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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Cricket loves to get wet, but it`s when she does her air dry is when her colors show
  2. December 20 th 2008 is Crickets day the first day in our home after a 2 day trip from Florida back to Ohio. We do not know her real hatch day and she is around 16, but for us this day is her first and her sweet sixteen birthday. Cricket has turned out to be the sweet amazon that every one said she would never be. Cricket has a side that every one said did not exist. Cricket is my sweet zon that every one said she would never be. Cricket you are special and I am so glad we brought you home and I will never take our relationship for granted HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET GIRL
  3. Ray P

    Ring on leg

    My CAG Corky just turned eleven and she still has her band on her leg and it`s never been a problem. My BFA and my Cockatiels do not have bands.
  4. I Just love to watch and listen to Emma. She is awesome as always.
  5. Aint that the truth. Sounds just like Corky, Cricket and my wife.
  6. Is it not like a zon to want it on their terms. They like to call the shots. I would say he loves you but you still have to pay.
  7. Luvparrots has said all the things I would have said. With lots of attention and a good diet and lots of toys to play with I don`t think you will ever have to worry about plucking. Love and affection will go a long way to make a happy grey and any other parrot that comes into your home. Have fun and enjoy !!!
  8. Hi Stevie. Jasper is a good looking zon and I have added Jasper and you to the list of hrnored amazons of the grey forums. Check them out
  9. Hi Rissa and Shiloh and welcome to the forum and we love to see pictures of all your fids.
  10. Hi MonkeyBird and Marco and welcome to the grey forum and a big welcome too your dogs to. OH you better have pictures and you better post them.
  11. Hi Janet I wish I had a good answer to your question. As you know Cricket came to us with a reputation of aggression and to this day I could not tell you what I or my family did right to change her. The way she was in her old home and the way she is here is like nite and day. In Florida she bit everyone and some bad enough for madical treatment. Cricket has been with us for three years and has never bitten me, my wife or son and is playfull sweet and a joy to be around and I don`t know why she did this 180 deg. turn. I wish I had a better answer for you. I guess Loue will come around on his own terms. Don`t give up !!!
  12. The list of amazons that live with a grey grows. I am going to add the type of amazon to the list. It`s great to see the number of amazons that coexist in the homes with our greys. Two parrots from two differant continents that have captured our hearts. Look for the change in the list
  13. The next time you should whisper
  14. I think a cage update is always good when it comes to more room for your fids and you know what is a good price for a cage is in Canada. All my fids have had a cage update at one time or anouther and my grey has always taken to a new cage with out much trouble. If you think your fids need an update and you think the price is a good price than I say go for it.
  15. Hi dyeraudio and welcome to thr grey forum. It`s a great group of members who not only have greys but all kinds of other fids that make up our family. We love pictures and a good story so post away.
  16. The holidays seam to keep getting in my way when it comes to posting because we are always going some place or doing some thing. It`s one of those I will be glad when they are all over with and I can get back to normal and I have more time for the forum and all the other things in life. I love the hohidays, but when you see Christmas things and Christmas carols on halloweew in the stores I think is a bit much. Every one wants to grab your last dollar So any way I hope everyone had a nice halloween and a great thanksgiving and that you will have a Marry Christmas or happy holidays and that you have a happy new year so we can start it all over again.
  17. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    I remember using a fountain pen in school because the teacher would not let us use a ball point pen. A ball point pen was new at the time and the teacher said there was no future in them.
  18. Yoy know you live with a grey when you can`t find your car keys, Than you remember the last time you saw them was near your greys cage. You know you live with a grey when you are out side working and your car starts up because your grey found your car keys and pushed the remote start button
  19. And we all wish you a Merry Christmas back.
  20. Hi Vonni and welcome to you Greyzie and Pico to the Grey Forum. We also have members with Amazons of all kinds so I would also like to welcome you to the amazon room. I am going to add you and Pico to the list of honored amazons of the grey forum.
  21. My girl Corky has two kinds of growls. One growl is if she is upset and the other is what I call her geowl of content. when she is getting her head scratch or rub she has this low kind of growl of content as she turns her head for you to scratch a differant spot. There is a big differance in the growl of upset as it sounds like a mad dog.
  22. Hi Jim and welcome to the grey forum. We are glad you found us and we will try and help you in any way we can.
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