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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I could not watch the whole video and I am going to give all my fids an extra hug today.
  2. This is from a post in this room and I want to clear up something that I think is important and that is the difference between earthquake and roll. When it comes to a rehomed parrot in your home the one thing you are trying to build is trust so I would like to give a IMO of earthquake vs roll. The thing I do not like with earthquake is if not done properly you can jar the parrot to the point that may cause fear and all that you may have gained is lost. With the roll you gently turn your arm or finger gently in the direction to make your parrot lean foward to keep his or her balance and than roll back to normal. this will distract your bird from the bite. Some people like the earthquake and that is ok but IMO with a new rehome gentle is what you need to build trust. That is IMO
  3. This is the time of the year when stress is at it`s highest in people with the holidays with visitors from family, frends and nabors with large get togethers, your stress trying to keep the budget under control. With all that going on at this time of year we some times spend less time with our fids weather we know it or not. I noticed that Cricket has become very clingy with me when she is out and that made me think that I must make sure that I make our time very special. Untill things get back to normal I make sure all my fids get extra hugs so they know that I care because this to will pass and our house will be ours again.
  4. Louie is coming around faster and faster and before you know it he will be on your shoulder looking for a head rub.
  5. Cricket is an off key singer but she will try so hard and she is fun to watch. She does not scream or screech just to do it. Corky our grey makes more noise than Cricket. When Cricket yells RAY I do give her attention and she loves it. My wife said she never yells RAY when I am not at home she will yell MAAA MAAA !! and my wife will go over and talk to her and than she is OK. Two times a day she is a little loud for a shott peroid of time but that`s it.
  6. I beleve the most important think your parrot should know is step up and they should know this befor they go on any part of your body. When they step up I always praise them so when they start to get onto trouble I say step up and it keeps them out of trouble. Also distraction if they start to bite your arm roll your arm back and forth to put them off balance and to keep their balance they will stop the bite and than praise them because they stoped the bite. This is a simple and kind way to get results and it works.
  7. For the first timer to parrot rescue a place to go and know you are not alone. For the experienced parrot rescuer a place to share a story or two and a place to help the first timers.
  8. There are so many members on this forum that have taken in a parrot in need and made their life better with love and understanding. A place to share things that work and things that don`t work when it comes to rehoming and resocialization of parrots in need. We all have a lot to give to the parrots and the members that have taken on a rehome. Rehome parrots can and do turn out to be great companions. I think this is going to turn out to be a great room and we all can chip in.
  9. Great intro to your flock and welcome to the grey forum and just so you know we WE LOVE PICTURES!!!
  10. On a differant forum I read a number of years ago a person had a sign by their door about their parrot and how this was their home and to respect it and if they did not like it they could leave. I have been trying to find a copy of it because i can`t find mine. I want to post this sign by my door because it is their home and that they are guest in our home and if they don`t like it than leave. If anyone has a copy could you please post it.
  11. That was great and a Merry Christmas to you and all the members and fids of the Grey Forum.
  12. To all my friends in the amazon room. The best to you and your family in this holiday season. Whether you are a believer or not we all walk this earth for a short time. The best to all. Ray and the Amazon Room
  13. Hi Ellie and welcome to the forum. There are a great bunch of members on this forum who will help you all they can.
  14. My grey Corky is on her third cage in eleven years and each cage bigger that the last one and my amazon Cricket is in her second cage in three years and wooden play gyms we keep an extra one in stock because they can destroy a wooden one in no time. Corky is on her second travel cage and Cricket is still on her first.
  15. Welcome home Gracie, Your are a good looking girl
  16. Ray P

    HELLO from Shelly!

    Give her our brst from Ray P, Corky and Cricket
  17. Hi thebirdistheword and welcome to the forum. I live about 35 miles east of you in Geauga County you know the snow belt in a small place called Newbury. Ask all the questions you want and we will try to give you best answers you can find any place in the world.
  18. It`s sounds like Barnaby is going to have the best Christmas. Good luck to the both of you.
  19. Ray P


    What I like to use is bird safe long leather strips that I buy at pet shop for birds. When they take their toys apart you can reuse the strips again to make new toys.
  20. Hi Bredon and welcome to the forum. That is a good question and will tell you about Corky my Cag. My family lives all over the place Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvannia, West Virginia, MD. and Alabama so from the start Corky has traveled. At first from our home in Ohio back and forth to Pa. and MD. when she was less than a year old. When she was a year old we took a month long trip and covered a good share of the U.S. We never leave her home, She always goes with us along with our Blue fronted amazon. When they see their travel cage come they know we are going on a road trip. They seam to enjoy the trips because they are very close to us in the van or motor home and will sing and talk to us as we travel. Start your bird with short trips and I think you should be OK.
  21. No matter how hard you try there will always be blunders in the future. It`s the law. Just make sure they are not bad ones.
  22. Great video and Marcus is a good looking grey.
  23. I have to say that Cricket has never made the hiss sound that I know of.
  24. Early this morning I made a post in the happy bird-day room about my zon and her 16 birthday and what she has become to me and why December 20 th is soo important. Cricket is a rehome and some people might refer to her as a stepchild or a Johnny come lately as we have had our other fids for a long time, but Cricket is full of surprises and her actions have made her a place in our home that can not be filled by any other parrot, dog, cat or pet of any kind. There is a lesson here that you can`t judge a book by it`s cover and a critic does not know your likes or dislikes. Cricket has put as much and may be more into our relationship as I have so I gess you can say we met each other half way. I read an opinion from one person that said you should never use the word rehome and amazon in the same sentence, well there was a time I would have beleved that . After haveing Cricket I know that is a myth and that you can become part of each other. Soo what is the lesson here?? Amazons have a lot to give and when it comes to a rehome we all know what it takes weather it`s a amazon, grey, macaw or any other parrot.
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