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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Great pictures of your lovies !!!
  2. You know when you have done a good job making a play-stand when your grey takes the time to take it apart. She did her job when you were doing yours.
  3. Hi Beefernandez22 and welcome to the grey forum. The CAG and TAG are both outstanding greys and what ever one you decide on it will change your life.
  4. Where there`s a will there`s a way.
  5. My wife and I had been looking at and for a grey for over a year and a half and one day we stoped at a pet shop that specialized in baby parrrrots. We had done business with this shop for many years for food and supplies for our cockatiels along with bying tiels from them before. One day we stoped in to pick up some supplies and they had some baby greys that were nine weeks old. We did not stop to buy any birds but we looked at the baby greys and this one grey ran over to the wife up her arm to her shoulder and took a big poop on her shoulder. The wife said that she picked us out so we left a deposit. That was eleven years ago. Best money ever spent.
  6. Hi Jocelyn and welcome to the grey forum. Many of us have many pets that we share our life with. We have 4 parrots thats one CAG, one BFA two cockatiels, only one dog now, three cats. two peacocks one rabbit two goats chickens and ducks. I think you are right at home here at the grey forum. If you have a question juat ask and you just might get a lot of answers. So post away.
  7. The shepherd always looks after its flock. Your doing a greyt job.
  8. The time of year when our amazons need all the understanding that we can find in our hearts is almost over. I should have posted this last December at the start of their mating season but I failed to do this. We are about to see the return of our loved male zons as mother nature lets go of her grip over our zons. The time of year from early December to late March or early April when our zons have no control over Mother Natures grip and their emotions, a time when the devil comes from with in and you can`t find the zon you know and love. This is a time our zons need our understanding the most. This is a time that our zons or us can`t control. This is the time they want to fine a mate and reproduce. it`s nature. The time is almost hear when the flaired tail will relax and the stand up feathers on the neck will lay down and be smooth again and our loved male zon comes back to be with us. The mating season is when most zons are given up because people think they lost their loving zon, but they come back better than ever. My point !! Never give up on your zon because they do return !!
  9. Hi Pam and welcometo the grey forum. Skippy sounds like he had a good home and he may come around faster than you think. And yes a grey is very smart and can pick up sounds and words very quickly. Have fun because Skippy is going to change your life.
  10. Good to hear things are going well. As far as talking Corky never said her first word until she was two years old. Now she won`t stop. Good to see you back
  11. Let`s start at the top 1 Cost of fid (average) -------------------------- $1100.00 2 Cage for fid (average) ------------------------- $ 400.00 3 Food peryear.----------------------------------- $2230.15 ( $6.00 perday x 365 days.) Include 35 % food loss found on floor around and in the cage. 4 Replacement wood work, molding around --- $ 500.00 window and doors peryear. 5 Paint and stain.---------------------------------- $ 100.00 6 TOYS per year----------------------------------- $ 300.00 7 Miles put on car trips to lumber yard to find lumber cut offs to make toys to cut down on cost. 100 Mi. x .50 per Mi. ------------------- $ 50.00 8 Vet (best deal)----------------------------------- $ 300.00 9 Bandages (for bites)-----------------------------$ 20.00 10 Furniture repair ---------------------------------$ 200.00 Total-------------------------------------------------$5200.15 This may very from year to year. After first year subtract cost of fid and cage $ 1500.00 that is around $ 3700.15 per bird. I have four This does not include your time spent pampering, feeding spoiling and chasing. Now I know why I`m broke.
  12. Ray P

    Peanut Butter

    Corky likes her peanut butter, but Cricket gose nuts. One time we had a large empty can of Jiff and Cricket got inside the can and she had peanut butter all over her and would not let us clean her up.
  13. I think most parrot people think this is normal. Many of my friends think I am strange when my birds eat off my plate. They say what if the bird poops on the table, I say don`t put your hand in it.
  14. Nilah knows a good thing when she sees it. Never let a good thing go by.
  15. You have been given a lot of good advice in how to let your new grey settle in and become a family member. It just takes time but it will happen.
  16. Ray P


    Corky my CAG keeps her wings the same way. Thought that was normal.
  17. As always I love your pictures.
  18. Hay Mama CJ With four amazons in the house I bet you have a good set of ear plugs.
  19. We are glad you are back. Some times you have to step back and take care of your self. Sounds like you and Roxie are doing grey`t
  20. New threads and input from members with zons is always welcome. I would add that mental health is as important as diet when it comes to a zon. Looking foward to your opinions about amazons.
  21. She looks like she is having a grey`t time. When my son was small he would play with the box his toys came in. I think he had more fun with the box than the toys.
  22. Hi Andy and welcome to the forum. Just ask and we will help all we can.
  23. Are you saying the colors should match ???
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