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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Eleven years ago Dec. 5, 2000 corky poked a hole in her shell and after that the world has not been the same, At least not in our house. She was 9 weeks old when she first pooped on the wifes shoulder and than she looked at us with those eyes and we were in love and It`s still the same to day. From that day she has never been away from us, she travels with us and has been all over the country with us. She is never ever left behind, when the travel cage comes out she knows road trip and she ready.
  2. You mention a vacum cleaner well whenever my wife vacums Cricket will take a bath and just sing up a storm. My sister inlaw lives in Florida near Bush Gardons and she said the parrot person there said mix a tablespoon of mouth wash in a spray bottle and mist them with that and it will make there feathers shine. They said the mouth wash is ok for them. I did not try this but my sister inlaw did and she said they looked great after a misting
  3. The two faces of a zon or grey or macaw or any other parrot you can think of. When you look at your amazons face what do you see, the face of an angel or the devil. To the true amazon lover they will see this mystical creature of true beauty that can take your breath away.(the angel) That`s what I see when I look at Cricket. This is what she has become my mystical beautiful creature. To others they may see a large beak ear piercing lip ripping creature that is ready to take on anything and everything that might cross their path. (the devil) There is this large gap between angel and devil and most zons will fall into this gap and they can go eather way and some times they can go both ways at the same time. Where does your amazon or grey or what other parrot you may have fall in this gap of devil or angel. Food for thought for humans or creatures You can take a good person and if you look close you can find something bad about them You can take a bad person and if you look close you can find something good about them Conclusion What you find depends on what you are looking for
  4. Chevy is awesome There is something about Cockatiels, Greys and Amazons. I have all three and love them to death.
  5. Hi ashley and welcome to the grey forum. Good looking flock
  6. Shelly you don`t have to say good buy just say untill the next time and we will be here. Just remember it`s darkest before the dawn and the sun will shine again.
  7. No IPad yet just a laptop and Corky and Cricket don`t mess with the keys, They just walk across the key board. I make sure they don`t stop to poop.
  8. Louie is going to give it up a little at a time.
  9. My Cricket likes to sing off key, Way off key. Food motivated, you bet. We never use food to reward any good behavior we use affection and it works just as well. We will give her a treat just to give her a treat, nothing special so food is not a motivator to do something or behave.
  10. Thats funny and I think our birds are flip flop from yours. Corky our grey is always the one in trouble and crickets best spot is on my shoulder, her safe spot. Corky gets into every thing. I am not going to say Cricket is a angel but when you say no Cricket will stop. NOW when they pair up that`s a differant story, all hell breaks out.
  11. Hi Boris and jaco and welcome to the forum and we are glad you joined.
  12. From the Amazon room happy thanksgiving to all and enjoy your day with your family and fids.
  13. A greys first poop of the day is huge becaused they don`t poop when they sleep. We call them cow patties the first dump of the day.
  14. Hi petiteOne and Buddy and welcome to the grey forum. Glad you took Buddy in and want to give him a great home. We will help all we can with his adjustment to his new home. Ask all the question you want and we will be here to help.
  15. Each year that I see this I enjoy it more.
  16. There is nothing like a grey hard at play.
  17. Hi Amber and welcome to the grey forum, and we are glad you found us. I have had cockatiels for about 40 years and Willie is over 21 years old and I know they are great birds. This is a mix forum of birds of all kinds not just greys. I also have a blue fronted amazon along with our congo grey Corky. Again Welcome.
  18. It sounds like life with Sterling is going to keep you young and active. Thats a boy for you.
  19. The honored Amazon list is growing
  20. Hay I am going to add you to the list of honored amazons that live with greys
  21. Ray P

    Egan Update

    Egan sounds like a fun grey and I am so happy for you. Will look foward for your next update so we all can grow with Egan.
  22. Makes me want to run out and buy one now.
  23. The best thing you can do is keep offering the veggies. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Some times they like one thing better than anouther just like us. Eating some is better than nothing. With our zon Cricket if you put it in front of her she will eat it.
  24. Life sometimes gets in the way and make things, not so nice but hang in there because good is on the way. I wish I could say more.
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