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Everything posted by JJsHoney

  1. www.fotosketcher.com before after in water colors
  2. http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/bp_endangered_turtles/?rc=fb_share1 That is just disgusting.. just incase BP hasn't had enough crimes against nature :mad:
  3. How did I miss this post before!? Rene does something very similar, he hangs and kicks his feet..but as soon as I look at him he stops and turns into the *grey statue* LoL If he is outside of his cage and he gets the urge he always grabs some foot toy and bangs it on the cage or floor.. that I call birdie weight lifting LOL.. I am working on Rene with the video camera, so I can get a vid of this for everyone
  4. JJsHoney


    I don't know how acceptable everything is on this list but, my cousin has always offered cinnamon as a treat and toy, sometimes they just toss around other times they eat it, I add Cinnamon to Rene's oatmeal and he loves it!! http://www.landofvos.com/articles/kitchenxv.html
  5. JJsHoney


    Rene loves yogurt dipped cinnamon sticks, as long as the yogurt is room temp, he doesn't enjoy anything that is cold... Ill snap some pics as soon as I get more cin. sticks
  6. Aww poor baby Loki your doing the best thing you can for him! Keeping him and you in my thoughts
  7. Just saw this on face book, someone stole "Sid" from his cage in the petstore :mad: http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/local/parrot-stolen-from-natick-pet-store-20100623
  8. Rene gets fresh water numerous times a day (he dips his pellets in) I change his pellets every other day but by then he has picked out his favorites and tossed the rest. Seeds are given in the afternoon, taken out before before bed, he receives maybe a few tablespoons and its all gone by then but his previous owner left seeds and pellets available all the time and would change them out every 2 days.. I hope that answered your question
  9. Judy when Rene went into his time, it was the only thing he would do with me!! so the squeaking and dropping wings, are a welcome sight in my house!! but I often wonder if we will go back to the "old" Rene in a few weeks.
  10. She is beautiful!! So glad she is feeling better.. and your pictures are alot clearer than mine!! hahaha
  11. OMG that is just horrible.. ugh people are just.....
  12. I'm tired just looking through the photos LoL Greyt as usual!!
  13. JJsHoney


    Jackson is very handome Tanya!! oh and btw I have the same curtains!! haha
  14. Gorgeous pictures as usualy Lyn, I hope everyone was rested from their holiday
  15. buying from a breeder here in Massachusetts runs from 800-1000$ petshops anywhere from 1300-2200, is what I have seen
  16. Nala is just precious thanks for sharing your baby girl with us
  17. JJsHoney

    Baby's ok!

    I was just thinking about them today when I stumbled upon his thread, thanks for the updaye JayD
  18. Emma and Sachi look like they really enjoy that foraging toy, I am definetly ordering one for Rene and my quaker! thanks for sharing!
  19. Karma They always have a way of grounding you..just like karma
  20. I think that has a special ring to it!! GO AMBASSADOR JUDY!!!
  21. My week was pretty un-eventful! Vets for the dogs Ticks are a big problem for us so it was Lyme boosters for all! and more frontline too! Congradulations on your Gandsons Black Belt! and Cheyeness for your beautiful 'tiel babies Talons way to shoot!
  22. OK, so I take it by the lack of response, everyone is telling me this is my decision LOL either that or you think I can't handle it.. Well I am taking it to mean the my decision part Last night I stayed up all night, looking threw videos blogs and books, chat rooms and even forums, to find real down to earth opinions of the BG, and well I think it might be a go. My flock will be complete for awhile as long as I can stay away from the MBS bug LoL. I am going to visit for a while with my cousins Hyacinth, just to get some real world feel for such a large bird..I am searching for cages as we speak, but I think I might do the "side by side" option, just for the size. This might not even happen there is still not a definite, things can and usually do happen that aren't in my favor so maybe just maybe this will work for me.. Ive got at least 5/6 months till a baby is here so I have plenty of time to prepare
  23. Just adorable Tell Sylvee I have PLENTY of junk mail here for her if she ever gets bored!
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