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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I think this thread brings out something we all know and that is greys and amazons are all very smart. Some times to smart for their own good. It`s like the battle of wits to see who sits at the head of the table, and I think we all love this battle it`s how we connect with our fids
  2. Hi Ziggy2011 and welcometo the grey forum and yes we love pictures and a story or two.
  3. When Cricket first came to live with us and we were able to let her out she saw us put treats in her cage but that was years ago. We never let them see us put them in there cage anymore because we hide them and they look forward to the hunt.
  4. As of now we have Cricket my blue front amazon and Little One our cockatiel. We also have Pete peacock and Hanna peahen. Bacon one of our dogs is a rescue and Smokey who just passed away on christmas day was a reacue. In the past we rescues love birds, two ring neck doves and many keets and cockatiels along with our goats that were with us to their last days. Many dogs and cats and a horse and a number of others
  5. Our birds love to travel with us and I think it`s because they are close to us in our van, truck or motor home. Our birds have been all over the country with us. One of our trips was a month long and we had a great time.
  6. Here is something that we do with all our fids that may or may not help with Nilah. Because we live in a log cabin we can not leave our fids with free run of the house, we would end up with tooth picks. So, they are in and out of their cages many times a day and that means we put them back in their cages many times a day. Ok now let me go back and say something I have always said and that is I never use treats to reward good behavior and I stand by this. Now back to the subject. When we let them out and they are with one of us or exploring me or my wife will hide a treat someplace in their cage and never in the sameplace twice. It could be something they like to eat or a small peice of wood they love to play with, Just something they enjoy to eat or play with. When I say it`s time to go back to the cage Cricket will get all excited and bob her head and go into her cage to search for her surprise It`s fun to watch her run all over her cage to find that special prise. they do not have to see you hide it , they just need to know it`s there someplace. We do the same with Corky and our two cockatiels. We never use the cage as a punishment. We use it as a fun place to go. This is what works for us. Hope it helps
  7. Hi Alan and welcome to the grey forum and also welcome Mollie and Allegre. You will find that a good share of us have more than one kind of parrot and or other type of birds and we love to share stories and pictures. (PICTURES).
  8. I spent the first at my retirement part time full time job (don`t ask). When I came home Cricket saw me and was all excited to see me and was ready to come out of her cage for some her and me time. The wife said she was quiet all day and than I came home and she started with Hi Hi Cricket and she was all over her cage ready to come out. I sat down and had a cup of coffee and Cricket was on one shoulder and Corky on the other and I think they were both trying to tell me about their day as they both chattered in my ears and I just enjoyed my time with them. On christmas day Smokey our our dog passed away he was 17 years old and I think they both miss him because Corky calls him and will say Smokey, speak, Wolf wolf. She would always call him and toss some of her pellets out of the cage for him. So there I am in my chair Cricket on one shoulder Corky on the other and Bacon our other dog in my lap and they all wanted some extra attention so we just sat there and enjoyed our time. Smokey RIP
  9. As I read your post about Gilbert I see that he is reaching out to you but he wants this on his terms and that is ok because you both have come half way to make this work and in the end this is the best way for a relationship to work and be strong. There is a place in the middle and you both will come to terms.
  10. In my first post about earthquake I said that "If not done properly" could jar your bird and cause fear and loss of trust and I stand by this. Evean the roll if not done properly can cause a problem. IMO I beleve the roll is a gentler way. Some people like the earthquake and I said that was Ok. As in any case roll or earthquake "If done properly"
  11. Happy birthday Annabelle !!! Live long and prosper !!
  12. For all the fids that find a new home in the new year. May it be a forever home.
  13. I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! From my house to yours.
  14. If you don`t succeed the first time than try, try again. Rikki likes to finish the job.
  15. Hi Kim and welcome to the grey forum. With your experience with rehome fids you would fit in to our rescue bird haven room, hint, hint.
  16. I also have never gone out on new years eve. I will watch some TV have a beer and in bed by 10 PM. and at work Sunday at 7 AM.
  17. Cardboard is # 1 in our house. Toilet paper and paper towel cardboard centers are a favorite along with cereal boxes and woodwork.
  18. Hi gosha and welcome to the grey forum. Dave 007 gave you some very good advice. Living with a grey is like living with child. One day they like one thing and the next day they don`t. My grey is eleven years old and we had her all her life and sometimes I think I am bringing up my son all over again.
  19. We all have our favorite rooms that we go to and post in. the grey lounge we go to for our greys, the welcome room to welcome new members and the game room to play games with other members, and each is different. One of my favorite rooms is the amazon room and you know why that is because of Cricket my Blue Front Amazon and also as a moderator. Now we have a new room the Rescue Bird Haven and you know Cricket is a rescue and I have talked about Cricket alot when it came to how we rehomed her and made her apart of our family. Now when I post about Cricket I have to decide weather to post it in the Amazon room or the Rescue Bird Room. If I post about Cricket in the Rescue bird Room I am taking away from the Amazon room and If I post in the Amazon room the rescue room that deals with all parrot rescues may not see what we did to make our rehome work. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, It`s like being back at work. Oh I did come out of retirement and go back to work. Why did I do that. Hm I thought living with parrots would be easy.
  20. And the very best to you in all your ventures.
  21. Hi MarcusCAG The earthquake is when you make a rapid movement up and down like the shaking movement of a earthquake. The trouble I have with it is that it has to be done properly and it can be overdone like shakeing a baby and that would not be in the best intrest of the parrot. The roll is a more gentle way to distract your fid from doing something you don`t want them to do. The roll does not have to be rapid and can be adjusted to fit the need. I hope this helps
  22. The moment that you realized you turned the corner in your relationship is the moment you will never forget because from that time on it will only get better. It`s nice to know that you can and do make a defference.
  23. Thank you every one for the birthday greeting !!!
  24. If you plan to rehome or rescue a parrot for what ever reason there are four things needed to build a good relationship. Ok a proper cage and a good diet is needed for the body, but it`s the mental health of the parrot that is just as important when you rehome a parrot. OK IMHO. When we rehomed cricket her first day back in Ohio after we put her in a much larger cage I put a stool next to her cage and every time walked by her cage and as many times a day as I could I would sit on my stool and talk to her in a soft voice and just tell what a good girl she was and soon she would come over by me and just sit there and I would have a snack and after a short time we would share that snack. One day when we were sharing a snack she put her head down and I took my finger and gently touched her head and she pulled back. At our next sitting she put her head down again and I gently touched her head again and this time for 3 to 5 sec. and the next time longer and so on. For this to happen your presence is needed and you need paticnce and to enjoy each step and do not rush to the next step but enjoy each step as it comes. Cricket always let me know when she was ready and if the truth be known she was always ready before I was.
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