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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I love the name Nova and he/she is a great looking grey.
  2. Corky is eleven years old and from time to time still likes to be spoon fed with warm oatmeal.
  3. Hi swtpea0830 and welcome to you and Mico to the grey forum. It is grey`t to have long time grey parents join us and share their life with there grey. Oh yes we love pictures.
  4. It won`t be long and you will be telling her to be quiet.
  5. As I was reading through a number of threads and post and I see many questions that fall into three categories when it comes to our parrots. Some of the information comes from other forums about parrots and may not give the right information that a new person starting with parrots needs. There is a post called (Is a grey ok for a first time bird owner) and this is a good question, but they had a quote that they said was from an anouther forum that compaired greys and cockatoos. Thats like, comparing appels and oranges and I don`t think that was a fair or helpfull answer to the question. I was so glad and proud to see the moderators and members on this forum step up and put their two cents in. Yes you need to know the good and the bad, but as a parrot parent you need to know how to bring out the best and what it takes to have a life long companion. A myth and or lies can set you up to fail, but this forum wants you to succeed and have many years with your companion. Good job Jayd, Dave007, luvparrots, Jeffnok and xSarahx
  6. Yah Doug they do like it their way don`t they
  7. Oh Boy !! I remember that day when it was time to pick Corky. I KNOW JUST HOW YOU FEEL. At 2:00 P.M. I will stop for a moment of silence on your behalf. GOOD LUCK.
  8. Willo looks like a fun grey. Gery`t pictures.
  9. The lovies look great and so do your tiels. Sorry about the loss of the one chick
  10. Loved the video Dan. A zon has a dfferant way of looking at life and it`s so much fun seeing them express them self.
  11. If you take the time to know your new companion by letting them settle in to a new home and new people so they feel safe and love you should not have any trouble. Talking to and being around and giving them time to get to know you will make all the differance when it comes to bonding with your new fid. As far as name change, You will love them no mater what their name is and in return they will love you back. Spend the time building a relationship and bonding and don`t worry about the small stuff. P.S. Welcome to the grey forum !!
  12. Hi and welcome to the grey forum. If there is a grey in your future, this is the place to be.
  13. Ray P


    They will molt all their feathers from time to time, but the flight feathers will molt in a way that they are always able to fly because of predators. You may find one or two flights at a time. When they regrow that feather they will molt anouther. When the feather wears out they replace it.
  14. Geeeezz all they want to do is help. That intent look they get when they see you doing something is awesome.
  15. Some of the things I have read have said they could live 70 or more, but I think 50 is about right with good diet and care.
  16. My grey Corky is over eleven years old and we have had her from a baby. They can live long happy lives of fifty years or better.
  17. Slater looks like he is really enjoying him self in the sun. Very nice setup.
  18. Hay Katana600 I think we had the same mother. As I would go out the door my mother would yell DO YOU HAVE CLEAN UNDERWEAR ON IN CASE YOU ARE IN AN ACCIDENT !!!!!
  19. Ray P


    The master is back !!!
  20. Chili looks great and as far as being hot, A zon lives in the jungle. Chili might love it.
  21. Hi vlmuke and welcome to the grey forum to you your TAG Fergie and family. We love pictures.
  22. Hi Tandra and Festus and welcome to the grey forum.
  23. I think by now you know we are all glad to see you back with us where you belong. All the members have worked to keep the amazon room theeee place to come even if you don`t have a zon, We will share ours.
  24. Hi kennys1989 and Bella and welcome to the grey forum.
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