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Everything posted by Karcar

  1. Maybe it's for the best, her "visits" as she called them could have turned into dictatorship of how you are caring for what would then be YOU'RE bird. Keep looking after my recent re-home I am 100 percent in favor of a re-homed bird my Sadie is one fantastic bird!! Even if I so myself...LOL
  2. I would do exactly what shades of grey said, it is what is recommend in all of the positive reinforcement teaching that I have received.
  3. Hi, Sorry, Jays not doing to good, haven't been on line, took days off work to take care of him. As far as we know he's had 4 to 5 TIA'S [mini-strokes], One has affected his right ear and right eye, he has extreme Vertigo,, we don't know if the damage is permanent or not, he's had both left brain and 1 right brain stokes. He's in good spirit, [worried] He's down most of the time. Please let those concerned he misses them very much. Will try to get on the GreyForums soon. Love Maggie P.S. You ought to see the birds hover around him in the bed room, especially Spock...
  4. So it isn't just my birds...LOL... well at least that is good news. I am off to give each suggestion a try. Thanks, Guys
  5. Help, Everytime I put red palm oil on something for the birds to eat they won't touch it. HOW are ypu guys getting your birds to eat the stinky stuff, I almost don't blame them....LOL...And thank you Dave for your info earlier on everything. It's just they know I have put it on their food and it will sit untouched. Karen
  6. She is wonderful, thank you for asking!
  7. Nope I got it wrong one picture is , Kenya and the other is Sadie, Oh wel if at first you don't succeed right?....LOL
  8. I don't think I have done this right but I'm working on it. :confused:
  9. I love my vet and feel so fortunate to have her near enough to get my birds to she first of all said, and I quote "Sadie has one hell of an immune system" her gram stain was neg. she felt the reason her crop was in the shape it was is because of the poor poor diet she has been on that in time her connective tissues will began to tighten things back up she has not had any protein etc in her diet and with the proper diet the plucking should stop too if it doesn't then we will look at doing some blood panels but she wanted to give her a chance for some TLC and proper diet to work first, she also said I might add what and exceptional bird Sadie is . When she ask Sadie it she could listen to the chest with the stethoscope, Sadie said "scope". With Sadie being in quarantine. I stupidly took Lucy my zon in for her yearly well baby check as I call them. Any way I pulled Lucy out of her carrier and handed her over to Dr. Hess, Sadie said "Lucy Lucy" and I mind you she had never seen Lucy before that afternoon. My vet said she would not have left that bird in those horrible conditions and after talking and visiting with her I think I have one fantastic bird she has gone down for the night but I will get pictures up tomorrow for sure. I told Maggie my hound dog to lay down because she was scaring the bird and two second later she was telling Maggie to lay down, She really is something else and I have gotten her to step up twice so far, so life here is good. I tell you after sweet Angel, Sadie was a much needed shot in the arm. As they say when one door closes another one opens, Karen
  10. Karcar

    sour crop

    LOL....What a party pooper you are!
  11. Karcar

    sour crop

    Dave she is weaned she is 6 or 7 years old they can't remember which. She does have an appt tomorrow at 1:30, I read on line about giving her some papaya baby food. It is suppose to help digest the food. I will give the oatmeal a try as well. Thanks Karen
  12. Karcar

    sour crop

    Could Sadie have a sour crop at her age? Her crop has not emptied at all today I am going to try and get the vet to work me in some how tomorrow. What else could be going on? Karen:confused:
  13. Hi Megan, Welcome to the forum , I am a newbie here but these are one of the nicest group of people you could ever hope to meet. Karen
  14. Time has always had a way of just flying by but this year it seems impossible to be looking at Christmas already. I will try and get my list out to everyone ASAP, >>>LOL>>> Just Kidding!! I love to quilt and my plan was to make lap quilt for the grandkids this year but it looks like it's going to be Toys- R- Us. Oh Well. Karen
  15. I am starting to worry about the situation between my Zon Lucy and hubby she is without a doubt one of the loudest birds you could ever come across but she truly doesn't bother me to the degree she does him. I love to hear ss very much and I know that is why she doesn't bother me. I try it keep her with me as much as possiblebecause that is when she is the most quite. but I can't forever continue to do that, I need help. Thanks, Karen
  16. Well Sadie is home and I am pooped I will work on getting pictures up tomorrow Dave sent me photobucket info so I will give it a go tomorrow. Sadie is nervous of course but I think doing OK, she said tickle tickle as soon as I got her back in the cage. It was one filthy cage I cleaned out I swear to you I was gaging and so upset that she had to live in that filthy pit. I heard she has 2 other people lined up to take the other birds I just pray they aren't first time bird owners, these guys are true rescues. Hubby did promise I can go and buy a new cage, I will go get it but wait to make the switch over Sadie needs to be in her familiar cage for a while until she gets use to life here with us. I do think she is going to be a cuddle bug , don't ask me why it's my 6th sense acting up I guess...LOL I have to say again thank goodness for all of you I actually feel strong and confident enough to take sweet little Sadie on. You guys are the best Thanks so much, Karen
  17. Thank you Gina, very nice thing for you to say. Karen
  18. Sadie is the rescue I am getting for 300 dollars that I posted about a few days ago like I said I am her 4th home and she has been living off of canned veggies another concern that I found out about last night while talking on the phone to make arrangements for pick up is that Sadie lives most of the time with a blanket thrown over the cage so that she won't make any noise. The lady has 2 pit bulls that scare Sadie and so she gets covered up to keep her quite. From what I understand she lives about 85% under the cover. I hate that but it is what she is use to I'm a little concerned going totally cold turkey without any cage cover right out of the shoot. Maybe I should cover just a portion of her cage for a while until she feels safe enough for me to take if off? What do you think? Thanks, Karen
  19. So sorry, to be honest I was told about a person that could probably help this lady and I gave all info to that person, the lady (hoarder) is Native American and lives on one of the reservations in the area and so a whole new set of laws come into play from what I understand. I will try and find out what I can and I will also tell him of the conversations and idea's conveyed here. Thanks so much ! Karen
  20. For years my grey was ONLY my husbands bird now she is ONLY mine. She will ask me "how's papa"? but wants nothing to do with him. Karen
  21. A lady I know that went thru the same thing also put a recording of her voice calling the bird on top of the cage while it was outside., it worked. Praying for you. Karen
  22. I was just about to ask the same question . May be a bit of sexual frustration going on. Karen
  23. Anyone heard from Jay or Maggie? last time I spoke to them Jay had been thru 4 different strokes in just a couple of days time. I have sent several emails and PM with no response whats so ever. I am on my way to work will check back in later . Pray all is well!!!!! Karen
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