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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Oh the joy of a flighted grey. Nothing is safe and I mean nothing !!
  2. Hi bobby22 and welcome to the forum. The members on this forun will do their best to help you make the right choise.
  3. Welcome to the grey forum Jana and yes pictures, pictures, pictures we love pictures.
  4. Thanks everyone. Cricket is my turn around girl.
  5. I am going to share some Cricket histoey, but in return I want you zon people to share something about your zon because we are few here at the grey forums, but we are mighty. Cricket had bitten the leg off two Quakers, Taken the eye out of anouther, Had bitten some people enough to send them to the hospital, She was kept in a very small cage, was on an all seed diet, over weight, could not fly and in general was very nasty. THIS IS WHAT I WAS TOLD. I did not want a bird that I could not interact with so I said no to rehoming her, but on a trip to Florida she came back to Ohio with us. The dission to rehome Cricket was made 30 min. before we left Florida to come back home to Ohio. My thought was as we left Florida was (I made a big error) I came that close to not haveing my zon and missing out on my sweet zon. I will share more about Cricket in other post to come
  6. Hi Sue and welcome to the grey forum. Tell us more about your new baby. Is it TAG or Congo how old, boy or girl, and it`s name. Oh yes we just love pictures
  7. I have given a lot of thought about my first post as a moderator and if it wasen`t for Cricket I would not be here as moderator in the amazon room. When Cricket came to us we were given very little hope that she would never be more than a caged parrot with a bad temperment. Boy were they wrong. I started out with a fear of zons and now it`s a love of zons and it`s all because of Cricket. I started out with a closed mind about amazons, now it`s a open mind and it`s because of Cricket. In order to love a zon you have to understand a zon. We need to share what having a zon is all about so other parrot people can take anouther look at what a zon is and is not. Keep an open mind and an open heart and the zonners here will tell you what it`s all about. I love my grey and I love my zon. It was Cricket that went from nasty to nice in a heart beat and I would like to share that with the members of the amazon room and all the members of the grey forum. Thank you Penny for giving me that chance. Ray
  8. I know Louie is in good hands and that day will come.
  9. Cocoa is a real good looking grey. Does she talk.
  10. My birds will get into anything and every thing when they are out and to have them out and free when I`m am a SLEEP WOW !!! We live in a log cabin and you know how parrots like wood. I would wake up and there would be no walls. Their out of cage time is always supervised and they are in and out of their cage all day long and going in and out of their cage is no problem.
  11. Hay one year louie. You found yourself a great home so you better mind your mommy. and be nice. May each year be better than the one before for many more to come. He WILL come around just hang in there. Ray
  12. I love your outdoor set up for your birds. I had lutinos years ago. Your white face tiels are goog looking birds
  13. Oh yes the early years I remember those when Corky started to talk. Now she won`t stop.
  14. Hi Kathy. Molly is a good looking grey. All the best to you and Molly.
  15. Ray P


    How did you know ??
  16. That`s the way I did it with Corky. Corky is very spoiled but she is very good with other people. What`s mine is hers and they never really get over that.
  17. Ray P


    Anouther thing the burp and fart always come out when there is company. And than they (the company) want to know where they heard that and you have to explain.
  18. Ray P

    Egan Update

    Sooo happy for you Barbara. Egan is a great looking boy. Welcome home Egan !!!!!
  19. News paper is great to line the bottom of your parrot cage. What I do is go through the paper and try to find a picture of a polititcian that I dislike and place the picture face up under the spot ware my birds perch and let them take aim. That`s the fun part of linning the cage If the news paper gose out of business I will be up the creek as far as cage linners.
  20. I just love your video of your sleepy grey. When they are that young they will go to sleep any place that they can rest their head.
  21. Hi Tyaris. and a welcome to you and your new grey to the grey forum. Yes we love pictures,
  22. Great pictures of Matilda and you. There are a lot of great members here to share your life and storys with Matilda. The good the bad and the ugly.
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