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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. From a previous post of mine: A parrots mouth, crop, stomach and intestines,cloaca, skin and respiratory tract are "Gram Positive", us human's are 'Gram Negative". Staph positive is a type of infection - staphylococcus. This can occur in both gram positive (parrots) and gram negative (humans). These are two different types of bacteria and when one type is introduced to the other type through the action of kissing or saliva exchange, an explosion of diseases can occur. Staphylococcus is one of them along with e-coli (the most common). What this whole thread boils down to is don't let saliva from your mouth, fingers, drinking glasses or utensils enter your bird's mouth. This is scientific fact. Thank you so much. Jay
  2. Can I move in?...Last one sounds good....
  3. Please realize it was all in jest. Yes, time and patience prevails, Whom our parrot choose and why is still a mystery, right now your the dependent one, and your baby doesn't want to share. Keep your good attitude and I can see that you are a Gryet Parront.....
  4. bran, good suggestions, may I also suggest that to stick to one ingredient at a time for now to see what helps or hinders condition.
  5. Get a new boyfriend...NO, just joking, really....LOL...Janet's advice is really good! This is not uncommon. You're his chosen one right now. Since you've had the most contact with him, you are being favored. he's only a year old so a lot is going to change in the next 3-4 years starting with his eyes and his tail. Do like Janet says, have your boyfriend pull up a chair and read a book to him without you present. Again, as Janet says, don't worry about the touching right now. Time and patience are the keys to success. Welcome and thank you. Jay
  6. Thank you, you are a good "parront"! Like I stated before, please be careful, especially when it comes to human drugs being used on parrots. Haldol is famous for causing liver problems later on. Hi, Maggie here... Try organic chamomile tea (that is what we use) and steep one bag of chamomile tea in one cup of water for 5 minutes. Then, I mix it 1 part tea to 4 parts water and I give it to them in the afternoon and when i change the cages at night, they get fresh water. You can mix it stronger until you achieve the calming effect. It can't hurt your bird. Thanks, Maggie and Jay
  7. Thank you Bran. On parrots, we use water based creams instead of ointments such as Neosporin Cream. Your thread is very good. Again, thank you. Unfortunately, in the part of the world that rahvar77 and a few of our other members live, avian veterinarians are next to impossible to find so a person's course of action in some cases is a best-guess scenario. Thank you all so much. Jayd
  8. Heres a copy of a post i did on Haldon, be careful....Thanks Jay.. Thank you thenabird. The biggest problem is when you stop using it, we have had trouble in the past with Macaws and "TOO's. Hallucinations, rubbing their tongue on the inside of their beak etc. The biggest problem is dosage and any actual scientific study. We've had real good luck with Chamomile tea and Dave solution...To eliminate the reason, eliminates theb problem. Your Gryet parront's.... Thanks Jay
  9. Hi, I checked salicylic acid Do not apply to raw or irritated skin. From this it sounds like he had a raw open spot and now the malathion and salicylic acid burned or irritated it. This would be called a chemical burn and should be rinsed a couple times a day and if you can't find an antibiotic cream like Neosporin, then use Aloe Vera gel once or twice a day. It is very important to rinse and dry well.Salicylic Acid is used for acne and it dries and removes layers of skin in the process. If your bird's foot had a sore or irritation as it looks like, it looks like this acid could keep the wound irritated, not allowing it to heal. This is just my opinion. I am not a vet. Thanks, Jay
  10. Hi, first off, you have to relax. This can take longer than most people realize. Your first step is to remove all fruit except two pieces the size of a small grape. That's all the fruit to give him daily for now. Fruit fills him up, has very little nutritional value, causes wet poop (drop the watermelon) and no more than a 1/2 tsp of yogurt twice a week right now. I suggest trying ZuPreem Nut Blend Pellets. Keep 1/2 cup of them and a 1/2 cup of a good seed mix (no peanuts in the shell-not the kind with banana chips and papaya), something like Volkman or Royal Large Hookbill or Avian Sun, etc. Eliminate the fruit pellets because Greys eat very little fruit and the dinner you share with him, keep to a snack only...one or two little bites. Keep seeds and pellets in the cage 24/7. Try to give him one almond or two pistachios or 1/2 a walnut (All no salt) a day. In the afternoons keep a selection of green leafy vegetables (kale, dandelion or mustard greens, carrot tops, Swiss chard, a little spinach, bok choy.), a couple of small pieces of carrot sticks, broccoli stem and flower, a chunk of zucchini or squash, sugar snap peas (Fresh), string beans (fresh), 1/2 a hard-boiled egg washed in apple cider vinegar (over cooked) in the shell twice a week. You can try frozen mixed vegetables rinsed and served raw. You can boil up a 15 bean soup mix (no seasoning), beans boiled well and done along with boiled organic brown or wild rice. To stimulate his appetite in the morning and at dinner, you can serve it to him at the same time you eat so he thinks he is getting food from your plate is a smash that we feed our fids which has boiled sweet potato, (1/4 cup) organic peanut butter (low sodium 1/2 tsp), a bit of baby organic applesauce or baby organic carrots (whatever he likes). You really need to stop the fruits, yogurt and food from your plate. Greys eat very little fruit as opposed to an Amazon or a Cockatoo. It is going to take time. Some things he will like, others he won't. He needs protein (rice, beans and veggies), carbs (rice beans and veggies), fat (nuts, seeds, beans and veggies) and vitamins and minerals from all of the above. Especially D3 and calcium from green leafy veggies, eggs and EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) from seeds and nuts and assorted vitamins and minerals from pellets. There is no one food that will supply complete nutrition that a CAG needs. Be patient and enjoy.
  11. Thanks Penny, can't wait for Dave, Dan and other members...This is so important, not only can we transfer illness to our parrots, but the reverse can occur. Here's reference from Parrot.org. Dave made a statement in a post in regards to kissing a parrot on the lips,"a fat lip", to be bitten on the lips by a parrot, even a 'Tiel, is far worst then a lip piercing. Yeow..... http://www.parrots.org/pdfs/all_about_parrots/reference_library/health_and_nutrition/zoonotic_diseases_in_pet_birds.pdf http://www.quakerparrots.com/health/transmitted-diseases-parrots-humans/
  12. Jayd

    Sub Room List

    you have opened the door...hehehe
  13. Go for it Ray.........Jay and Maggie
  14. Jayd

    Sub Room List

    Ray, such a good job.......Thanks
  15. Jayd

    Sub Room List

    Hehehe...............Will see....
  16. Joe, makes the swallowing sound when we drink, He makes every water sound from "dripping" to "running" to, using the bathroom...lol
  17. Rumor has it that a Grey and other same-sized parrots' beak PSI is around 100 to 200. Your Macaws exceed 500 PSI. Have you have ever seen a Macaw crack a macadamia nut or bite through a red palm nut? A Grey can take out a chunk of flesh as deep and as wide as his upper and lower mandible. You now have battle scars, welcome...
  18. Welcome to this Greyt Forum, Were hare to help answer any questions you might have....Jay
  19. Jayd

    Food Rewards??

    Hi, when feeding cheese, always give "Hard cheese", another good treat is "Pine nuts" and uncooked "Rotini" pasta, we use "Whacky-Mac" which is veggie pasta, break off little bites....
  20. Hi, keep a 1/2 bowl of good seed,sunflower is ok now, but no peanuts in the shell, keep a 1/2 bowl of pellet, we like Zupreem nut blend or natural, Harrison's is good also, at all times, 24/7. Keep fresh veggies available during the morning/afternoon, they do waste and this can go on for a while..Abundant Feeding:Always, always have plenty of food available. The reason being, young Greys can develop a phobia about not having enough food to eat and can actually die from this fear. Even if she snubs the fresh veggies, keep a variety so she she will get accustomed to it. As far as fruit goes, very little; a small chunk of apple, one grape or a small chunk of orange, apricot, etc. is plenty. Fruit causes runny droppings. You are doing a "greyt" job! Thank you, Jay
  21. Okay, to be aware is to be well prepared. You should ad these to you visual Zon inspections. These have been occurring more lately... Papilloma: Little benign tumors that look like tiny warts. They typically appear in the throat or vent areas. They can grow large enough to block the vent, making it difficult or even impossible for the bird to poop. A diet high in Jalapeno peppers IS believed to help control papilloma birds. Some caretakers feed Jalapeno Peppers as a precaution. Vitamin A Deficiency: The main sign of a vitamin A deficiency is a feather stain above the cere (soft skin surrounding the nostrils). The staining of the feathers above the nostrils reflects a discharge from the nostrils. Subtle differences may be seen as far as the color of the cere and feathers is concerned.
  22. Greetings and welcome, on this forum I would guess at least 8,122 plus, your not alone....Jay
  23. Jayd

    Birdie Prozac

    Thank you thenabird. The biggest problem is when you stop using it, we have had trouble in the past with Macaws and "TOO's. Hallucinations, rubbing their tongue on the inside of their beak etc. The biggest problem is dosage and any actual scientific study. We've had real good luck with Chamomile tea and Dave solution...To eliminate the reason, eliminates problem. Your Gryet parront's.... Thanks Jay
  24. Requesting a CBC, Complete blood count is always a good thing........Greyt Parront.......
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