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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I think you and Isaac are a bonded pair. You both have that special relationship, the kind you never take for granted. I always enjoy your post about you and Iassc.
  2. To add to the post when they stop the screaming than you go back and tell them how good they are.
  3. My grey Corky loves ice cubes and we always put 2 or 3 in her fresh water dish to play with. She also loves ice cubes in her bath water. She will not take a bath in warm water, It has to be cold. I think it`s a grey thing.
  4. Hi Sean and welcome to you Diablo and all your family to the grey forum. Diablo looks great and I know it`s a long wait for hin to come home. You are in for a life changing experience.
  5. Janet you are a outstanding person to put another person and Louie feelings before yours. My hat is off to you !!
  6. Give me a Z, Now give me an O, now give me a N, and what do you have, A ZON IN YOUR FUTURE
  7. Hi Janet: I read your post about this blue front this lady is looking for and the one thing that she said is that she did not know the age of the bird. I read all your post and you have said Louie is a young amazon. The lady did not say how long she had her zon and did not give much imfo. on the bird other than she taught some tricks to the bird. I know you have a big heart and would like to put her at ease about her zon. To me your Louie does not sound like her zon because there is to much imformation missing. If you really need to know to put your mind at ease you will need more facts and the only way to know would be to contact her, but you don`t want to get her hopes up eather if Louie is not the same zon. To me it does not sound like the same amazon. That is just IMO. Ray
  8. Hi Ronald Byrd and welcome to the grey forum to you and Papito. It sounds like Papito is a very happy grey and very out going when it comes to people. Papito is a good looking CAG and he is going to change your life for the better. Any time you have a question just post away and we are here to help all we can. Enjoy your new life long friend
  9. They are like our kids. You tell them no over and over and over and they still go back and do it over and over and over.
  10. When we rehomed Cricket she did not come with toys and I don`t think she ever had any. She was in a very small cage and the only thing she had was a swing and this old brass tub that she still has to this day that she still loves to play with. It took over 2 1/2 years before she would play with anything but that tub even with all the toys in her cage. Than one day it was like she woke up and started playing with all her toys. Never give up on the toys. Just make sure she has lots of them and then one day when you think she will never play with them you will here this banging from her cage and you will check to see what the noise is and you will see her haveing a good time. Just don`t give up.
  11. Reward the good and ignore the bad. This is what works best when you deal with your fids. When you react to their screaming and come back to them you just gave them a reward they got what they wanted. They wanted your attention, they screamed, you came back, they got what they wanted. Remember they are very smart and they will play you so it`s who will out smart the other. Does that remind you of your kids.
  12. Ray P


    My grey Corky never gets her water dirty so it`s once a day. My amazon Cricket dips her pellets in the water when she eats so it`s twice a day or more. Now my cockatiels poop in their water and their food dish all the time so we are always changing their food and water.
  13. You did not do wrong, Some birds just like you to feed it to them. When we have breakfast we always put out their own plate, but my grey and my amazon will always come over and eat off ours. They will not eat off their plate untill ours is off the table. It`s like they see us eat off our plate so it must be good and the food on their plate must be poison.
  14. Ray P


    Hay Nancy, it`s funny that the noise you don`t want them to make is the noise that they do best.
  15. Ray P


    My grey burps, farts, sneezes, coughs, clears her throat, gags and spits, among many other noises.
  16. Hi Pria and welcome to you and Billy to the grey forum. Love to see some pictures.
  17. Hi SaladNinja and welcome to you and Noodle to the grey forum.
  18. She is beautiful and there is no question about that. When is she coming home ??
  19. Hi Craig Katherien and welcome to the grey forum. I see in the chat room you asked if any one is from the UK and yes we have many members from the UK and all over the world. Do you have a grey and if you do we love pictures.
  20. Hi camellia and welcome to you and and all your birds to the grey forum. Looks like you have a large flock to take care of. Good to have you on board.
  21. Hi Eilidh and welcome to you and chippy to the grey forum. Sounds like you and Chippy are off to a good start for a long, long relationship. We will look for your videos of Chippy because we like to share pictures and videos of our fids.
  22. Did you know that the Kakapo is the rarest parrot in the world with fewer that 150 left.
  23. My grey and my zon have this happy look when they are happy, It`s like a smile. I can see that look on Scarlet. So relaxed.
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