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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Molly is awesome, Greyt pictures.
  2. Ray P

    Flight Club

    I thought the video was great and I enjoyed watching it. The birds and every one there looked like they were having a great time. Thanks for posting it.
  3. To date we have 29 Amazon members 26 care givers And we cover 10 Amazon species We have one member Mama CJ that has 4 amazons two Double yellow head amazons and two yellow naped amazons. Grey forum members love their zons too.
  4. Today the theme in our house was who can out do who. It was warm outside today and the windows were open and as the day went by something seam to change Corky my CAG startes to screach and Cricket my BFA would screach back and than Corky would screach back louder and they went back and forth with each other and each time it was louder to the point I said hay whats up with you guys and than Willie my male cockatiel came up with a screach that would make Corky and Cricket proud if they did it and than Little one my female cockatiel joined in. I walked to one of our open windows and one of our chiskens was clucking because she lied an egg and our rooster was crowing. My male peacock had his tail open and he was honking and the female was honking back. My neighbors pasture is next to our house and he has three donkeys were out doing their Hee-Haw think and they are loud. Across the street I hear my other neighbors cows moo and this evening the spring peepers were making so much nois you could not think. Wait; I think spring is around the corner. It was so nice and quiet during the winter.
  5. Hi Ozzie and welcome to you and Lucy to the grey forum. A little time for them to settle in is the best think you can give them. Remember you are new, your home and their cage is new.
  6. Hi snoepgoed123 Your post brings up a good point. I never use food or treats to reward good behavior. I use interaction and affection for good behavior and this has worked for me for over 40 years with my birds. At this point I have two cockatiels one african grey congo and a blue front amazon. My amazon was a rehome that came to us at 13 years of age with issues. She has been with us for over three years and has turned out to be a very good and social zon. When we give treats it`s just to give treats and no other reason. A zon is food motivated and I did not want her to be good just for food. We did use food as a bribe at first. I would sit by her cage and eat a carrot and she would come over and I would share it with her at first and than a head and beak rub and than stop the treat. Now she comes over just for the interaction and affection. This worked for me.
  7. Greys are so smart. Like Judy said you may have done something with out knowing it that upset him so he was going to make you pay the price. So when your grey thinks you paid enough they let you back into their life like nothing happened. The little stinkers. They really know how to play the game. P.S. Welcome to the grey forum to you and Mister Beak
  8. When you look at your grey with love you can see many things no one else can see, When you look at your grey with love you can see beyond the surface. I say enjoy what you see. I know what you are talking about.
  9. OK, this sounds like MBS Could this be you will be a grey forum member with two zons. I can add a anouther zon with your name to the honored zons of the grey forum and we can add anouther species to our list. OK GO FOR IT. We are with you
  10. My grey likes to share my food but not hers. If I have something she thinks it belongs to her. If I am doing something she has to be there.. Thats life with a grey.
  11. Hi Abigail and welcome to the grey forum. Love your fish tank.
  12. Hi Hamda and welcome to the grey forum. What are your birds name and we love pictures.
  13. Great job on the first command know it`s time for him to teach you one.
  14. I love those dark eyes, they have a gentle look about them
  15. It`s great when they start to come around so enjoy. Great update.
  16. Hi Salaninja When you bond with your grey they will pick up on your emotions and share your feelings and they do it in a gentle way even more so than a dog. I think all larger parrots share your feelings and emotions when they are bonded to you.
  17. Poop down your back is a part of parrothood.
  18. Shoulder sitting and wing clipping are two subjects that act like a fence. You are on one side or the other. All my fids, 2 Cockatiels, A Congo African Grey, and a Blue afronted Amazon are all full flighted and shouldes sitters and I would not have it any other way. We do have rules and we have a respect for each other when it comes to shoulder sitting. Shoulder sitting is something that is between you and your fid and you both have to respect each other. When I got my amazon I never thought she would be a shoulder bird because of her past, but our bond changed all that.
  19. Hi Bosse and welcome to the grey forum. We have members from around the world and it`s fun to talk and post with members from other countries and share storys about our greys.
  20. When they find something they like they will do anything to get to it.
  21. Ray P

    Would You Rather

    Shoes Would rather be rich or good looking
  22. It just seams like yesterday that Sterling Gris came into your life. Happy hatch day Sterling Gris and to many many more to come !!!
  23. Ray P


    I don`t know about subspecies ?
  24. Ray P


    The Ornithological Council says that there are 358 parrot species !!
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