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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. It just takes that one special person and that one special bird to make that one special match. Nice going Ryan.
  2. Your pictures are so awesome and Cocoa is so well adjusted to people with no fear. Your posts are some of the best on the forum and I always look for them.
  3. The queen mother in our house is Corky our CAG, but she was not the first bird. We have had cockatiels for 40 years but they stay preity much to them selfs. The last bird to come to our house was Cricket our BFA who in her last home of 12 or 13 years was the she devil and put fear into every one there people and birds alike. When Cricket saw Corky she did her amazon strut, but Corkys feathers stood up and she looked down at Cricket and proved with out a fight she was queen mother in this house. Corky and Cricket have a respect for each other, but Corky is in charge and she won`t have it any other way. If you notice in the picture to the left who is on the top of the perch
  4. Routine is good, but don`t let a clock rule your life or your parrots life
  5. Ray P


    My guys love it, but it makes their poop funny
  6. I just love the way you capture Cocoas look in B&W.
  7. Ah a baby grey. I think I remember what it was like.
  8. Ray P

    Waa Waa!

    They do know how to bring a smile to our face. Great video
  9. OK guys I saw the word big bully and amazon in the same sentence and the on going saga of the big bad zons goes on. Corky is a small cag at 410g but that does not stop her big attitude when it comes to dealing with Cricket. I think they each have a respect for each other and that keeps a balance in our house. If Cricket gets frisky Corky puts her back in her place with out a fight. With balance there is peace.
  10. Our thoughts are with Oboe for a speedy recovery and you take care of your self to.
  11. Lovethatgrey put it all in a nut shell and that is what my wife and I do with our birds. They know that every morning they get there food and let out and that is any time between 7 am and 8 am for food and let out between 8 am and noon. They are in and out of their cages many times a day because we live in a log cabin and with all that wood well you know. They know every day they are fed and let out and time does not dictate what happens or when. This works for us.
  12. Welcome to the forum. Bernie sounds like a fun grey to have around.
  13. I don`t think anybody on this forum would disagree with you. Great video.
  14. I know what you are talking about. When we first got Cricket for the first week she would do this when you walked up to her, it was a slow back and forth from side to side motion. I beleve this is like an unsure leave me alone at this time action. It only happend at certin times and she was not aggressive. It did not happen all the time. As I spent more time with her and she felt more comfortable with me it went away. She will sometimes do this when a stranger comes to her cage.
  15. What ever it is I have lived for this day. She is becomming a real fun to watch and be around girl.
  16. How long is the honeymoon and when is it over. Honeymoon definition (Webster). A period of unusual harmony especially following the establishment of a new relationship. It could be as little as a day or go on until the cows come home, there is no time frame. Last December 20 Cricket has been with us for three years and three years of the sweetest Blue Fronted Amazon you could ever ask for well I think she has had her comming out. She is not mean or nasty or any thing like that. There was time when she new what no ment and if you said stop she did and that was two or three days ago. Now Cricket is just like Corky into evvvvvvvvvvvery thing you can think of non stop. Now when I say stop she looks at me as if to say are you talking to me and than go on doing what she was doing After all this time I think her zon is comming to the surface and thats ok.
  17. Hi Kim and a welcome to you, your husband and baby Elly May to the grey forum. We love pictures so if you get a chance take some and post them so we can share your wait.
  18. Omar looks so happy and full of fun
  19. OH that wait for them to come home. The last days are the hardest and longest. I remember the wait for Corky like it was yesterday. She is eleven now.
  20. Before we got Corky our CAG we looked at greys for over a year and one day we were at a pet shop that we delt with for years that specialized in birds and they had baby greys and this one came over to us and ran up the wifes arm to her shoulder and took a poop. The wife said she picked us out so we also left a deposit. That was eleven years ago.
  21. Corky and Cricket love walnuts to. We buy them in the shell and cut the shell in half and they love to dig them out
  22. We had Corky our cag for eight years before Cricket our bfa came to live with us, that was three years ago. They both adjusted very well to each other and I think it`s because we have had cockatiels for 40 years so Corky has been around other birds all her life (eleven years) and Cricket came from a multi bird family so they both have been around other bird species. I don`t know if that made any differance.
  23. Welcome to the forum. Any picture is a good picture
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