest of the day goes.
  15. Hi Christo, No, as long as you are a member, you can come and go as you please, lurk as much as you like (although we love to hear from you) post as often or as little as you want. I'm not sure why you would get any message when trying to psdt, but if it continues, please let me know and I will look into it asap! I'm happy to have you back, I look forward to hearing more from you!! B)
  16. Thanks guys! Dan, yup, one more wake up day....:cheer: :woohoo: :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/07/07 22:31
  17. Thanks for the reminder Dan!! B)
  18. Thanks CD, your still a sweetheart! And Yes, she will be just as spoiled as the rest of my household members and visitors! B) :whistle:
  19. WOW! I too love the last one! Excellent shot!!
  20. I'm so excited! I wanted to share with my family and friends here that I am adopting a CAG this week. She is due to arrive on Tues. of this week. She is a 2 year old sweet girl named Rikki!! :cheer: Talonsis will post some pictures as soon as she can I'm sure!! I would like to Thank Lovemygreys for being my soundboard and for her advice in helping me to make this important decision. As well as all the input from my close friends here, and my kids at home for helping me with this decision. It was not made lightly. It is here at this forum, that I am given this opportunity, and fate is bringing Rikki into our home. Even though this will be her third home, it will be the last home she will ever know. I'll keep everyone posted!! B)
  21. HI, and Welcome to our family! I'm happy you rescued her and I look forward to hearing more about her!
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