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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. It`s a bath and it looks like it was enjoyed. This is what all my fids have in their cage. and they use it too.
  2. If I scratch Corkys head Cricket runs over for her scratch and If I scratch Crickets head Corky comes over for her scratch, I can`t do one with out doing the other. The same with food, if one is eating off of a plate the other will be over to eat off of the same plate. It`s a competiton between the two.
  3. Cricket is about 16 years old. 3 years is a little soon and I do not think she is ready, she is just a young lady growing up. Cricket has never been aggressive as long as she has been with us when she is in season. It`s the hot three males that really become aggressive and this is some time in the 5 to 10 year period give or take.
  4. IMHO there are no ugly parrots. God made them
  5. Cricket is a female and has done this starting last December. Mother nature has control and the best you can do is just walk away. It`s almost over so just hang on. I have a post on this (Mating season almost over). It`s more about the male zon and their aggression. but the female will also act out their mating roll and actions. At this point mother nature has control and the best you can do is WALK AWAY.
  6. Some of the simple things that you and your amazon do are the most fun for the both of you. Cricket has this thing when she puts her head down and her beak on the table and she will run across the table like a bull at a bull fight charging the matador, but it`s not to hurt. All she wants is a head scratch and feather fluff. She will follow me around the table dragging her beak on the table just to get a head scratch and for me to fluff up her head feathers. She just loves it. I know it`s not a big thing by any means, but she enjoys it so much and she will do it over and over. We both have a good time doing this. What are some of the things you and your zon do for fun together ??
  7. We have four parrots 1 CAG, 1 BFA and 2 tiels, 3 cats and at this time only one dog. When the birds are out the cats are in the basement and the dog runs for cover. If the cats were out I`m sure they would run for cover also.
  8. Ray P

    Decision Made

    Sounds like you are on your way, Congrats.
  9. Tequila is a good looking grey. Love the pictures.
  10. That shows to never underestimate the powers of a grey.
  11. Do you have what it takes to rescue a parrot in need ?? My wife and I have rescued many pets over the years, dogs, cats, cockatiels, lovebirds but never a larger parrot We had Corky our CAG from a baby and we know how smart they are, and when asked to rehome a amazon with issues I did not know if we had what it takes, a mean bird that could out smart us. As it turns out Cricket and I hit it off right out of the gate as she showed us a side we did not know existed, A side that every one said she did not have. A rehome may come with issues, but they also come with a need to be loved and all you have to do is look to see where they are hiding it. Some tines you have to spend a lot of extra time and understanding but the pay off is worth it when your rehome parrot comes aound and show you a side that is gentle and loving. If you can`t give the time needed than don`t rehome. If you don`t have the time don`t get a baby or young parrot. If you don`t have the time a parrot will take a lot out of you and you will take a lot out of the parrot and nobody wins and when that happens the parrot will pay the biggest price. It`s like a foster child going from home to home and never being adopted A parrot not knowing what it`s like to be loved is a crime.
  12. Hi Louise and Tequilla and welcome to the grey forum. Sounds like you and Tequilla are off to a good start on what can be a life long relationship. Any questions just ask and we will help all we can, Oh pictures welcome.
  13. My grey Corky is eleven years old and she will take the random flight around the house just like you said Archimedes and will do this from time to time and yes they can be winded. An out side bird is in the air a lot looking for food. Our inside greys do not get the exercise of a wild bird because all they have to do is walk over or climb to their food dish to eat A lot of flight time and exercise builds muscles and stamina.
  14. Ray P

    Peanut Butter

    Cricket and her peanut butter !
  15. Boy, The watermelon caper, Thats an experience !!
  16. I love the way you keep trying to give Ellie the best of the best.
  17. I think that the picture was grey`t and shows how close we are to our fids. The posting of pictures is a sharing of who we are as humans and caregivers to the awesome parrots we share our life with. If I saw a picture of a parrot being abused that would be a differant story Your picture is a family photo to be shared and I ENJOYED IT.
  18. You are home and you are watching TV and your parrot is on their t-stant playing and having a good time, you think to your self that a snack would be nice. So you get up and go to the refrigerator to see what looks good to snack on. You hear a flap flap flap bump as your parrot flys over and lands on your shoulder and looks into the frig with this intent look about them, like hay let me see too. You grab a plate with something on it but your parrot has another plate in mind and looks at you like hay what the hell are you doing. As your parrot runs down your arm to get a better look in the frig and you pull back your arm to stop them, again this look, So you know you are not going to win so you pop some popcorn and you both go back and watch TV, or your parrot will watch as you hand feed them. The one thing about a african grey and a amazon is they both know where the food is kept
  19. 20 weeks old. You are still at the beginning. Enjoy this time for it will go fast.
  20. The best way to deal with things you don`t like is to ignore the bad and praise the good. They are smart enough to know what gets your attention and what dose not. If you put them in anouther room you may miss something good or like and you won`t be there to praise them so they can do it again. As they learn more words and other sounds you will hear the things you don`t like less and less.
  21. Oh they mumble and practise until they get it right and one day they will blurt out a word and you will think where did that come from.
  22. Hi and welcome to you and your clan to the grey forum. From your post it sounds like you have come a long way with your grey in a short time. Keep up the good work and when you have any questions just ask and we will help all we can. OH we love pictures.
  23. Judy as always gives and has given great advice. The only thing I may add is never give up on a grey because they very often will surprise you.
  24. Take and post all the pictures of Ellie you want. We just love seeing them.
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