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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hay Talon I keep them filled with water and I put a ice cube in the water for my grey because she likes a cold bath and just water for all the other birds.
  2. Did you know that one third of all parrot species are threatened in the wild ???
  3. Happy hatch day Emma and here is to many many more.
  4. Hi Ronald Byrd That is what I have in all my fids`s cage a corner mount rabbit litter pan and my birds use it all the time. I mount it high in their cage by the top perch.
  5. Let`s see wood work, picture frames that may be close to their cage, We live in a log cabin so there are the walls, place mats on the table. books, arms on a chair, raling going up the steps, carpet, cupboard doors, jewelry, do you need more. The story is they just do it when you are not looking.
  6. Hi Karen Some thing I do with all my fids and this has worked for me and may be worth a try for you. When my birds are out my wife or I will put a treat some place in their cage and never in the same spot so they know that some place in their cage is a suprise and they have to find it. They really look foward to going back to their cage and looking for their treat, and it`s fun to watch. It`s kind of soon to start being aggressive, but each fid is differant and their own. This may be a case of sibling rivalry and if you have kids you know what that is all about. They may each have to have their own time out of the cage untill this passes.
  7. When they find something they really enjoy it`s fun to watch them feast on it. Great vid.
  8. I know my grey Corky loves me, my wife and son very much and Cricket my sweet zon has also become a great big part of the family and also loves me my wife and son. She talks to my wife and son all the time. We live in the country and our cabin is about 300 feet back off the road so we have a long drive-way. I am retired but I have a part time job so I am away from home from time to time and we have many friends and neighbors that stop by to see the wife and son so there are cars in and out of our drive all the time. My wife said when Cricket hears my van come up the drive-way she gets all excited and is all over her cage making all her sounds and noise she can make. The wife said she does this only when she hears my van. As soon as I come through the door she hollers Hi !! Hi !! Hi !! Hi Cricket !! Hi !! untill I come over to her cage and say hi and give her a head scratch and talk to her for a little bit. Are there sounds your zon will recognize and or re-act to.
  9. Hi candismalli and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new baby. Love the pictures. Do you have a name for the little one yet ? Any way read all you can and ask all the questions you want and we will help you all we can.
  10. Hi Linnea and welcome to the grey forum. We have a lot of new grey owners, Long time grey owners and members that want to be grey owners or grey parents along with many other parrot species. Ask any question you may have and read all you can and we are here to help tou in any way we can.
  11. Hi ahoover59 and welcome to you and Toby to the grey forum. Judygram gave you some great advice. I do beleve that a grey has a great respect for self confidents and can use your fear to be in control.
  12. It pays to advertise !!
  13. Hay Nancy my grey corky will snore when she wants her cage covered to go to sleep.
  14. Two great videos and chili just wanted what he thinks is his share.
  15. Still looking for missing grey forum amazons so they can take their place on the honored list of forum zons. Zon name, caregiver and species.
  16. Ditto on who pays the price for our selfishness !!
  17. Did you know the worlds smallest parrot is a Buff-Faced Pygmy parrot. It`s weight is less than 1/2 oz that is 11.5 g and is the size of a mans thumb
  18. If you eat it, they will eat it, If you have your hands on it, they want their talons on it. I would it`s a grey thing, but my amazon is the same way.
  19. Billy looks great !!
  20. The one thing I would to say about the video is that, that dog knows what side of his bread the butter is on. Take care of the bird and the bird will take care of me.
  21. Hi Jason and welcome to the grey forum. This forum has a lot to offer to the new and long time parrot person(I do not like to use parrot owner because after eleven years with a grey who owns who is up for grabs) Greys are very smart as you will find out, but I also have a blue fronted amazon and you know how smart a zon is. So if you ever get a zon we also have a great amazon room. P.S. I also live in north east Ohio in Newbury just south of Chardon. We have many Ohio members
  22. Three years ago amazons were not on my want list but after Cricket I have a differant out look about zons. Loved the videos. Over the years I have had many species of birds and Greys and zons top the list.
  23. 1. It`s the weekend and you don`t have to work so you want to sleep in, but your parrot is yelling for you to uncover it. 2. You want to watch your favorit TV program, and your parrot wants to talk. 3. Your parrot just took a chunk out of the woodwork around the window. 4. Your parrot is on your shoulder and it just put a bunch of holes in the shoulder of your new T-shirt. 5. Your parrot just pooped on the kitchen table and you put your hand in it. 6. You are walking across the floor in your stocking feet and you step in parrot poop. 7. It`s morning your parrot is out and you make yourself a slice of toast and you butter it and put it on the table and go back for your coffee and when you come back the toast is on the floor butter side down. 8. You are going to read the paper and you put it down to get your coffee and when you come back the paper is shredded. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO 1. You uncover your parrot and say good morning baby. 2. You talk to your parrot and try to listen to the TV between words 3. You replace the molding because it`s to bad to fix. 4. Put on another T-shirt. 5. Wipe up poop and wash your hands 6. You change your socks 7. Make a new slice of toast and clean mess later. 8. Go to store and buy new paper. At the end of the day you cover your parrot go to bed get up the next morning and start all over again.
  24. Love your video and Isaac is awesome.
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