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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Chili is a great looking zon and he looks like he loves the outdoors.
  2. Hi fmcgraw and Zed and welcome to the forum. We also love pictures and storys. We don`t have fish, but we do have 2 dogs, 3 cats a african grey congo, blue front amazon 2 cockatiels, peacocks, ducks, chickens, rabbits and goats.
  3. Our greay Corky picked us out. When we were looking at some baby greys this one grey came over and climbed up the wifes arm to her shoulder and took a big pop and we left a deposit
  4. You hit the nail on the head Janet a happy parrot is a mellow parrot.
  5. A good vet check puts yout mind at rest. Now you can start having fun with your star.
  6. Good looking zon and all the pictures are great. Love them all. Up and comming star.
  7. Your pictures of Cocoa and your tiels are always great and I know the members here look foward to your post and pictures. On behalf of all the members here I want to say thank you for your great posts and pictures.
  8. Hello Rocky We need anouther zon to help this amazon room get bigger and better. Cricket wants to say hi and welcome
  9. Cricket draws blood but it was not from a bite. Cricket and I were building a strong bond and relationship with trust in the first 2 or 3 months. She would come out of her cage and we would play for hours. Cricket was still over weight but she was starting firm up and was looking good. In her larger cage she could flap her wings and the muscle tone in her wings was getting better. She was out of her cage and on my hand and we were playing and I was mov ing my hand up and down and making her flap her wings and she lost her grip and started to fall. As she fell she grabbed my index finger and was hanging by her beak from my finger. Her feet were going a millon miles per hour looking for something to grab and her wings were flapping and my finger hurt like hell but I kept my cool. I brought my other hand up for her to grab and she stoped flapping her wings. She climbed up my arm to my shoulder and sat there as I went to the bathroom to wash all the blood to see how bad it was. It was just a small puncture from her beak and I talked to her as I cleaned it and put on a band aid It was not a bite she just wanted to stop her fall. We went back to playing our game and having a good time like we do every day That is my story about me and my girl zon Cricket. I would like to here your story about your bird (zon grey macaw any bird) on how you built your bond and trust.
  10. Louie is being a zon and playing hard to get. One day he will show you his love and you will think where did that come from. It will be out of the blue.
  11. I`m off to work now but when I get home I will post a picture of Corky`s food and water dishes ih her cage. That may help you come up with something. Ray
  12. Not knowing what your cage system looks like it`s hard to say what to do. Two of my cages have larg crocks for food and water and my third cage has a bar over the top of the dish so you can only take the dish out when you open the food dish door.
  13. Some times you have to try many things before you find one that works. We have peacocks and we tried peacocks feathers and they did not work for us.
  14. I have a CAG a BFA and two cockstiels and they all love eggs hard boiled or scrambled some beef some tuna but give them a chicken leg bone with a little meat on it and they will make a day of fun out of it , but don`t try to take the bone away because if you do you are in BIG TROUBLE !!!
  15. I think danmcq is right about what thay don`t get into storys. Let see mine don`t------------get into------------????????? I will have to get back to on that.
  16. As I look back on this journey I found out something I did not know untill now. Cricket was always three steps ahead of me. All this time I thought I was in charge. As I look back on this journey I find out that she was. As I sat by her cage and talked to her it was Cricket that came over to me and put her head down for a scratch and I did not scratch her head at first because I still had a fear of zons, but after 3 or 4 times I gave her a head scratch and I felt so proud that I got her to come over, but she made the first move not me. When she would put her beak through the bars of the cage over and over untill I scratch it with my finger nail, well she made the first move again. The day I had Cricket out and walked away from her cage to do something and she flue after me and landed on the floor and I bent over to pick her up expecting the bite of my life and said step up and she did and than steped up again to my other hand. I think it was in her plan all along. The step up to my hand on that day, That was the day I lost my fear of zons and Cricket. Our bond has grown every day from that day on and the one thing I will never do is take that bond for granted. Every day we have our special time together with just the two of us so we can enjoy each other. Next Cricket has never bittin me, but she has drawn blood. Find out how, Next
  17. Hi ajlinva. I have never had that happen to my zon and I am glad she is OK. That had to be the scare of your life and I`m am glad you were there to help her wheh she needed you. My zon loves to eat and she dips her hard pellets in her water to soften them. Always changing that water because of that.
  18. We have a glass canister set that we keep treats in. One has her seed balls, one has her nuts and one has a mex of treats and she can see them. With Corky it`s like a shopping trip she will check them out and pick out the one she wants and she will get the lid off pick out what she wants. If it`s not the canisters it`s the wook work. We live in a log cabin so you know what thats like. Nothing is safe and when starts an adventure nothing can stop her. She is into everything and anything that she can get to.
  19. Hi Hannah and welcome to the grey forum. Great story and we love pictures
  20. Shyloh is a great looking grey and I wish you the best of luck with your new adventure.
  21. Hi Sue and Rosa and welcome to the grey forum. Rosa sounds like a fun girl. My grey Corky knows all our dogs and cats along with our other birds names and that`s just to start with. Yes they are something else.
  22. A new zon and a new adventure. Let the fun begin. Congratulations.
  23. Welcome to the grey forum Markus. This forum has a great bunch of people who will help you when the time is right.
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