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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Hello Michael, and Welcome to our family! I am excited for you. I look forward to hearing more! B)
  2. Hello and Welcome! I look forward to hearing more from you. B)
  3. Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear that things have been a bit rough for you. Hopefully it can only get better! WOW! 7 GREYS?! I'd love to see your setup, maybe you could post your flock sometime for us to see! :woohoo:
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. But without further testing, there is no way to know what happened to your precious bird. It could have been many different things. My thoughts & prayers are with you.
  5. Congrats Tracy! :woohoo:
  6. What a beautiful cage!! I'm looking for a new cage, what are the dimensions? This looks so nice!! :woohoo:
  7. Okay, Thanks Steven. That's what I thought!!
  8. Congratulations! I am very happy for you. Please keep us posted!!
  9. Hello Steven and Welcome! I look forward to seeing some photo's, and hearing more!! B)
  10. Hi Poppy! I was wondering, does your bird use the whole cage, or does she mostly stay in the highest part o the left? I am asking because I am looking into the same style cage, but didn't want to get it if they mostly stayed in the upper left fide, and the rest remained unused for the most part.
  11. Talon

    Time to vote

    Okay, I finally voted. Tough decision here. Everyone was sooooo good!! :woohoo:
  12. JUDY!!!! Troublemaker!!!! :laugh: But I did buy her a new keyboard for it. I should have made her pay for it, but I'm the one that was so proud of my son playing The Entertainer on his keyboard like an expert, that I called her up to watch.....
  13. TAlon, says, Well good morning Talon! And "I have to go to work, you be a good girl, see you soon, love you" That is the longest phrase I have heard. SHe does like to have phone conversations with herself, from "hello, to lots of words, then, okay, bye". :cheer:
  14. I agree with Judy. It needs to be your choice to be perfect. Just pick the name you like best in your heart. You will know it when you see/hear it.
  15. Nice photo's, but too scary for me to do with Talon. :dry:
  16. Talon

    Time to vote

    OMG!! I can't decide, they are all so good!!
  17. Well, I am one of the boring ones here. I have never had a vacation in over 25 years. This is the first year I could actually take one with out a husband telling me NO! But since I just bought a new house and all new furniture, I am living in my new vacation!! :woohoo: :blink:
  18. Very cute, Pooky! Thanks for sharing with us. B)
  19. That's great Mark! But it's easy to get a chip scanned, no? I have had the same phone number for the past 20 years, and don't plan on changing it unless I move far away from here, but do to my kids, I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Plus, I could always teach her a new one!:blink: :laugh:
  20. Obviously he didn't keep his girlfriend happy either :lol: .
  21. It's not slow for me. Perhaps it's your computer, or internet provider.. Try cleaning out your cookies, and temporary files.
  22. Well, Talon loves to hang upside down, but not while she's eating! That must look funny! :laugh:
  23. Thanks guys! She is very smart. She even knows how to spell her name! I've always been amazed at how quickly she learns! She spends lots of time practicing when we teach her something. :cheer:
  24. SFsailor: What can I say, except that this is a free country, and you are entitled to your opinion, as we all are. But you are not doing what is in the best interest of your bird. YOUR job is to love her, which in your own way, I'm sure you do, and to keep her as SAFE as possible in this world. You have failed her in the latter! BMustee: My grey is free-flighted in my home, she is never taken outside or even near a door unless she is in a travel cage. She has amazing flight skills. She is comfortable in her home, can make extremely tight turns through small openings, etc. NEVER has she flown into a wall, or window. I have MANY windows, all sizes in my home, a very open floor plan with cathedral ceilings. She seems to have a sense of keeping her self safe. I will NEVER assume she won't ever get scared and fly out the door, so I am very careful when people come and go in my house. I make sure she is in another room, or in her cage. It's just not worth the risk. SFsailor: I also believe (just MY opinion) that doing a severe wing clip after allowing them such free flight for most of their lives, is like cutting off your legs. How happy do you think they will be with that?? It is not physiologically good for them. THERE! That is my opinion, right or wrong. BUT, do know that my most important obligation is to keeping Talon as safe, while still being happy as possible.
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