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Everything posted by Karcar

  1. OMG! Kudo's to you for all you have done and continue to do for your sweet baby. I wish I could help but I have had no experience with a self mutilating bird, I do agree with Barbara about moving her in with the rest of the flock and family. You are a very special person and Sydney is so fortunate to have you. Karen
  2. All of your effort has to pay off in the end, Praying that all is well with Mino. Karen
  3. hope the poor guy didn't suffer too much That too was my main concern, Thanks guys
  4. Well I had posted in an earlier thread about taking on a greenwing that had a broken pelvis and the breeder had stated i was the only person he would trust with the birds care, I don't know if anyone remembers but I guess it was not to be I received a call from my breeder to let let me know that his dog had gotten in the pen the bird was recuperating in and accidentally killed him. I was to say at the least very broken hearted even though I hadn't actually received the bird into my home as of yet I was so excited and had started buying food, toys, and a new BIG cage for the baby. I am a firm believer in the fact that things happen for a reason so. I just have to trust that is wasn't meant to be after talking to some vets the pelvis is a weight bearing bone and who knows there could have been more trouble later down the line. Either way it doesn't matter now he is no longer with us and there will be other greenwings when the time is right. Thanks for listening, Karen
  5. I think all of mine are pear shaped!! Wow thanks for the info, I will be doing some work on my toys today.
  6. Just my opinion don't mean to sound rude but if I was looking for some other type of bird I would skip your site thinking it was a site only for african greys. Best of luck with it. Karen
  7. OMG! Just got my computer out of the shop it was in for a week and I had never realized before how much I was addicted to the thing, besides the fact that I bank on-line and pay all of my bills on-line, and not being able to visit my facebook and forums and groups I belong to it was terrible, LOL Just glad to be back!! Karen
  8. Like everyone has already said, ignore the screaming and praise him for being quiet.
  9. Chris get a second opinion, that's what I would do anyway. Karen
  10. A book by Melinda Johnson and others are out there I started with hers it is a very good book to start with, I have clicker trained my Amazon she does lot of things and I am working also with my Grey's the Grey's do well also but my YNA is a pro she does (to date) everything I have tried to train her and it is fun and she is a little con artist she knows how to turn things around and get me to give her a nut or sunflower seed too by doing a boat load of tricks one right after the other and what else can I do but get the nut jar out , LOL the little brat. My Grey has an attitude that this is silly and she would rather be somewhere reading a book or something. but for a sunflower seed even my Grey will do whatever it takes to get one. LOL Good luck, and have fun with it. Karen
  11. What happened to the toe in the first place? Wishing the very best for you both.
  12. Karcar


    Well to make a very long story short, I am getting my Greenwing. It was a baby that was being fed out for sale and fell and broke his/her pelvis bone in several places. He has gone back to having to be hand fed but is doing but better the x-ray's are looking good and now we are going to find out soon if he can perch or not, I have about a month or more to wait and it is a closed aviary so I can't have any visits but I love this breeder he is where I get my birds from. If he can't perch that will be OK we will have some platforms made for him. His being handicapped will just make him more special to me. I also got one of the nicest complaints ever from Justin (breeder) he said I was the ONLY person he would trust with this bird,,,AHH how nice was that ? lol I am so happy!!! PS THIS WILL BE MY VERY LAST BIRD, I HAVE TOO MANY NOW (ACCORDING TO HUBBY)
  13. That has to be the hardest thing in the world to go through unless it was a child that was missing but you know theses birds are our fids. Don't give up! I am praying for you all.
  14. I cried when I read your post, How full of wisdom you are to have chosen the important things in this life to enjoy while you can. Bless you, Karen
  15. OMG!!!! Jay we have missed you so very much!!! Bless your heart for all that you and Maggie have been through, and what a beautiful thing to say about our being one. How are you feeling? Welcome back, what a Christmas present you have given this forum!!! Hugs to you both, Karen
  16. Chris, I am so happy for you !!! I want a green wing and have for years, my day is coming. Merry Christmas, although it looks like you have gotten a big head start on that with Lucy there at home now.
  17. Karcar


    My vet told me Sadie will want to sit her eggs for 4 to 5 months!!! isn't that a little long?? I was shocked to hear that. What do you think? Thanks
  18. Buffy, I can totally relate ever since my friend and I first rescued Angel and then I turned around and rescued Sadie I have been called several times, found people have actually knocked at my door with these poor mistreated birds of all types I live in a very small desert town and news travels fast here but there is only so much that one person can do. I do try and direct them to other places where they may find some help but it is still heart breaking and very hard to get their imagines out of your mind. If I had the room I would foster some of them in hopes of finding them a permanent home but I live in a very small house with too many birds of my own. As a matter of fact I got a call a couple of days ago from a guy that said he has some LIVESTOCK he is trying to find a new home for this so called livestock was a green wing macaw. No feathers to speak of he said to just pour Listerine on him and his feathers will grow back no problem. I had to bite my tongue in order to keep him on the phone long enough to try and help the poor bird he had the nerve to ask 900 dollars for the bird, Livestock is not cheap you know he said....GRRRR But I am with you I would not buy anything from that store and I always make as many phone calls for as much help as I can find in cases like that. Good for you for walking out, pray the poor bird will be rescued. Karen
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