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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Tia is starting to know what side of the bread the butter is on. Old saying.
  2. AH the great outdoors, Something they can really enjoy.
  3. Sharing ideas is what this forum is all abuut. Thats a great idea and I bet you can move it around with out too much trouble.
  4. It`s called blushing just like in a human due to embarrassment, emotional stress, lovestruck. It`s normal and it`s kind of cute to see when you know what it is.
  5. Hi CAGRico abd Rico and welcome to the grey forums. Yes they do know how to get our attention like sounds that we react to. They get a big kick out of that. Oh and we love pictures and a story or two.
  6. We the extened members of your family feel your pain and we will always hope for the best for you, your son and your fids. Just remember you will always be a part of us and we will always be a part of you. Remember we are your friends.
  7. Welcome SKW to the grey forums. A grey in your life will be a life changing event. We are here to help when you have a question. Take the time to read threads and post in the differant rooms and learn as much as you can and don`t be afraid to ask any questions that you may have.
  8. Louie is awesome and a good looking zon. I think it`s a amazon thing because if we say back to your house, Cricket will go back to her cage and go inside. We got Cricket she was at least 12 years old so I think she had gone through the biggest part of the hormonal thing and that is why we can touch her and play with her. Also the male may be more standoffish than the female for a short time longer. I beleave he will came around because you seam to have made contact with him on a one to one and that is IMHO. He is happy and haveing fun and with you and that is what he needs. Keep it up.
  9. Your potos tell a great story about you your birds and the people around you that share your feathered friends. Great pictures
  10. Tindo is a great looking grey. Enjoy watching him grow and you can grow with him.
  11. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    Gwen that was a great I remember. I enjoyed it very much
  12. Corky and Cricket are both full flighted and they get along but they are always supervised when they are out. Corky will fly all over the place and Cricket enjoys a good walk.
  13. Hi Tias and welcome to the grey forum and welcome to Tia and joker also. Great looking parrots
  14. A life long road with many steps foward. That will never change.
  15. You can travel a long distancs with small steps, It just takes time. Keep it up
  16. Cricket is a walker and climber to. She would rather walk that fly so when she is out of her cage and you are doing things around the house you have to check the floor because she might be behind you on the floor following you around the house. she likes to climb and when I am sitting on a kitchet chair at the table she will climb up my pant leg from the floor to my shoulder and than sit there like queen s**t of turd island. She can fly, she just likes to walk
  17. Each bird comes at a cost and the larger the bird the larger the cost. I read on anouther forum from a person that had many birds. He said " If you can`t afford to pay full price for your bird, than you can`t afford to keep them " I think there is alot of truth here because when you by your parrot that cost is only the start to a long list expenses.
  18. Great video of Marcus and no matter what they do they are fun to watch and listen to
  19. Hi Hillbilee001 and Harvey welcome to the grey forums and there is no need to apologies because there are no silly questions when you need to know. We have all walked down this road so ask away.
  20. The only thing I can see about the list that might be a problem is the socialized with kids and dogs as they may not have kids or dogs that are around the greys. Some of this may be up to you as to the kind a pets you may have and the number of kids.
  21. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    I have ridden in a rumble seat.
  22. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    I remember tube type tires for cars
  23. My friends don`t think I`m over the top, they think I`m nuts. I think you fit in with the rest of us.
  24. There are 15 stickys in the amazon room that cover a lot of subjects when it comes to our zons along with many many posts and threads. You can find almost anything you need to know about your zon all in one place here in the amazon room. Now and than it pays to revisit a sticky a post or a thread and to enjoy the times that other members share with us about their zons or refresh something you need to know like diet or what ever. I would like to know if you have some subject matter you would like to share, learn or just talk about in the amazon room. New topics are always welcome and that this is a member forum that is here for you and me along with any visitors that may stop in to check us out and might join us and share their zon with us. To the members in the east cost snow storm. We wish you the best and hope every thing is ok. From the grey forums and the amazon room
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