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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Loved the video, It`s like liveing in a house with two women, each trying to talk over the other. My wife`s sister lived with us for a time years ago and that reminded me of that time.
  2. I think we covered this subject once before, but for the new members with a zon it might be intresting. I know luvparrots blue front zon Louie loves to fly and she has a place all around her house that they can fly to. On the other hand my blue front zon Cricket loves to walk and climb over flying. She is fully flighted and will fly from time to time about twice a month. She would rather walk or climb to the place she wants to go or ride on your shoulder to get there. She will climb down one chair and walk across the room on the floor and climb up what ever it is, a cage, chair her tree stand, what ever. What is your zons mode of prefered transportation ?
  3. I would just like to say welcome back after 18 months and for the great update and I love your pictures.
  4. Caught and no place to hide, TROUBLE, TROUBLE, TROUBLE.
  5. The Iaaac Newton of the parrot world. I don`t know what it is about a grey that they love to see things fall and if it brakes that`s even better.
  6. Oh I can just feel the pain or at least the pain that I would feel in any one of those positions. The cracking and the popping.
  7. Let the bonding begin, Great video
  8. Hi Artoo and welcome to the grey forum it`s a good place to be.
  9. My CAG Corky never goes to the bottom of her cage, but my zon Cricket is all over her cage along with my tiels so I leave my grates in the cage.
  10. My Cricket does the same thing. I don`t think clipping his wings will help or stop this because Cricket who can fly would rather walk and climb to where she wants to go. Cricket is about 16 years old and wants to be around me ALL THE TIME and she is very gentle and that is not the way it was in her other home. I just enjoy her company and when it`s time for her to go back to her cage she will with out any trouble. She does have rules and she is ok with that.
  11. OK Shelly Yokum, DawL, Judygram and Katana600 I think every one has said it all. We all share the same feeling and each of you have put it in your own way. Even at that I think we have only seen the tip of the Iceberg with how our fids have changed our life.
  12. I love tiels and have had them for 40 years and I know what they are capable of. Love the story and thanks for sharing
  13. Hi Sacr69 and welcome to the grey forum. Sounds like Spartan is quite the little guy. We love pictures.
  14. Thanks MarcusCAG, I will look for it
  15. I don`t think the terrible twos pass, You just get accustomed to them.
  16. Hi rubys-mum and welcome to the grey forum. This is a great place for grey info. Do you have other birds or is this your first parrot.
  17. I use Nutri- Berries as a treat and RoudyBush pellets along with fresh vegs and a variety of other foods
  18. We all have our set backs, but the good ones always come back.
  19. Good luck with your visit and I hope every thing goes as planed. OH YES PICTURES
  20. Each bird will act differently to noise loud or soft so you could start to vacuum in a different room so they get to know the noise. Our amazon will take her bath when ever she hears the wife vacuum. Corky our CAG does not care one way or the other.
  21. Hi Charles and welcome to the grey forum. I am so glad you got your companion back. We love pictures and a story or two.
  22. I started to put this in the amazon room, but I think it might be better in this room. This is about Cricket and me, but any person who has rehomed any species of parrots or any other species of birds will understand what I am trying to say. When you rehome a parrot the future is uncertin as to how things will turn out, but when things turn out good there is always those defining moments when you know every thing is going to or has changed.and your life will be differant because of it. This is story time for all of us with rehomes when in that one moment life changed. Cricket and I have had two defining moments in our life. First I had a fear of amazons and when asked to take her well I did not want a parrot that I could not bond with, We are not going into a long story because this is about a defining moment. I had worked with Cricket for about two weeks give or take a day or two and things were going very well and we seamed to be bonding, but I had not held her yet because I still had a fear of her because of her past. One day as I walked away from her cage she flue after me, but because of her weight at the time she went to the floor. She had not flown in years. I had to get her back to her cage. Well I bent over to pick her up and I prepaired my self for the bite of my life and said step up, and she did and she did not try to bite so I said step again and she did to my other hand. That day I lost my fear of my amazon The next defining moment was the best of them all. We would play this game I called footsie. I would move my finger back and forth in front of her and she would grab it with her foot and than hold her head down by my finger for a head rub One day when playing footsie she grabed my finger with her foot but she did not put her head down she just looked at me and kept on looking at me with a look that brought tears to my eyes. It was that moment that I new we had something special and she still gives me that look from time to time to remind me of what we have I hope you will share your defining moments with your rescue / rehome that ment something special to you and your parrot.
  23. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    I remember when Cleveland had only 3 channels and it was not 24/7
  24. Ray P


    Oh yes Penny, I remember your thread!!!
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