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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. I always enjoy reading your post and reply's, I always understand them that's why there so good...Jay
  2. I have to agree with everything everyone has said, but as a side note, it can go either way, no disrespect to any one, this is my opinion only. Everything depend on the reason for the screaming? is it deep rooted, or superficial? Is Sam yelling because he remembers it in a good way or a bad way? Sam will answer these questions for you, if he continues to be upset no matter what you do, get rid of it, if he calms down, keep it....Sorry...Thanks Jay
  3. It has begun, words will flow like water down stream... Makes you feel warm inside.....
  4. You post is correct, it's the reasoning that is wrong! So? the way you wrote it is "1/2 of a slice of that bread, which is quite a large piece but worked nicely for the math, would equal the same amount of sodium that is in 1/2 cup of celery, or 1/2 cup of broccoli, or 1/2 cup of carrots," this explains my point, It adds up, accumulated. [Please don't feed your parrot celery without stringing it.] You have not added all the other salt a parrot will accumulate in a day/week/month/year/ 10.years etc. A little here a little there is what causes the problem, not the one time! Some people say as you have, "Whats a little more going to hurt?" Wingy, enough to kill your beloved parrot. A human isn't suppose to have more than 3 whole walnuts a day, not much right, a parrot should have no more than 1/10 of a walnut a day! not much, right. Like you said, quote" your the cook'" un-quote, I would rather be a boring cook and have a healthy parrot. This goes for sugar and all the bad things for our beloved parrots. The whole thing adds up to "the final total amount of anything you feed you friend".......The opinion is mine and mine alone, not any other member. The fact are available to any one who wishes to search for them. Think, why take a chance, just don't feed any excess...Thanks Jay
  5. Here's a really good parrot recipe site...http://www.parrotrecipes.com/recipes/bread.php#.T5tQ19Uf9bw
  6. I'm sorry to write this post. Some foods are unsafe for our parrots, they can kill, stunt, cause serious illnesses, shorten their lives etc, when they say "No" or "limited", that's what is meet, not, "a little won't hurt", or,"I've feed this to my parrots and nothing happened". Toast, limited amount, Stick with Birdie Bread.. Oil, a little Olive oil or red palm oil, garlic, none, pizza or spaghetti sauce, uncooked white potatoes or beans, raw rice, Salt and Sugar, no extra. etc...This recipe is okay for humans not parrots.. http://www.bobsredmill.com/recipes.php?recipe=1453 parrotdiet.pdf (application/pdf Object) http://www.quakerparrots.com/diet/food-nutrition-table-for-parrots/ http://en.allexperts.com/q/Parrots-1638/Bread-Water.htm http://birds.about.com/od/feeding/tp/poisonousfoods.htm
  7. Hi, I like to keep the young ones around 80 degrees with no drafts, after their a year old or so, we keep our house temp in the mid 70's year round. Others will give you their favorite temps...Thanks Jay
  8. Jayd

    DJ needs answers!

    Thank you, your a wise parront arlisamis...You know who the smart ones are? All you Greyt Members who ask the question. Salute to you all.........Thanks Jay
  9. Your a good parront and very deserving. We don't know what causes our Greys to pick one or another, a example with Joe, I'm his choice but to a outside they may see it, Joe won't eat his smash from me if I try to feed him, only Maggie, but he won't take a treat from her, he'll let me spray him, but not her etc. But then, we live in our parrots home, not them in ours, their the boss the flock leaders, they let us know what they want, not the other way around and we never say no to them, we use other words to express that emotion. They didn't ask to be brought into captivity the smoke, the badged food , the noise and cages and the possible abuse. So Maggie and I love them all and cater to them. Spock was bonded to Maggie, but when I couldn't rise from bed he would fiy into my bed room and touch my cheek with his foot and say "I love you Papa, and Joe would say "see you later" to Maggie and she would ask "where you going? and Joe would answer "to see Papa" He would fly into the room and land on my shoulder and ask"How are you?". To all please accept our Grey for what they are, "Wild Animals". Sit back and watch as they wonderfully explode their beautiful being before your very eyes and grace you with undeniable love, no mater who the have chosen. Thanks Jay
  10. I'm glad this has worked for Nancy. Please accept their choice, don't question your Grey, this is very important for their mental stability. You never force anything on a Grey, He may not ever change his preference but he'll defiantly change his attitude towards you. You'll find out he'll let you do things he won't let others do. Your a Greyt parront, don't stop doing what your doing....Thank you Jay
  11. This sounds good, keep the recipes coming please...Thanks Jay
  12. Hi, sorry, Ph doesn't cause cancer, but there is some proof that low "Acidity/alkaline" can reduce the risk of certain cancers and other problems..Penny has alkaline drinking water system, I'm on a ACV [apple cider vinegar] regime which is low Ph. similar to Penny's in practice. Thanks Jay
  13. Thanks, 2 things, whats funny and mind blowing is when Joey's on his perch behind Maggie when she's cleaning and he converses in my voice and she thinks it's me! he'll say something like: How are you? Maggie will reply with I'm ok, Joe will say What-ca doing? Maggie will reply Dishes, and Joe will say, Give me a kiss, I love you, Maggie will turn around see it's Joe and Joe will go Hehehe..... Spock and Joe would converse [in English] complete conversations, like wanna good nut? no, then come here!, why?what you want, nothing Hehehe, Want some good water? NO, tell Rolo to shut-up, Tell babe I'm hungry, yea, light a fire under he butt, Hehehe Wheres Papa, where you going, to see papa, see you later........
  14. Hi old friend, Wingy has made some good points, about 4 months ago.we had to put a smaller amount of seed in his bowel like Wingy said. Some Greys will toss there food if it has to many husks in it, or they don't like other things that are in the mix, pumpkin seed or beans for example. A lot of parrots will toss food because their looking for a certian one. The best seed mix we found is"Volksman safflower", no sunflower seeds. A seed diet is ok as long as you supplement it with veggies etc. It's taken Joey 2yr's to eat a few pellets, were not pellet people, we use pellets as a supplement. We found out, if we put about a 14/cup of pellets when he goes to bed he'll eat them. The pellets we give Joe is the new "ZuPreem Nut blend". Thanks Jay, Post more...
  15. My personal thank you to Judy, she's always right-on.
  16. Please take to heart what Judy has said!!!! #1, you being gone for 2 months is going to cause trouble, as little as 2 days can cause trouble. #2. if you work 8hr's come home in another 2hr's, sleep for 8hr's, your bird needs at least 5hr's of company....Thanks Jay....
  17. Okay, when you new Spock was doing something he shouldn't be doing, we'd yell "SPOCK" and he'd reply "What". If we said "Spock, what are you doing, he'd reply,"NOTHING". The worst was "Spock, you want a time out?" Spock would reply "Hell No". This is the truth!! Maggie
  18. Once you go rescue you never go back. It's not so much the bird but the person who is buying the bird. Research yourself first....Jay
  19. Penny, you know how we always tell members to"err on the safe side?' We really should practice what we preach.. Besides when the test come back negative, more points for your water system.. As you know, I'm on a Vinegar treatment, similar to you...Luv Jay
  20. NOT BUYING IT!!! Want to hear some story's!!!.....Do the test!!!!!..One more of your friends... Jayd and Maggie
  21. Jayd

    DJ needs answers!

    Thank you for posting...yes please! That is mold. Don't take a chance...if you have fed some to your babies, give them about a teaspoon or more of plain lowfat yogurt a day, one that is high in bacteria. Also, take some hot water (under 110 degrees Fahrenheit-8 ounces) 2 tablespoons of good organic honey or good honey if you cant get it and two tablespoons full of organic apple cider vinegar. All our birds really love it. Give it to them in a tablespoon first and let them lap it up. Once they get adapted to it, they will drink it right out of the cup. After they are done, you drink it because it is good for you. I love it! I'm preparing a post on vinegar and its benefits to bird and man alike. If your babies show any signs of Aspergillosis see a vet. Check out Dave 007 thread http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?115338-Aspergillosis Keep in contact...going back to bed..lol...Thanks Jay
  22. Thanks, Wingy, It's hard, Renting is always a challenge, Does your landlord have any suggestion? Could you make a contraption that would cover the frames and you could open to let the light in? or maybe something like a folding screen that sits on the floor and is movable? here's a example:http://www.bulletinboardpanels.com/PageRoomPartitionA.html Thanks Jay Salsa is a Orange-wing Amazon. My personal preference is a Amazon. Please check out the Amazon Room. Thanks Jay
  23. Thanks, A Grey doesn't mature till around 4yrs old, your going into a new stage with your Grey, sometimes a tough one. Don't get another parrot until your sure your ready, this is a decision only you can make...Good luck. Check out the Fourms "Amazon Room and Other Birds Room". Thanks Jay
  24. Hi , Dave007 is the man for that question. In the parrot world there is no "Alpha", just a simply flock leader, there's no competition or jousting to be the flock leader as in "Alpha" world. Parrots are still wild, not domesticated. One point you might wish to remember is your first bird is flock leader in a Grey home, They get everything first, first let out, 1st greeted, first feed, first toy when introducing a 2nd bird.. Introduce your new birsd to your 1st bird, you might see them dip their head or make a sound, this is showing respect for letting the new bird into the 1st birds home. Thanks Jay
  25. LOL, This is out of my realm, other than full length curtains, I don't know. The header shouldn't be a problem... Good thread...Jay
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